Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1674: turning point

"Not at all." Ye Xiu replied lightly. At the same time, the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella in his hand also flashed a white light and covered his body. Although he responded very little, it was better than the current Huang Shaotian. Such a result made Huang Shao bad. Isn't that just plain disgusting?

"After all, we have enough mana." Tang Yin also said, after all, the other party has already discovered their tactics, so there is no need for them to continue to hide. But what about discovery? The intention they need to achieve has been achieved, and now the mana consumption of Xu Jingxi's Soul Whisperer. Even if you have realized everything, there is no time to restore it.

As for those who use the skill of replying to the blue bar, don't even think about it. That kind of skill has a singing time several times as long as that of a major healing technique. As long as the opponent dares to sing, Tang Yin will dare to shoot a sniper rifle and teach him to be a man.

And next, Tang Yin and the others didn't plan to give Xu Jingxi's Soul Whisperer his own time to reply. After all, their priest had already arrived, so he had nothing to worry about.

The hand speed exploded, and Lord Grim, Tang Yin, Zhang Jiale, the three attacked obviously rose a level. Tang Yin even broke out his sharpshooter's extremely fast output style, which perfectly explained what a person is an army. And now Tang Yin dared to fight so unscrupulously. It's entirely because they now have An Wenyi's support.

And Zhang Jiale was no longer just attacking Huang Shaotian, he started to move and attacked Xu Jingxi's Soul Whisperer. He already knew the location of the Soul Whisperer, but before because of tactical needs, he ignored the opponent. Now that he has achieved the tactical purpose, his mission has become limited or even killing Xu Jing.

Faced with Happy's sudden change, Lan Yu had a feeling of being caught off guard.

But only the Blue Rain players on the field felt this way.

As the current audience and the players who didn't play, they had the perspective of God, they knew these things earlier than Huang Shaotian.

After all, Blue Rain guessed whether Happy had changed the pastor, and who was going to change the pastor. These were clearly seen from their God's perspective.

In fact, An Wenyi's little hands were cold, and he had been hiding in that position for a long time. He had been waiting for Ye Xiu's instructions without making a move.

However, some players and novices who wanted to have a high level were still figuring out the key points. At this time, the role of Pan Lin and Li Yibo was reflected. After all, the situation on both sides has reached the current level. If they haven't seen the doorway, it would be too unprofessional.

Xingxin's tactical intentions, in fact, those guys with God's perspective, have already guessed it. It's just that Pan Lin and Li Yibo's commentary focused on the team battle between Yu Wenzhou and Lu Hanwen against Wei Chen, so they didn't say much.

And they didn't expect that, since Wei Chen was so supportive, and since he relied on everything he could think of, he would hold back Yu Wenzhou and the two of them. Even if Wei Chen was very embarrassed at that time, those two A player at the All-Star level, Wei Chen's performance was already very good.

"As far as Wei Chen's performance is concerned, it is definitely the winner of this match." Li Yibo continued with some emotion, "I really haven't seen anyone who can make Yu Wenzhou so helpless. ."

"Yeah, it's a pity that Wei Chen is finally reaching his limit." Pan Sen also said. Now he also has an admiration for this veteran in his heart. The current windward formation is already a candle in the wind. But even so, Wei Chen was still burning all his value and energy.

"Pastor Happy's current treatment is still very fierce, otherwise it wouldn't be a turning point in this game." Pan Sen also said.

"But now, it's a bit like a trap." Li Yibo looked at the actions of Yu Wenzhou and Lu Hanwen, and felt that there was something unusual about them.

Now Wei Chen's character Yingfeng Formation's health is at a low level, and all the Happy fans at the scene urged Wei Chen to hurry up to get treatment, or focus on An Wenyi's little cold hands, hope he can now Go to Wei Chen's war zone to nurse Wei Chen and bring his life back.

As for some neutral audience members, they were not particularly biased towards that side at first, but they were still affected by Wei Chen's actions in the past. They had some expectations for the current Happy. At least they didn't want to see Wei Chen working so hard, even to the embarrassed Wei Chen, in the end. But it was a futile end.

After all, if the windward formation goes down, then the situation will change back to five against four, and the foreshadowing that Wei Chen tried so hard to create will be meaningless.

Hurry up!

At this moment, all the audience's attention has come here. Even though Tang Yin's hand speed is breaking out and his style of play is breathtaking, there are still not many people watching the battlefield on their side. Including Yu Wenzhou of Blue Rain.

come quickly!

That's right, Yu Wenzhou is looking forward to it now. While Soksar maintains his attack on the windward formation, his perspective has shifted to another direction~www.readwn.com~ Lu Hanwen on his other side Then follow the captain's rhythm and equip it to form an echo at any time.

can't come!

As a commentator for this game, Li Yibo quickly saw the doorway and said, "There are traps!"

"It really deserves to be Yu Wenzhou, the four great tacticians. Even if the team is already at such a disadvantage, he can still analyze it calmly and use it as a plan. He is now using the windward formation as a bait, hoping to attract Wei Chen over. , they will be able to catch Happy's treatment." Li Yibo said.

Hearing Li Yibo's commentary on the broadcast, he immediately pulled out a top-down, far-angle shot. In addition, I highlighted the four characters Li Yibo just mentioned, Little Hands Cold, Soksall, Liuyun, and Yingfeng Formation, so that the performance of the four of them in this game will be seen more clearly.

The two characters, Soksaar and Liu Yun, had already formed a form of pincer attack on Wei Chen's windward formation, as if the waist gave the opponent the final blow, but in fact, the attack angle of the two included the other side. , The little hands that haven't come over are cold. As long as he dared to come over and treat Wei Chen, he would be locked by both of them in the middle of the journey.

In this way, as long as the opponent's treatment can be successfully controlled, it is only a matter of time before they want to kill the Windward Formation, but with the reduction of staff and the treatment being caught, Happy is completely passive.

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