Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1675: Wei Chen goes offline

All of this happened in an instant. If Happy wanted to keep Wei Chen, they couldn't delay even a second.

But what makes people feel strange is also here, it was only a momentary thing, but now it seems to be frozen, and it has never happened.

The unusual behavior of Blue Rain's two sides' offensive slowing back made Blue Rain's offensive look very dazzling.

Wei Chen, of course, had seen such a dazzling attack, and after carefully paying attention to the actions of the two characters, Soksall and Liu Yun, who besieged him, he had already made up his mind.

"Haha." Even though he was besieged, he sent out these two "Hahas" on the public channel, which shows that Wei Chen already understood Yu Wenzhou's plan.

Seeing the "hehe" posted by the old captain on the public channel, Yu Wenzhou already knew that his plan was probably bankrupt, not to mention others, at least he, the cunning old captain, has already seen it, even if others Didn't see it, he probably had already prompted it out.

But who can blame it?

Yu Wenzhou glanced at Pastor Happy, who seemed to be indifferent to Wei Chen's situation. He remembered that this pastor was still for rookies who had just debuted this season, but Xingxin's Tang Rou, Baozi, and Mo Fan were so talented. Even in the eyes of the major teams, he is still Happy's weakness, and this has not changed even now.

What? You ask why there is no Tang Yin among the rookies? Please, regarding Tang Yin's strength, what's the difference between putting him in a rookie and bullying others? When Tang Yin won the best newcomer, Huang Shaotian complained that Tang Yin was bullying the newcomer. But since this guy was indeed debuting for the first time, Huang Shaotian could only complain about it.

But then again, although An Wenyi is said to be Happy's shortcoming, it is precisely because of this that he has become the bait for the opponent in Happy's routines. Based on this alone, Happy has designed many disgusting routines, and only With the ability of Tang Yin and Ye Xiu, this kind of routine is expected to increase more and more.

And turning one's own flaws into a pit prepared for the other side, this kind of play by plan has always been Ye Xiu's best.

And what's the situation now?

It was because this newcomer simply didn't respond to Ye Xiu and Tang Yin's use, or it was too late to rescue Wei Chen. Or he actually didn't notice Wei Chen's current situation at all. So that led to the failure of his plan.

If it was because of these reasons that the plan failed, then Yu Wenzhou could only sigh that their Blue Rain had a bad luck. After all, because a rookie who can't respond can't respond, his layout doesn't work. How can he justify this result?

But now that he knew that this plan couldn't continue, Yu Wenzhou didn't wait any longer, and directly manipulated Soksar to attack the past, and Lu Hanwen was already ready, and directly attacking with his own captain would be a sword. The sword light fell, and the spell exploded, completely consuming the last bit of blood in the windward formation. And Wei Chen became the first person to appear in this team battle.

There was no way he did everything to hold back the two All-Stars, Yu Wenzhou and Lu Hanwen. At the same time that his HP disappeared, his magic circle had also decreased.

But until he fell, Happy still didn't respond.

"My TMD, what kind of broken treatment is this? Will it **** people?" At this moment, countless audience members began to curse, including the current Happy fans. Even they were very dissatisfied with An Wenyi's failure to support Wei Chen.

Along the way, they have given this Happy's treatment enough tolerance, and even detailed him as if they believed in Happy's team. But now what? Since this guy just looked at it like this, Wei Chen's hard work for so long was in vain, who could endure this?

"Is this guy an idiot?"

"Are you going to play games?"

"The guy who is holding back!"

As far as An Wenyi's performance in the game is concerned, it is obviously not enough to have a group of brain-dead fans who will try their best to protect him. Everyone's love and hate are so clear, everything depends on the performance of this game.

The level is not enough, after all, they are novices and they don't dislike it. Fans mostly want an attitude towards An Wenyi, and have returned to a hard-working and enterprising attitude.

It doesn't really matter whether An Wenyi can save the besieged Windward Formation in the end. Everyone was angry that this guy didn't look at that side the whole time, as if nothing happened on that side.

In their eyes, you can't do it, but you can't do nothing!

It can be said that the current An Wenyi is simply the target of treachery in the eyes of everyone, and all kinds of insults against him swept the audience, but these people in the game room did not know it, and the game continued.

And finally got the windward formation of Soksal and Liu Yun, the two of them immediately wanted to support the teamfight position. Moreover, they were only held back. Although Yu Wenzhou consumed a lot of mana, it was not actually given to them. what damage.

On the other hand, this is Happy who played very unrestrainedly.

Zhang Jiale is now relying on the terrain, and the firepower from high down is suppressing the language of the soul, and Zheng Xuan has to go back to support Zhang Jiale's attack in order to protect his own treatment, but he is the one below, Above Zhang Jiale. Although the occupation is the same, Zhang Jiale has an absolute geographical advantage.

His attacks can easily hit the opponent, but it is more difficult for the opponent not to hit him.

In the process of playing against Zheng Xuan, Zhang Jiale showed a veteran's familiarity and grasp of the map vividly, and he could always find a suitable place to attack between positions.

This battle is also quite telling. After all, the opponent is the first ammunition expert of Glory. Zheng Xuan is still a little excited, hoping that he can defeat the opponent. After all, the age of the opponent is here, and it is not that he has no chance to defeat the opponent. But the fact is quite the opposite, not to mention that Zhang Jiale's strength has improved in the last few years of his career because of Tang Yin's help. And there's the advantage of a map. That's when Zheng Xuan was suppressed by the opponent.

And you must know that Zheng Xuan is not only facing Zhang Jiale, but also Tang Yin, and Zheng Xuan and Soul Whisperer are also his targets now. But Zheng Xuan can't go yet, because he comes, then their treatment will definitely be focused. Such a high-intensity battle is simply torture for a lazy cancer patient like him.

Soul Whisperers ran for their lives everywhere, but Tang Yin and Zhang Jiale's attacks never stopped, and both of them were long-range occupations. It was even more difficult to get rid of their attacks. Now Zheng Xuan can only bite the bullet and insist, as long as Xu Jingxi will They led them to the area where they and Blue Rain were looking forward to their duel.

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