Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1676: The most violent treatment!

But now that Soul Whisperer is running around for his life, another problem has been exposed. He, even the rest of Blue Rain, still needs treatment. What will happen to Huang Shaotian and Zheng Xuan when he leaves? You must know that as the best combination this season, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's alliance is not so easy to resist, not to mention that Zheng Xuan still needs to cover him, the pressure on Huang Shaotian's side is even greater.

This was indeed the case. Now Huang Shaotian was once again caught in the joint attack of Tang Yin and Ye Xiu. He didn't even have a chance to fight back. That is to say, he is Huang Shaotian, and he knows Tang Yin and Ye Xiu relatively well. If there were other people, they would have been blocked by the shadows of the two.

On the other side, Xu Jingxi let the Soul Whisperer avoid Zhang Jiale's pursuit, and at the same time he had to try his best to hang Huang Shaotian's health.

But now the three of them are in a very passive situation. If they continue, the three of them may stay here. And their only hope is to persevere as long as possible and get through this toughest time. As long as they wait for their captain and attacker Lu Hanwen to close the battle, they will have a chance to turn the tables.

At this moment, the arrows of curse spread to Zhang Jiale, who was standing on the commanding heights, and the giant sword Yanying had already entered the most intense battle with a ten thousand force, and walked side by side with Bingyu. .

"It's finally here!" Huang Shaotian finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the coming. First, Xu Jingxi's Soul Whisperer was induced to continuously consume mana, but now Blue Rain is finally in a five-on-four situation in the true sense. The pressure on his side can finally be released, and now is the best opportunity to counterattack, and it must not be missed!

"Strike!" Yu Wenzhou issued the first attack order to all Blue Rain members on the team channel.

"The main thing is to oppress and restrict, and it is possible to avoid exchanges with the other party and fight a tug-of-war with them." Yu Wenzhou explained the overall strategy for the next battle. The threat still exists, so even now, they still have to be cautious in their attacks. Of course, Yu Wenzhou knows the truth of walking half a hundred steps.

After all, if they continue to carry out large-scale high-intensity battles, the remaining mana they have healed will have to bottom out. At that time, their healing will really be useless, and all their initiative will be destroyed in an instant. After all, no one on their side had time to threaten Happy's treatment.

under normal circumstances. At this time, the side with the advantage in numbers has the advantage, and even most of them will take the opportunity to attack desperately. Before the sixth person of the other party arrives, it is possible to expand their advantage. It can be said that in the Glory Professional League, most of the games Victory is established at this time.

But the current Blue Rain is different. Right now, they really don't have the capital to attack recklessly, and their healers can no longer afford the mana consumption caused by the attack. Therefore, when Yu Wenzhou issued the order to attack, he also emphasized the purpose of their attack. Their core is not to take each other's heads. But now such a rare numerical advantage cannot be given up just like that. And one has to be very careful about the rhythm of the attack. Killing the opponent is still their main purpose, but there is no need to force it.

This command gives the impression of calm.

Calm as always, no other feeling.

This is Yu Wenzhou, and he will never panic or get excited just because he is ahead or behind, smooth or difficult. He kept this calm in his heart no matter what. And this calmness can always help him find the most reliable and suitable method. It was precisely because of Yu Wenzhou's stable foundation that Blue Rain was able to play Huang Shaotian's opportunism so madly.

But when the Blue Rain crowd followed their own captain's orders, they felt Happy's rebound, which was completely different from previous games.


That's right, Happy is still attacking now, and their attack is even more violent than before.

In the current situation where there is less than one person and it is a four-on-five battle, Happy is still the player's strong attack.

In this team match, the two teams had various unconventional operations under such a normal situation.

The side with the numerical advantage played more conservatively, but the side with the numerical disadvantage played very unrestrainedly.

A group of viewers said that such a change could not be understood. All of a sudden, his head crashed, and he couldn't keep up with the train of thought of the two commanders on the scene. They are really puzzled, how can a game play such a strange situation?

There are only some professional-level players who are either watching the game on video or watching the game live. When they see this purpose, they all use a feeling.

They sensed that the scale of victory had now begun to tip over.

"Now it's Happy who controls the rhythm of the game!"

Top experts like Wang Jiexi, Xiao Shiqin, Zhang Xinjie, etc., all had this idea at this moment.

And the reason for it is very simple, because the reversed situation was caused by the fact that Blue Rain's treatment was already very weak, and there was no extra mana to undertake the treatment.

And these were all caused by Happy's previous tactics.

It can be said that the current situation may be in their original script.

Wei Chen's formation against the wind wasn't ignored by Happy's An Wenyi, and many An Wenyi didn't notice that he wasn't strong enough. But in Happy's initial plan~www.readwn.com~, there was no such thing as going to rescue Wei Chen.

This was Wei Chen's so-called attitude of unscrupulousness in pursuit of victory. Among his unscrupulous tactics, he also coldly sacrificed himself.

The duel between the two generations of Blue Rain captains and the two generations of Soksal leaders?

This is just a topic that everyone is looking forward to, but the topic is just a topic after all.

In the professional league game, whether it was Wei Chen or what they were after, there was only one way to go, and that was victory, that's all!


Although it is said that both teams have begun to belong to their strong attack.

But Lan Yu, who had the advantage of one player, was playing very conservatively, while Happy, who had few players, was playing a bold and unrestrained one.

When many viewers saw this situation, they thought, is Happy now starting to rot and seek death?

There were quite a few spectators who had such thoughts, but with the passage of time and the progress of the game, they discovered that Happy might not be courting death.

Because of the current Blue Rain's tactical thinking, when faced with Happy's somewhat unrestrained style of play, it was a little cramped.

At this time, Happy's tactics were also very clear, so what if you had one more person? Isn't it just the output of one more person? On those outputs, we directly take the treatment resistance.

Perfect interpretation, the treatment is in good condition, you can really do whatever you want, not to mention that their treatment is the most violent treatment of glory!

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