Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1870: 3 bits 1 body

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Of course, Tang Yin didn't bring his cell phone with him during the competition. Naturally, he couldn't see Huang Shaotian's various greetings to him, and Tyranny on the other side, of course, no one would pay attention to him. There were five people in the team, and no one responded to Tang Yin. Silver trash talk. Zhang Xinjie, the commander of the team, was still turning the corner, observing the situation in this area very carefully, and communicating with his teammates on the other side.

But Tang Yin obviously didn't know about these exchanges on their team channel, but they were all seen by the audience with God's perspective.

Not only could everyone see that all the players on Tyranny's side communicated clearly with each other, but they also knew where the other Happy players were hiding except Tang Yin. As for the current discussions on the Tyranny team channel, the real Xingxin players are more likely to be in the position. Generally speaking, this kind of analysis is based on the analysis of this occupation, and it is speculated that the position of the character can best play that occupation. Based on this, he could infer where Happy's people were hiding.

Soon, Xinxin's player has four occupations. Each Zhang Xinjie analyzed several places where the other party might be located. And the audience relied on Zhang Xinjie's analysis to see where everyone in Happy was. Surprised to find out, since it is all in! The location where Happy is ambushing now is indeed among the possibilities analyzed by Zhang Xinjie.

Having already analyzed several possibilities of where Happy's people might be located, the next thing to do is to further narrow down the scope of speculation.

This step requires analysis and judgment based on the opponent's character and style of play. The player's style is naturally an important part of determining the position and surrounding environment. .

This wave of analysis directly has the general possibility of dispatching, and the audience relies on the results summed up by Zhang Xinjie at the end, since it is all in again!



The current non-match scene is almost wrapped in a static state. You have to say fighting, and now both sides even move very little. It was precisely because of this that the director simply gave Happy's four characters, each with a characteristic, and put them together into a small four. On the other side is the chat window for Zhang Xinjie's team analysis on Tyranny's side. But when Zhang Xinjie talked about a certain place, the camera would give a close-up of that position. For a while, the game looked more like a picture of a chat on the Tyranny team channel.

But it was also for this reason that the audience felt a chill. Because Zhang Xinjie's entire thinking list was very clear, he analyzed the percentage points of Team Happy's choice in this match.

After doing another screening based on the playing styles of everyone in Happy, Zhang Xinjie continued to use the professional cooperation between Happy's players, offensive and defensive coordination, formation movement, etc., which made the audience dizzy. On the one hand, the location of everyone in Happy was further screened.

In the final result Zhang Xinjie got, it was a role position. There are six possibilities for the competition, and the position of two of them still cannot be completely determined, but just relying on observation to deduce these to this point is enough to make people feel perverted .

At this time, I realized that these tacticians are monsters! Thinking about it, although Tang Yin's various tactics and tactics were a bit inappropriate, it was his turn to be shriveled against such a monster this time.

There was no other reason. Among the six possibilities Zhang Xinjie analyzed, there happened to be the real location where everyone in Happy was hiding. And all this push process is carried out in front of all the audience. At this point, all the audience couldn't help but give a burst of applause. This kind of applause started very early, and even before Zhang Xinjie's analysis was correct, the applause would be stronger. In contrast, the fan group on Happy's side was terribly silent.

After all, the arrangement and the ambush that their team made for this match was just like peeling an onion, bit by bit by the opponent standing there. In the end, the correct dismissal was analyzed, but there was no reaction to these happy parties.

So now Happy is trying to compare his patience with the other party?

But the problem is that the other party is not competing with you who is more patient. Just when you are patiently waiting for the other party to come in, the other party has already seen through your deployment!

And now this kind of ambush that has been seen through, what kind of ambush is it? On the other hand, Tyranny here had already analyzed the dismissal based on Zhang Xinjie, and felt that he was the first to attack.

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

Bullet rain pours, read gas cannon.

One is fast and the other is slow, one has a huge range, and one has a very high attack density. Tyranny's two long-range occupations launched the attack first, and they didn't even bother to walk in front of them, and they attacked a tree that seemed to be empty.

Dancing Rain Orange Wind!

That's right, UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com is now where Tyranny is attacking is exactly where Su Mucheng's Dancing Rain is hiding. What Tyranny and the others want most of everyone is not the most important healing profession in the team competition, and many of them have never played in the playoffs and are playing on this stage for the first time. Instead of Ye Xiu, who was the core of Happy, the first target of the attack was Su Mucheng, a gunner with rich experience and powerful long-range firepower.

This choice seems a bit bizarre, but all the viewers are very clear about the reason for it, and there is no other reason, because these advertisements have been mentioned in the analysis and discussion of Tyranny.

And they chose Su Mucheng's Dancing Rain as their first attack target. The reason they chose her was very simple: because Dancing Rain was a gunner, his position was the most certain of all judgments.

Being safe and avoiding mistakes, all of which show Zhang Xinjie's style of play.

Originally, the space was a little dark due to the shadows among the trees, but the next moment it was illuminated by various lights and shadows, and the Tyranny team extended outwards at seven points.

Fang Rui!

Air Cannon Bombing!

As a professional with a variety of map artillery skills, like a gunnery, Fang Rui blasted out huge energy attacks one after another. The huge light and shadow attack also covered the attack of Tyranny's crowd. When everyone reacted, they found that Desert Guyan and Leng Anlei were no longer in place. They saw two figures flashing intermittently under the light and shadow of Fang Rui's map cannon. on.

Since the two were hiding in the shadows.


” And the Tyranny fans who saw this scene completely cheered!

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