Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1871: Offensive begins

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This refers to the main forces of Tyranny, Han Wenqing, Fang Rui, and Lin Jingyan. Before the ninth season, they were directly rivals, and they had even been fighting from the second season to the present, but in the ninth season, they all came together and became teammates of the team. Gather in. Then the three of them practiced this set of attacking formations in which the three of them cooperate with each other, and their set of play was called the trinity by Tyranny fans. A slight advantage in head points defeated Samsara and won the ninth season championship!

But now, when facing Happy, they used this style of play again.

As the saying goes, the person who knows you best is often your opponent. The direction of this sentence can be said to be the most suitable for these three. They have also been opponents for many years. Now they have changed from opponents to teammates. Very fast They have cultivated a direct tacit understanding with each other. And this is the result of many years of mutual research.

And the use of this style of play also means that Tyranny is now officially launching an attack. Trinity play, after the last screening was brilliant, it did not appear again in the regular season, and now seeing Trinity again, all Tyranny fans are going crazy.

You must know that this season has been seen again because of the frequent rotation of the main players, and now they have really waited too long for this scene.

But now, looking at the three main forces of Tyranny, who had completely displayed the trinity offensive, I couldn't see any strangeness in them.

And just when Tyranny fans clearly reached their peak, another figure appeared in their sight.

Nine degrees below zero, Qin Muyun.

The fifth member of the Tyranny team, under the light of several great players, Qin Muyun's presence was comparable to the undefeated **** of war surnamed Yunu from a certain Ninja village. But now this existence that seems to have forgotten even the will of the cosmos, has entered the picture like a mess, and he did not directly follow the pace of the businessman, and even his rhythm of action seemed a bit out of tune with Han Wenqing and the others. .

However, the professional players on the scene immediately realized that the integrity of the Tyranny team had significantly improved at this moment.

But the real experts immediately noticed that the overall improvement of the Tyranny team was here.

Because Qin Muyun, relying on his powerful position selection ability, constantly interspersed directly in the battle formation, and his angle of view and the direction of the muzzle attack were all directions that might disturb the trinity of them.

It's just because no one has attacked them as the Trinity now, so it seems that his actions seem a bit funny. It even looks like a paranoid plus ADHD. But it was this kind of performance, and it was the perfect expression of Zhang Xinjie's style displayed by the Tyranny team: not afraid of 10,000, but just in case.

And now the actions of the Tyranny people are to completely block all the possibilities that might interfere with their plans.

In the next instant, Tyranny's Trinity's offensive had already reached the predetermined position in their plan, and at this moment, several artillery fires rang out from the forest nearby. After all, the target of Tyranny's attack was very accurate, and in the face of the opponent's two attacking the situation where the two were covering, even Tang Yin's full firepower would not be able to stop the momentum of their advance.

And when things got to this point, Su Mucheng naturally couldn't continue to sit still and wait for her death. She responded with a burst of output to the incoming qi cannon. She relied on the powerful recoil to leave and at the same time dispelled Fang Rui's cover attack.

Moving skills such as flying guns and flying guns are very difficult to turn in the air. After all, not everyone can turn into a ninja sword like Tang Yin. On a map like this, such moving tricks don't actually fit. However, this was the home court of their Xing Clan after all, and seeing Su Mucheng's smooth flying spear, it could be seen how familiar he was with the map.

The displacement of Su Mucheng's flying cannons not only calculated the moving distance of each attack, but also relied on deliberately hitting trees to change the direction of movement.

After just a few attacks, Su Mucheng had already distanced herself from the people who were chasing after Tyranny.

Bang bang bang!

Suddenly there was a burst of gunshots.

Qin Muyun's minus nine degrees, Tang Rou output in one direction.

Is there an enemy attack?


Many spectators didn't realize what was going on, but some players who observed and watched the game more seriously understood the key: that is, Muyun's series of attacks of minus nine degrees were just Tyranny. One of the locations where Xingxin's people might be ambushed.

It's a pity that there is no one to take you with.

With God's perspective, the audience at the scene of Happy's ambush location was naturally very clear. And now Qin Muyun is taking this opportunity to attack these points when he is interspersing the positions, and the possible tests are mostly to clear some possibilities for his own team combination. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Apart from Dancing Rain, who had already revealed his figure, Happy now had four positions, and three characters were hidden. But now Tyranny is no longer in a hurry.

After all, they have already come this far, will Happy's side continue to remain indifferent? With just a few tweaks, all of Daddy Candy's previous predictions could be dashed. All the current Tyranny wouldn't act rashly, they just focused their attention on Dancing Rain Chengfeng who was caught by them.

Although Fang Rui Hanhai's hundred-fold attack was attacked by Su Mucheng, he had no intention of stopping. Continue to use his map cannon to interfere with Su Mucheng's sight. It made it impossible for him to observe Tyranny's current attack ideas and routes in more detail.

Han Wenqing and Lin Jingyan were once again shielded by Fang Rui's skills and kept approaching Su Mucheng.

"Everyone pay attention to Tang Yin!" Zhang Xinjie, who was following the team, suddenly said, reminding this teammate on the team channel.

At this time, Tang Yin also moved.

Apparently, Tang Yin had found out that Su Mucheng's situation was not optimistic, so he rushed towards him without hesitation, as if he wanted to respond.

Bang bang bang!

Qin Muyun once again launched a series of intensive attacks.

The support that Tang Yin rushed over was what Qin Muyun, who had been interspersed around the Trinity, really wanted to block, so Zhang Xinjie didn't need this reminder at all, he himself always paid attention to Tang Yin's every move. Even when he launched an attack on other places, the moment he found out that Tang Yin was in action, he did not hesitate to launch a fierce attack on him.

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