Full-time Occupation

Chapter 820: 10 points honest...

The latest website: "Hey, let's go now, don't struggle any more? What about the arrogance before?" Zhong Shao said to Lu Shao who was leaving with a humiliated face.

But now, Shao Lu would turn his head, as if he had turned on all the acceleration skills, he disappeared from everyone's sight in a few seconds. But this is barely considered a wise move. After all, leaving this way can be considered as a reason for the other party to stop. If you are really voted out of the club, it will be more than a loss of face.

You have to know that more or less people here have certain identities. If you really know that you were kicked out of this club, God knows what it would be to be misunderstood. And it also greatly affects reputation.

"It's over, it's boring." Seeing that things are done, Lou Guanning's damaging friend behaved a little disheartened. Don't call anymore.

"Yes, I came so early this time?" Lou Guanning didn't want to thank the other party for supporting him at all, but directly teased the other party about being late.

"Nonsense, do you think I'm as idle as you? I just finished the board of directors." Zhong Shao didn't care at all, and on the other hand he gave Lou Guanning a white look.

After hearing what the other party said, Tang Yin and the others were a bit speechless to this Lou Guanning's damaging friend. But while doing the same thing looking for people everywhere to go to the Lou Guanning team to make trouble for them. It was for the sake of Lou Lou Guanning's face. Since these two extreme personality traits appear in the same person at the same time, it's like Ye Xiu and Beethoven are together, how can they look so uncomfortable...

"Hey, are you guys here too?" Zhong Shao also noticed Tang Yin and the others, and waved hello. This is a bit of a surprise to everyone.

As soon as Zhong Shao finished greeting Tang Yin and the others, he directly took a glass of wine on the tray of the passing staff.

He raised his glass and gestured to everyone and said, "I still have a contract to talk about. I'm just passing by to take a look. Now that I'm passing by, I'm going to be busy again. Bye bye." After drunk the wine in the glass, he put the glass back directly and turned to leave.

"Um...your friend wouldn't really pass by, but when he found out that you were in trouble, did he come in for a favor?" Chen Guo said with a weird expression on his face.

"Who knows what he thinks?" Lou Guanning shrugged helplessly, it seems that he didn't understand the brain circuit of this friend directly.

After the previous Shao Lu left, the reception returned to normal again. However, because of the appearance of Tang Rou's father before, Tang Yin and the others also received the attention of these people.

After all, the Yifan they are wearing now does not match the current occasion. They feel that Tang Yin and himself are not a higher level person, which is why so few people come to Tang Yin and they take the initiative to talk.

And when Chen Guo talked to them about his team later, those people didn't think that one ear went in and the other came out as before. Don't care at all. Instead, many people took it to heart, and after the preparations were over, they would look up the situation of the Happy team, especially which of the Tang family's advances was doing inside. The most critical at this time.

And at this time, Tang Rou had just returned from where his father was. Although she was only back now, the identity of Tang Rou was no longer through the door industry and no one cared about clothes anymore.

Seeing Tang Rou come back, they were ready to go up close, especially the good Tang Yin and the young people who were about the same age were more active, which made Tang Yin a black line.

After the black line, there was a series of three coins for granted, and then a mountain of people appeared inexplicably at the reception.

Seeing this scene, Chen Guo also felt that they should almost withdraw. Otherwise, with Tang Yin's jealous character, God knows what will happen next, huh? Why am I inexplicably looking forward to it?

"Xiaolou, our plane tomorrow morning. Let's go back first." Chen Guo said.

And Lou Guanning also knew about Tang Yin's current situation, and of course he wouldn't do too much retention. But his failure to stay does not mean that others do not want to stay. Knowing that Tang Rou was leaving the matter, all kinds of detaining voices came and went one after another. Tang Rou originally wanted to tease Tang Yin, but after all, Tang Yin's jealous expression was too cute. But I felt a little pain, and couldn't bear Tang Yin being jealous. So in the end it was more resolute.

And seeing that Tang Rou really wanted to leave, there were still a bunch of young masters who went out to make a good impression. In the end, Lou Guanning's game would almost end early because of Tang Rou's departure.

And even at the door, it didn't stop there, and none of them meant to be reserved. All of them were rushing for the role of the driver who took Tang Rou back for granted. It's as if this driver is a popular errand. In such a scene, Ren Lou Guanning saw all kinds of Han Yan.

What everyone didn't notice was that none of these elder brothers really approached Tang Rou. The ones who got closer, either fell and were stepped on, or were inexplicably pulled behind, and some were directly thrown out inexplicably.

Ye Xiu looked at the man who was pushed out inexplicably and his pants almost fell, and looked at Tang Yin who was still playing with the coin. What happened to the guy who didn't even have any pants when he fell to the ground?

"Um... Why do I think the current deputy team seems to be terrible..." Bao Zi asked weakly beside Chen Guo.

"Bun is more confident, maybe it seems to be removed." Chen Guo said.

Just then a car drove from the gate and stopped directly beside Tang Rou. At this time, the driver of Tang Rou's family got out of the car and said to Tang Rou, "Miss."

With this sound, all of those princes were quiet, after all, the other party had his own private driver. Where are they?

"I'll take you back." The driver said.

"Why don't we just go in my father's car?" Tang Rou asked everyone, looking at them.

Of course, Tang Yin and the others had no objection to this, and this would solve the current situation.

Looking at Tang Yin and the others who left ~www.readwn.com~ Lou Guanning, they couldn't help but feel a little bit emotional. Tang Rou's parents didn't come last time last time, so they only learned today that Tang Rou's background is so big.

And in the car back, Tang Rou was teasing Tang Yin who was still jealous.

"How about Xiaoyin, is there a sense of crisis?" Chen Guo smiled.

"Well, I will throw coins while waiting to make them all go bankrupt, and they are sent to prison for food if there are circumstances!" Tang Yin said no, but his body tossing coins was very honest... .


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