Full-time Occupation

Chapter 821: Theoretically possible

Latest website: The next day, with the end of the All-Stars, Tang Yin and the others are also ready to go back and end the trip. Although there were some accidents in the middle, it was generally good. After all, Tang Yin and the others are also considered official. I have seen my parents. Tang Yin felt it was time to arrange matters such as cohabitation.

At the airport, Lou Guanning and the others came to see everyone Happy.

"Where's the old grandson? He didn't come like this?" Zhang Jiale took the lead in caring about this old partner. After all, he was looking forward to the next battle between the two.

"Just after signing the contract, stay with me first. He will be there when he is needed in the challenge." Lou Guanning explained.

"Yeah, I really need to run in. Make good use of him, don't waste such a good resource." Tang Yin said, he was a little depressed for Sun Zheping.

"Um... Great God, can you change a word, you said that I suddenly feel so mean..." Lou Guanning said.

"Well, use? Reuse? Use? Enable? Appointment? Standby? There is always one suitable for you." Tang Yin smiled, and said that his vocabulary is very large.

Everyone: "..."

After that, everyone said goodbye to each other, boarded the plane, and went home.

The delivery of the All-Star Tour was very good. Apart from Tang Yin's successful conversion, he is now looking for ways to **** Tang Rou's right of cohabitation with Chen Guo, but their team has added Sun Zheping, a strong resistance. Although he can only play very limited due to a hand injury, Zhang Jiale's bloated and **** play style alone is enough for everyone to eat a pot.

As for how strong Blossoming Blood Scene is, it is important to know that Blossoming Blood Scenery was created by two talented players, Zhang Jiale and Sun Zheping, after a whole season of polishing.

Especially in the third level, the perfect run-in of flowers and blood completely swept the entire league. All the teams were shocked by this style of play, and some even realized that they had been defeated before they even reacted.

In that season, the blooming blood scene reached a peak.

It's a pity that in the final finals, the Excellent Era team led by Ye Xiu was defeated, and Excellent Era created three consecutive championships and a dynasty that no one has surpassed so far!

And after the Blossoming Blood Scenery was destroyed by Ye Xiu's spear, Ye Xiu accepted an interview, of course, on QQ. At the same time, I also left the classic quotation: "It's enough to use a set of play a few times. Do you use it dozens of times?"

Although these words were particularly ridiculous, they did not turn Blossoming and Bloody Scenery into a joke, because Dao is now the only one who is qualified to say these words, Ye Qiu! As for the others? Haha, if you have the ability, you are going to talk about it first.

And this is the position of Fan Hua Xue Jing in the alliance!

So in Tang Yin they would play Sun Zheping with them in the challenge, and everyone in Happy was shocked.

Needless to say, Wei Chen had fought against Sun Zheping. The lower is the strength of the league's first wild sword that year, but it is quite recognized. And Sun Zheping didn't want him. Sun Zheping is only 25 and he can still play a professional age. To them Happy, this one is simply a strong aid!

"If that guy's injury is healed, how good it would be to change it, eh, Xiao Yin, can your luck help him?" Wei Chen asked Tang Yin, after all, where is the perverted degree of Tang Yin's luck? Is there any way?

"I tried tossing a coin, but nothing can be produced. After all, this physical symptom is not under my metaphysical control. No matter how lucky I am, I will die of old age in the future?" Tang Yin said with some regret. At that time, Tang Yin went to the Yizhan base to open up his luck, hoping to affect Sun Zheping, but in the end nothing happened.

"Indeed, if he can handle well, even if the competitor is Yizhang, I will try to get him to our team. After all, I will charge the championship in the future. If he joins, the success rate will be even greater. Ye Xiu said helplessly.

"Don't think too much about it. If he could handle well, he would have returned to Baihua long ago. Where else can you do anything?" Zhang Jiale said regretfully. After all, if Sun Zhe tied his hands and returned to Baihua, where would he retire? thing?

"By the way, did Xiaoyin have any other professional silver weapons before?" Wei Chen asked Xiang Chen Guo at this time. After all, Chen Guo was responsible for the statistics of these weapons, equipment and materials.

"Well, there are seventy-level weapons, but the materials for the seventy-fifth level self-made weapons and equipment were prioritized for everyone to build equipment. If you want to make them now, you can only estimate that you will not be able to complete the seventy-fifth level." Chen Guona According to Wu Chen's report on the development of the guild during this period of time.

"Then the next goal is very clear. It is possible to type out Sun Zheping's materials first. Sister Chen, wait for you. We all send the Berserker weapons and equipment materials to Sun Zheping, and ask him to choose a template. "Ye Xiu said, now Ye Xiu will enter the state when he returns to the team. They are all busy with the team.

This made Chen Guo a little bit depressed. He also wanted to share Tang Rou's gossip with everyone, but Ye Xiu was not interested in this, and now Wei Chen is also busy in reincarnation. The remaining Wu Chen, None of Qiao Yifan, Mo Fan, and Luo Ji like to talk about gossip.

As for Tang Yin, this guy who robbed Xiao Tang with her. Chen Guo didn't bother to pay attention to him now. Since meeting Tang Rou's family, Tang Yin has become even more unscrupulous. Now that they have started to **** Tang Rou's cohabitation right with her, how can Chen Guo, who is a good girlfriend, agree.

In fact, Tang Rou was a bit unprepared now. After all, if Tang Rou wanted to, Chen Guo would certainly not refuse. Isn't it that Tang Rou is not ready yet? And she couldn't bear to refuse Tang Yin, so Chen Guo had the task of guarding her girlfriend with awe-inspiring results. Said to protect Tang Rou, who is actually unique, and reject Tang Yin, a great ape creature!

"Hey, by the way, I thought of a better way for us to make self-made weapons and equipment." Tang Yin said suddenly.

"Huh? What method~www.readwn.com~ Wei Chen asked curiously.

But Tang Yin had already looked at Luo Ji and asked, "Luo Ji, can you figure out the properties and adaptation mechanism of the material?"

"Um... can this be counted?" Ye Xiu was also a little curious, because before that, their material research was empirical, and most of them relied on experience accumulated from various materials. As for the background introduction of those materials, they are also very general, and the value of the two regular exams is very limited.

When he heard Tang Yin's words, Luo Ji thought for a while and said, "Theoretically, it is possible..."


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