Full-time Occupation

Chapter 857: New idea

Genius remembers this site address in one second: [] The fastest update! No ads! "Broken it!?" President Baihuagu said in surprise when he saw the situation on the field. When he saw the situation of Yu Feng Berserker, he couldn't laugh anymore. Fortunately, without the special effects of Zhang Jiale's skills, Baihuagu The player was finally able to add blood to Yu Feng. For a while, the light of various resurrection recovery skills appeared on Feng's body, directly pulling him back to full blood.

But now Yu Feng was still stunned on the spot, as if he hadn't found himself resurrected.

Yu Feng knew his family affairs from his family. Although the attack just now was made in the form of the last fight, the opponent knew where he was as before, and he didn't know the situation of the opponent's position. He didn't feel that his attack could hit, or that the opponent would not be able to dodge it. After all, in that situation, his vision was covered by Zhang Jiale's skill special effects. Already had a big move for a long time, saying that Zhang Jiale, the great god, would not be able to hide, and none of the professional players on the scene would believe it. There has always been one reason!

"You guy, your heart is too soft..." Sun Zheping not far away said Yu Feng's conjecture.

"Hehe, this is just what I owe them... now it's okay." Zhang Jiale smiled.

Sun Zheping didn't say any more, he knew that Zhang Jiale had been put down now. When he came to Yu Feng, he said, "Boy, the scenery of flowers and blood, it looks like a style of berserkers trusting the special effects of ammunition experts. When in fact it is exactly the same, it is actually crazy to guide the attack rhythm of this style of play. Swordsman. If you want to reproduce the blossoming and **** scene, you have to come on!" Sun Zheping said.

"It's done, let's continue the training camp," Tang Yin said.

"Well, it's done!" Zhang Jiale looked at Tang Yinhe Ye Xiu who had been by his side, yes, now they are his teammates. A partner who can truly be trusted on the battlefield, as for the past, let him go completely now. Thinking of this, Zhang Jiale shot directly at Sun Zheping beside him.

"Hey, are we still team friendly now?" Sun Zheping, who was shot by Zhang Jiale, turned around with a knife. Although Zhang Jiale shot a shot, he was still happy, happy for his old friend to get rid of the past completely. But happy to be happy, he didn't mean to keep his hands in class.

"Anyway, the future will be opponents. First fight to find the status!" Zhang Jiale laughed. The two geniuses who created the dual-core era in the past just fought directly, and there was no intention to keep their hands between shots. If this is unknowing, seeing this scene, it is estimated that the two have broken up.

Both of them knew each other's style very well, and the battle was fierce at the beginning. The players of this righteous sword were all overwhelmed. Under what circumstances, didn’t it come to a good understanding just now? Why did the fight start in the next moment? You know that this Berserker is their professional player. Could it be that their team wants to break with Happy?

While they were still curious, they received Sun Zheping's message: "Remember to add blood for me!"

This made the leader of Righteous Slash look dull. We are here to grab the wild map b. Why are you still fighting? Just fight, you want us to be treated together? what is happening?

In fact, Sun Zheping didn't quite understand why Zhang Jiale came to him, but since Zhang Jiale wanted to fight, he would not refuse. And Zhang Jiale field team Sun Zheping will not refuse.

Although the two didn't mean to keep their hands at all, the scene of their first meeting appeared in their minds. That time seemed to be the same as it is now, and in the end it was the two of them who survived to the end. At that time, a young man who was resistant to a giant sword drove and rushed to his death. At that time, Zhang Jiale was no longer blue. When he thought he was bound to die, the man suddenly said: "Brother Technology Okay, do you want to consider teaming up with me?"

When did the two of them join the Hundred Flowers team together, the double-flower combination was born. After the two of them studied each other, the two of them worked out a set of cooperation between the two of them. After a year of precipitation, In the second year, the Blossoming Blood Scene shocked the entire circle of glory...

And now it is still in a melee. Although it is an ally now, it is destined to be an opponent in the future but it is still an opponent. Baihua's style of play is still cool, and the **** giant sword is still arrogant. And the scene of blood and flowers will eventually reappear in the arena again!

Of course, Zhang Jialeye didn't look for Sun Zheping when he thought about it. After all, this training camp is to improve everyone's strength, and the person who knows himself best is of course Sun Zheping. And he was also worried that Sun Zheping was hilarious and affected his hand injury. It was not easy for other people to notice his abnormality, but he could stop immediately, so he took Sun Zheping away.

At the end of this end, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu were not idle either. Tang Yin directly approached Yu Feng, who had just been resurrected, while Ye Xiu targeted Wang Jiexi, who was leading the team to grab b. As for Huang Shaotian, he gave it to Wei Chen and the others. But now Tang Rou is also in the group of people who attacked Huang Shaotian. There is no other way. The attention of the **** Jingjiang scene just attracted them, that is, at that time, Sun Xiang was persuaded to leave by Xiao Shiqin. NS. This led to an opponent that Tang Rou didn't have. This didn't happen to come and help Wei Chen.

Of course, if they encounter other professional players in the middle, they will also harass them, which also increases the choice.

And the actions of the people in Xingxin annoyed the professional players who came to grab b. After all, they weren't here, so most of the players avoided Tang Yin and the others with an attitude of not being able to provoke us yet. Tang Yin and the others expressed their dissatisfaction with this attitude of the professional players. After all, they are here to accumulate combat experience.

Fortunately, the first few professional gods who entangled at first were more honest. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com they almost took a team of treatments and followed them against Tang Yin and the others, especially for Lu Hanwen, who would continue to join the battle after his resurrection. , This is very powerful.

In the end, Tang Yin found that the most lively place was Lao Ye, after all, most of the players who bypassed Tang Yin and the others gathered there. Seeing this scene, Tang Yinye directly kicked Yu Feng away from the battlefield.

After all, he lacks anything now, that is, he lacks the experience of fighting various professional players. After all, although the professional players he plays are all great gods, there are too few professions after all. And now is the best time to accumulate such experience. As for the battle with Berserkers, anyway, Sun Zheping will come to their team and there will be opportunities.

As a result, after he arrived, various professional players were walking around him, not only him, but also Ye Xiu. This made Tang very depressed, and at this moment he saw Yetu b...


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