Full-time Occupation

Chapter 857: Psychological shadow area of ​​professional players

Genius remembers this site address in one second: [] The fastest update! No ads! Feeling that his idea was feasible, Tang Yin's magic and **** double spears immediately transformed into hand cannons, and a flying cannon, Tang Yin, flew to the position of Yetu b.

Here, Ye Xiu is pestering professional players from various teams. This is annoying for major professional players, but now Zhongcaotang has surrounded Yetu b. If they don’t help their own union grab b, then Zhongcaotang really wants Take down this b. This is not what they want.

So if they can get rid of Ye Xiu's entanglement, they will try their best to get rid of them. Just when Ye Xiu was depressed, Tang Yin's voice sounded: "Lao Ye, I'm going to grab b."

"Huh?" Ye Xiu obviously didn't react to Tang Yin's intention.

"Their goal is wild map b. If wild map b's hatred is on us, let wild map b run with us, as long as our hatred is built up high, unless they kill us, then we will not be spared. Wait. Eat potions that attract hatred, which can also prevent the knight's taunting skills." Tang Yin said.

The hatred potion is a special potion that locks hatred after the hatred is established to a certain level. This potion is mainly used to prevent the knight's provocative skills. Otherwise, the major guilds only need to send a knight and use a taunt when others are about to kill Yetu b, and they will be able to **** Yetu b. Then what is the meaning of the hatred established by attacking Yetu b? Anyway, everyone There are knights, the big deal is to ridicule each other. It has more taunting skills than anyone else. Then there is no point in grabbing the wild map b.

After the hatred is established to a certain extent, this potion can lock the hatred object, unless the hatred object transfers the hatred, otherwise the hatred will not disappear. The hatred locked in by the hate potion can only be regained by the output, which is why the battle for wild map b is fought so fiercely every time.

Tang Yin's words made Ye Xiu's eyes light up. Yes, they can bind themselves to Yetu b. Unless they kill them, they can't kill Yetu b. As for why they can grab hatred among so many professional players, the reason is simple, because of the equipment. Because both Ye Xiu and Tang Yin had made Level 75 self-made weapons and equipment during this period of time. Although the materials are limited and the attributes are general, they are all temporary transitional versions, but they are much better than the current characters used by these professional players.

What they need to do now is not their professional role, but the temporary role given by the team. The equipment does not even reach the level 75 orange 100% coverage. Under the situation, Tang Yinhe and Ye Xiu attacked. The strength is significantly higher than them by one section. With this advantage, it is not difficult to grab the wild map and the wild.

Acting as soon as they thought, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu changed their aura of looking for people everywhere. Ye Xiu faced Ye Tu b for a burst of output, and Tang Yin was impressed by the output of other professional players. In this area, all the professional players present showed the depression of Tang Yin's various skills with abnormal attributes.

The stun of the sniper rifle and the flash explosion mine, the freezing, the freezing of the grenade and the freezing bomb. Madly disrupting the rhythm of their attacks. Moreover, Tang Yin's accuracy was too accurate, especially for professional players who were hit by a frozen bullet, the first shot would definitely slow down, and the second shot would be frozen after all. If they are not paying attention, they will be hit by Tang. This is very annoying.

However, there are also all-star players like Xiang Wang Jiexi and Gao Yingjie among these professional players. Under their siege, Tang Yin can only escape, but he is a sharpshooter, he is a long-range professional, and he does not need to fight close combat with each other. To harass them, keep a safe distance as much as possible.

This makes them very annoying, you say you go to fight Tang Yin, isn't that time to give Ye Qiu a safe output to grab b? When you don't kill or drive Tang Yin away, he has been using various stun and freezing abilities to interrupt your attack rhythm. Affect your attack efficiency. But Ye Qiu's attack never stopped.

At this moment, a professional player finally discovered why Wang Jiexi hadn't flew since Tang Yin came. Because they saw Wang Jiexi flying up by Xiaoyaoyou's sniper rifle, which was stunned and then shot down by another shot.

Even Wang Jiexi couldn't help it, they were also desperate. Now they are depressed, why does God want to bring such a cheap two people together? This play is too annoying!

The most important thing is that this is not over yet. Ye Xiu started to run around with Ye Tu b after grabbing the hatred of Ye Tu b, and Ye Xiu turned into his summoned beast. Ye Xiu ran to Wherever he attacked, he rushed out of the encirclement of the middle cottage players by relying on the powerful attack power of Yetu b.

After all, as long as Yetu b is not dead, then these professional players will not give up, and their training can last longer.

Looking at the professional players who were tortured by Tang Yinhe and Ye Xiu, even the people of Happy felt that the lower limit of their two captains was really just relying on their own blood medicine to do whatever they wanted!

That's right, Tang Yin and the others are relying on their own medicines. After all, everyone is a professional player. Even if Tang Yinhe and Ye Xiu are strong enough to face the siege of so many professional players, if the game hasn't known how many times he died, the problem is that this is not a game, this is a netizen. You can take drugs indefinitely, and there is no shortage of Tang Yin rank of various high-level medicines.

This is annoying to major professional players. These two guys are making trouble in front of you like this, but you still can't kill him. This is very annoying...

"Ah ah ah ah, oh my god, come, let's take these two scams, how many medicines did these two guys bring!" At this moment, Yu Feng, who is famous for his crazy style of play~www.readwn .com~Now it's also a wave of weakness.

And hearing this sentence, Wang Jiexi, who knew Tang Yin's luck, their faces turned black. They knew how long Tang Yinrong had played, and how many potions he had accumulated in such a long time...

This training camp, under Tang Yinhe Ye Xiu's intentional control, lasted until the disappearance of this wild picture b. In the end, the strategy of becoming b also ended in failure...

Lin Jingyan and other professional players. Looking at Ye Tu b, who left because of the time, everyone was lost in thought. God knows what they have experienced during this time? At the moment when they saw Yetu b's departure, the first thought that appeared in their hearts was not regret, but relief...

Ask for the psychological shadow area of ​​the professional players of the various teams present today...


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