Full-time Occupation

Chapter 858: Gaming

The latest website: "What is the point of you doing this? It's not the same as not grabbing the wild boss in the end?" Lin Jingyan looked at Ye Xiu and the others with contempt. He felt that this time the other two must be greatly miscalculated.

"Who knows." Tang Yin shrugged indifferently. Today, he played very happily. Almost all the professional players have beaten it again. Zhe also almost made up for Tang Yin's last shortcoming which is not a shortcoming.

"Hey, what do I think." Ye Xiu also smiled. And seeing the joy of these two culprits, although everyone does not know their goals, it seems that their goals have been achieved. Zheba, the professional players became more and more angry, and it was a wave of attacks that both of them attacked first.

Tang Yin and the others immediately retreated when they saw this scene.

As a result, Huang Shaotian suddenly came up with a sentence: "How about everyone killing the two of them as improper people?" And Huang Shaotian's words on the public screen made Sun Xiang, who was ready to engrave the departure of his deputy team, excited. , A look eager to try.

"There may be wild bosses in the future. Let's not waste our energy." Xiao Shiqin immediately pulled Sun Xiang when he saw this. Although they didn't know Tang Yin's purpose, they came here for the wild map boss. Physical energy can't be wasted like this.

And Ye Xiu looked at the surrounding battles that were calmed down by the departure of the wild boss, and then looked at the current state of everyone in Happy, and said, "Ahem, what? Since there are no wild bosses now, there will be no more fights. Meaning, let's all go away. I have a chance to be together next time." Ye Xiu finally sent out a sincere invitation.

Everyone: "..."

But Ye Xiu was right when he said the wild. After all, the wild boss has disappeared, and there is no point in playing. For a while, the presidents of the major guilds began to persuade their own professional players. After all, they fight again, then they These ordinary players must also help, isn't that just adding losses to the guild?

As long as the great **** persuaded him, other Wang Jia would be better able to speak with the great god's leading role.

"Okay, let's withdraw too." Tang Yinxian greeted everyone with Xingxin.

"Isn't this going to fight anymore? How about Xiaoying, let's change a map, and you can create a boss?" Tang Rou said somewhat unpredictably. After all, fighting a professional player like this can be compared to training and fighting. It's much more interesting here. It was this kind of battle that allowed her to see the vastness of glory. Now Tang Rou seems to be looking for more professional players to play for a while.

"It's running out, everyone is tired now, so let's get here first." Tang Yin comforted softly.

After Tang Yin said this, Tang Rou, who had been relieved, also felt exhausted, especially her hands. I was excited before, but now I feel tired after a while. He didn't insist anymore, and Tang Rou felt tired, let alone other people.

You know, during this period of time, there have been many battles like this.

But Tang Yinhe and Ye Xiu discovered this point of everyone, and then he listened to everyone's training. After all, although they are eager to improve themselves, being the body is the capital of the revolution.

This is also the reason why Honor officially set the league as a weekly match. Don't look at the e-sports competition, where the players just sit and move. It looks very relaxed, but in fact it is not the same at all. Professional competition is actually a very physical consuming thing, especially for local areas, such as hands that require a lot of operations. It is not uncommon for both hands to lose consciousness after a match, which is why so many professional players have hidden hand problems. Just like Sun Zheping's hand injury, it's not an accident. After all, his hand injury was mainly due to his wild fighting style. It puts too much pressure on the hands, becomes sick from overwork, and eventually erupts.

And with the development of Zhe's current glory, the level of the players is getting higher and higher, and the burden on the players in this area will also increase. Fortunately, the current team is paying more attention to this aspect, and the protection and training of the players' hands are becoming more scientific. This makes the lifespan of current professional players longer and longer.

This aspect is also the point that Tang Yin attaches the most importance to. Apart from the fact that everyone in the training room has a set of professional hand care equipment, they also have a set of dormitories, so that everyone can rest in the room. Care for your hands. After all, their situation is special. The team has just started. Not only do you have to complete daily training, but you also have to do a lot of things in online games. For everyone's future, Tang Yin is quite willing to consume in this regard.

After all, if there is no scientific and standardized care plan, it will greatly affect the professional life of the players. This is also the reason why the professional life span of the professional players in the early days of the league is so short, and there is only one Han Wenqing who is still in the professional circle. You know that in the first season, there were quite a few players about the same age as Han Wenqing and Ye Xiu, and now they have retired successively...

Compared with them, the golden generation like Mucheng is a lot lucky. When they enter the league, both the league and the club are already very regular, and they are already very complete in all aspects. Under such a good e-sports environment, their e-sports life of this generation is much better than that of the older generation. After these five years of competition, with the passing of the first generation players, these golden generations have They have all come to the pinnacle of their careers, and now they are in the best state in terms of technology, experience, and mentality, and it is also their best time to show themselves.

Of course, the first generation will retire so many in succession, and there are also people like Wei Chen who are not young when they are playing. It’s normal for him to lose strength after a few years of playing like him. UU Reading www. uukanshu.com, but they are destined to not experience the e-sports bonus that they have grown up after their hard work. It can be said that they have gone through the most difficult time with Tien Zhe professional e-sports.

This is also the reason why Tang Yin has no good impressions of Tang Hao. His current strength is higher than that of Lin Jingyan, and it is understandable that he is the number one hooligan. But it would be too much to humiliate the opponent by saying something like this in the All-Stars. Tang Yin was not pleased to enjoy the bonus created by the first generation of e-sports people but to do such a thing.

He remembered a sentence from the former world pdd that he very much agreed: "You are just a person who goes up the mountain. What qualifications do you have to laugh at a **** who goes down the mountain!"


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(End of this chapter)

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