Full-time Occupation

Chapter 870: Interview

There are also a lot of spectators in the challenge now, and because of the existence of teams like Excellent Era this year. Compared with previous years, the attendance rate is much higher now. At the time, the league had also discussed whether or not to put the game on professional venues in order to get a lot of box office.

However, many online games like this are quite right to advertise Excellent Era for free, so there are more or less suspicions of partiality, so in order not to lose the tongue, the league did not make any changes in the end.

But with a team like Jia Shijie, fans from all over the country came to support him, and because he played two games a week in the challenge, the Excellent Era fans were even more excited.

Most of the scenes were also the slogans of Excellent Era fans. Other teams saw this scene, and they were only jealous. There is no way, who said that everyone is not of the same combat power level?

The eight games were played at the same time, that is, they ended at different times. Excellent Era, the strongest, ended the most cleanly. It's not an exaggeration to say that the whole audience is devastating. It is directly ten to zero to solve the battle.

However, they didn't care too much about Excellent Era Happy. What they paid more attention to was the two games of their group, which were the Trader Team vs. the Ten Step One Kill Team. Team Xuanqi vs. Team Yunxuan Pavilion.

The teams that can enter the offline game all have a certain strength. The quality of the game is still good, and many players will even be looked at by professional teams and directly sign up as professional players. Among them, Li Xuan of Team Void, and Fang Rui, who is now in Tyranny, both came from this kind of background.

Although he was born in an ordinary background, not all of them now possess the power of a great god. You can still see the advertisements they endorse every three to five, especially Fang Rui, this year he and Tyranny's new style of play are particularly close. After helping Tyranny to win the first place in the standings, his popularity has also increased a lot.

About an hour later, the first round of the game ended. Their current scores in Group B are 9 points for Xuanqi, 7 points for the Ten Moves Team, 3 points for the Trader Team, and 1 point for the Yunxuan Pavilion Team. After watching this game, Tang Yin and the others knew their opponents well. And in order to observe in detail, Tang Yin, Ye Xiu, Zhang Jiale, and Wei Chen, almost each of them watched a team.

Finally, it can be concluded that although the strongest Xuanqi team here is a professional battle, when the strength is strong, it is also very limited. This is evident that they can't score 10 points like Excellent Era. Although only lost a point in the individual match.

The second round of the challenge will be held on Friday, this time the Yunxuan team has a bye. Happy played against the ten moves one kill team, and the Xuanqi team played against the cào plate hand team.

After that, it was the days to wait for them to appear, and it was not peaceful at all. , Especially the report about Ye Xiu and Zhang Jiale. Probably because both of them were captains, and neither returned to the original team, no one cared about Ye Xiu's identity.

What everyone is curious about is why these two captain-level great **** players have not returned to the original team, but have assembled a new team together. At the same time, they are also concerned about the fact that Zhang Jiale, a great **** level player, has joined the team. To a newcomer. Although the rookie had beaten Zhou Zekai, it was only an exhibition match after all.

No one wants to believe that the strength of this suddenly appeared player is above Zhang Jiale. There are even a lot of fans of Zhang Jiale who are not completely black, expressing that it is not worth it for Zhang Jiale. Of course, the pros and cons still account for the majority.

After all, facing the captain who "betrayed" him, they were so happy that they were not taken seriously like this!

After Zhang Jiale was Ye Xiu's melon, he was also the captain, and now he was actually fighting with his native team, and he was still in the challenge, where failure might be impossible. Fans said that they couldn't understand this.

For a while, Chen Guo successively received daily interview requests from major e-sports across the country. They all hope to interview Great God Ye Xiu. But most of them were rejected by Ye Xiu. In the end, I just accepted an interview on an e-sports newspaper.

Who is Ye Xiu? Well, he is notorious for not accepting interviews. Now that I have accepted the interview, this has aroused heated discussions among players. Of course, what everyone cares about most is Ye Xiu’s current hot topics during the interview. Response.

"It was a pure coincidence that we met. Our team started to live and build before Excellent Era had quit the league. This information should be easy to check. At that time, our slogan was posted at the entrance of the Internet cafe. Join our guild. It’s a long-term event, but everyone didn’t expect to meet in the challenge."

"We have seen similar information here, so why does Ye have to live and build a team again?" the reporter asked.

"Because I left Excellent Era at that time, I met my current friends when I played in the tenth district with this character, so everyone formed a team to play."

"Play? It sounds like Team Ye do not seem to have any ambitions?" the reporter asked.

"Well, after all, from the beginning, everyone will play together. If there is any ambition, why should I retire?"

"What caused Team Ye to finally make up your mind to attack the professional circle? I remember that when you announced that you wanted to attack the professional circle, you had some discomfort with Excellent Era fans." The reporter asked.

"Because I found that these little friends I met have great potential. They should have a higher stage, so we decided to go from the original play to the present one."

"But some people think that you are a little bit against Excellent Era, and some people think that this is a kind of hype for you. Is that true?" the reporter asked.

"After all, what we are going to do now is to give it a go, then Jiashijie is undoubtedly our biggest competitor, so all this should be said to be normal, right?"

"But you, as a representative of Excellent Era in the past, are now competing with Excellent Era for the only spot. What kind of interest do you have now?"

"The mood is definitely a bit complicated, but as Manager Cui said in a news interview before, we will bless each other, but on the professional field, we will go all out. Defeating our opponents hard is for the opponent, for the game, and for Respect for glory."

"But you never thought about www.readwn.com~ how many people would be sad and uncomfortable like this?" the reporter asked.

"This is not something I can decide. This is e-sports. Everyone wants a championship, but there is only one championship."

"What about the champion this time?" the reporter asked.

"Well, if I said, would Happy disrespect the opponent too much? Let's wait and see..."

And these are the content of Ye Xiu's interview.


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