Full-time Occupation

Chapter 871: The first battle begins!

However, despite the interview that Ye Xiu accepted, the words in the top-ranking newspapers did not say the same. They were not official. As expected, just after the report on Friday was released, there were many people on the Internet who said Ye Xiu was hypocritical, but the wind did not continue. It was all because Tang Yin threw a coin, but Ye Xiu and the others didn't stop it.

For a while, the netizen who was still talking about Ye hypocrisy and shameless in the morning disappeared in the afternoon. For a while, I saw that the major forums about Ye Xiu and Zhang Jiale were unusually quiet.

There is no way, because someone even came to shout at the hotel where they were staying, and Tang Rou was also affected. Of course Tang Yin could not bear it. Let alone Ye Xiu's fans, even if they were fans of Happy, Tang Rou would be affected. , They can't escape this coin. This is only a personal aspect, and to magnify that they have already affected the mentality of everyone in the team.

After all, just after breakfast, I heard someone scold you outside the door of the year. This will affect everyone's mood. However, there were no hospitals where all kinds of patients appeared in Tang Rou. Regarding the situation of the injuries, Tang Yin didn't seem to be fortunate enough.

Of course these were not what Tang Yin and the others cared about. After Tang Yin had thrown coins, they began to organize training for everyone.

After all, at eight o'clock in the evening, the second round of the offline challenge was about to officially begin, and Happy's opponent was the ten moves one kill team.

"There are still ten minutes left to go to the competition venue, everyone still has time for the final round of inspections. The timing begins!" Chen Guo said in Xingxin's training room.

After she finished speaking, everyone at Happy began to prepare their own equipment, while Chen Guo sorted out Ye Xiu's. This was what Ye Xiu ordered, because now he gave his father a short breath outside the training room.

"Dad, the game starts at eight o'clock in the evening, are you coming back? You got off the plane and took a taxi to the second gate of the stadium. After entering the gate, turn left and the first entrance enters the auditorium. The third row in the middle is the second and third from the left. The position is reserved for you."

Ye Xiu sent the message, but couldn't help being nervous. He didn't know if his father would come, but there was no time to think about it for him now.

In the training room, Mo Fan came to Chen Guo's phone before the time was up, and a little calculator said, "It's over."

Seeing the speed of Mo Fan's movement, Wei Chen couldn't help but sigh: "If it is the speed of Mo Fan's brain circuit, if there is one-tenth of his movement speed..."

"Just be the captain." Tang Yin, who was wearing the team uniform, received it with a smile.

At this moment, Ye Xiu just came in. Hearing Tang Yin's words was a black line. Although he knew that Tang Yin didn't want to be the captain, he didn't have to complain about him.

"I'm just waiting for you." Chen Guo handed Ye Xiu the peripheral backpack he had prepared for Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu took the backpack Chen Guo handed over, looked at the people around Happy again, and said firmly, "Go!"

When watching the first round of the match before, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu had studied the team information of ten moves.

As a player team, they naturally do not have the balanced strength of a professional team, and there is a huge gap in the strength of the players. There are a total of seven players in the ten moves and one kill team. In order to avoid the treatment from playing in the individual matches, one of the seven players obviously came to make up the number. As far as the level is concerned, it is completely ordinary player level. It was the kind that Chen Guo could defeat now.

As for the remaining six people, three of them are obviously more powerful, and the tactics of ten moves and one kill are also the first to come. The strongest three of them fight in the ring to ensure two points in the ring. Team competitions have three people sitting together, and they can often score these five points. As for the first round of individual matches. That's the person who Sang Fei treats. One point is one point, and if you get it, you earn it.

I think they used this style of play in the last round. The weaker three were directly arranged in the individual matches, and the opening was a three-game losing streak. If this is in an ordinary team, this is a matter that affects morale very much. But the players of the ten-step one-kill team are already familiar with this style of play, and they are not surprised by this result at all.

And he played very steadily in the subsequent ring competitions and team competitions, and he went straight to a winning streak, and finally won the game seven to three!

You must know that their group stage is based on points. Every point is very important. Only the top two can advance to the next round. The ten-step-one-kill game is also a helpless method of keeping points.

Although Tang Yin and the others at Xingxin's side, there was a big gap in their level. But at least everyone is above the horizontal line. Of course, except for Chen Guo, she is soy sauce. So they don't have to play like the other side to lose the car to protect the handsome. Every point, under no special circumstances, they are trying their best to win.

And this special situation is training soldiers. Both Tang Yin and Ye Xiu felt that the newcomers should feel the atmosphere of the game, and the newcomer Tang Yin here was also included. This is also the reason why Tang Yin is on the roster for training troops, while Luo Ji is on the list besides Tang Yin.

Under the guidance of Ye Xiu, Luo Ji's level has also improved very quickly. With the training of former professional players, Luo Ji's current level can truly compare Chen Guo's current level. This person Chen Guo was very pleased, but also a little depressed.

After all, he is also a veteran player of the Alliance. During this time, he has also received the teachings of Tang Yin, the gunner's ceiling, but now he has been surpassed by Luo Ji, who has just been in contact with Glory for a year...

Tang Ruanhuang Baozi, they have genuine e-sports talent and hand speed. This made them already above Chen Guo's level, so this depressed feeling is not strong yet, but Luo Ji is different. Whether he is from zero in the true sense, Chen Guo can clearly experience being one. A little bit to catch up with the feeling of transcendence.

She really envy Luo Ji and the others, envious of them being younger than potential, thinking about her, even with Tang Yin's teaching, she can still feel that she is a little weak in many ways, and Chen Guo also knows that this is her. limit.......

So when she was online before, Chen Guo would take the initiative to ask to play on the court, but now there is no more~www.readwn.com~ because she knows that this is not her stage, but she misses Tang Rou and the others. Those who have real potential and strength.

In the individual competition, Luo Ji, Tang Rou, and Ye Xiu finally played.

In the arena, it was Qiao Yifan, Baozi, and Tang Yin.

Team competition, Tang Rou, Luo Ji, Qiao Yifan, Ye Xiu, An Wenyi, substitute Wei Chen.

This lineup can be based on the guarantee of points, maximum training!


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