Full-time Occupation

Chapter 873: 4Beast Flow

However, what surprised Tang Yin and the others was that the Seven Moves One Kill did not follow their original routine this time, but saw that their three aces were put in the individual competition.

Originally, Tang Yin and the others planned it because the opponent's individual competition ability was relatively weak, and they just let Luo Ji practice their hands, but now it seems that Luo Ji is busy.

And the opponent’s first player to play is a swordsman, a typical melee explosive career. To such an opponent, the summoner is still relatively passive. It may be directly connected to the disabled.

"By the way, this kid Luo Ji has practiced with me for so long, is it okay?" Wei Chen said a little worried.

"Don't worry, my brother is fine." Bao Zi was very confident in Luo Ji.

However, Luo Ji now is very different from before. Although it was the first time to compete in such an environment, his thoughts were still clear. The character has just finished loading, and after one walks and hides an obstacle, the staff in his hand starts to swing.

In the next moment, magic circles appeared next to him one after another.

After a short chant, four summoned beasts appeared in the magic circle.

The first is just a small flying dragon, fire attribute attack, fast summoning speed, but the flying speed is average, it will fly at low altitude all the way, the attack method is a variety of flame jets, this jet has a large range of flames but the attack range is limited. And a single distant fireball.

The second is an ice wolf with white ice crystals all over its body. It is a summoned beast that attacks physically, but it will have negative effects such as freezing and reducing when it attacks. The biggest feature is that the blood is thick while moving faster.

The third is a civet, a summoned beast with dark attributes. A civet with a purple and black body is a lot faster than a snow wolf, but its skin is very crisp. It is also a physical attack position, but it also adds a negative state such as a curse to the opponent.

The most important one is Thunder Eagle, a summoned beast with light attributes. Although it is an air unit like Wyvern, its movement speed is at the same level as that of a civet. Although it does not have the attack power of Wyvern, it does not emit thunder from its mouth. weak. And the attack speed is too fast to dodge.

And the current style of play Luo Ji uses is called the Four Beast Flow, which is an output technique with these four summoned beasts as the core.

When Luo Ji is summoning the summoned beast, of course the opponent’s swordsman will not wait for Luo Ji to summon. He will attack Luo Ji as soon as possible, hoping to find the opponent, the swordsman who kills in seven steps. It is very clear that to fight a summoner, the first thing is to find the other party, otherwise it will give the other party a chance to summon. Then it's the Yamen's turn to be uncomfortable in close combat.

And now Luo Ji is no longer Wu Xia Amon, plus his usual running chart training. Familiar with the current map, after summoning two flying summoned beasts, let them fly to the left and right. The purpose is to confuse the opponent his current position.

It's a pity that it took too long for him to summon the four beasts. When he controlled the little flying dragon and thunder eagle to leave his shelter, he was seen by the approaching swordsman.

The swordsman made a decisive decision, and Luo Ji attacked in a three-stage cut. However, Luo Ji couldn't find the opponent in the first time because of the obstacle angle. Fortunately, during the second cut, Lei Ying entered the attack range of Thunder Eagle, and Thunder Eagle shot thunder directly at the swordsman, and at the same time, Luo Ji who was behind the bunker noticed this side.

This swordsman did not lose as the main force of the seven moves and one kill. The three stages did not stop because of the Thunder Eagle attack. Instead, he relied on the three stages to make turns, even avoiding the attack of the little flying dragon. After arriving at the bunker where Luo Ji was hiding, it was a slash. Directly smash Luo Ji's bunker.

The rubble splashed, but an ice-blue figure blocked it with his body, and it was the ice wolf with the thickest blood.

Luo Ji didn't stop, and after the opponent drew his sword and slashed him, a long whip condensed by orange-red mana appeared in his hand. Directly at the swordsman who was drawing his sword, directly with him, and with his own ice wolf withdrew.

This is the rare melee skill flogging of summoners!

Flogging: Strike the summoned beast. The summoned beast that is struck will be more diligent, and its movement speed and attack speed will be increased. The higher the skill level, the higher the speed and achievement after lashing. It can also be used as an offensive skill against the enemy, with a certain knockback effect.

And the ice wolf that was also attacked directly bit the swordsman here, and now he attacks very frequently, and this is the effect of the lashing to make the summoned beast more diligent. Coupled with the increased attack speed and movement speed, the swordsman also had to retreat temporarily. A back jump pulled a little distance away, facing the summoned beast that attacked again, it was an upward pick, picking up the ice wolf, but after the ice wolf a black shadow attacked at an extremely fast speed.

It was the civet who was still with Luo Ji just now, and Luo Ji relied on the ice wolf's size to have a lot of characteristics compared to the civet, and followed him when the ice wolf attacked again! He knew that the ice wolf would definitely not be able to attack the opponent so easily, so there was this wave of civet attacks.

It has to be said that Luo Ji’s strength has been significantly improved after the training of professional players. If the opponent is an ordinary player, this civet attack will not be able to escape. When the opponent is a master who has reached the offline game all the way, after all, It is also the main force of the opposing team. Although the strength is not as exaggerated as professional players, it is also a ceiling-like figure in online games.

Before the civet attacked him, the lightsaber in his hand immediately blocked, and after the block was successful, it would be a defensive counterattack. Adding a stab, the ice wolf that had just been hit and dropped directly into the air in the second hit.

Now that Luo Ji was not summoned by him, his only melee skill, Flogging, had just been used up, and he was swooping against Luo Ji, enveloping him with the golden sword aura. Cut directly to Luo Ji. One blow knocked Luo Ji into the air, but he couldn't continue to come close, because when he turned around and was about to pursue it, the flames of the little flying dragon had already arrived.

In the next moment, the two of them were retreated together by the opponent's attack.

"Luo Ji is still anxious." Tang Yin said regretfully.

"What do you think? Xiao Yin?" Chen Guo looked at Tang Yin nervously.

"Now you must know that this is the competition~www.readwn.com~ not the time for our training. No one will wait for you to summon the summoned beast before attacking. Luo Ji's above is like relying on avoiding the spirit to come out of the four beasts, and not being The idea he found was a bit naive. At first, he used Thunder Eagle and Little Flying Dragon to attack from different angles to confuse the opponent's judgment of his position. But at this time, if he is not in a hurry to summon, but after confirming the opponent's position , And then look for the other party to summon, then the other party will not find him so easily. Then he won't be so passive." Wei Chen said helplessly.

After all, this style of containment flow is what he called Luo Ji during this period of time, but it's a pity...


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