Full-time Occupation

Chapter 874: Luo Ji's art!

But although both sides were knocked into the air, Luo Ji, who has now been successfully close, is obviously at a disadvantage. Seeing that the swordsman who had been killed in seven steps was knocked into the air, he swung a blade of sword light in the air. This is a rare range of swordsmen, and the long-distance skill sword falls into the sky!

The sword falls in the sky: the sword light is swaying, as if the Milky Way falls to the ground.

Countless sword lights leaned on Luo Ji’s body, not giving him a chance to replace the grass man to escape, and then a silver light fell to the ground first, and then slashed into the wind with a slash, followed directly, and then was next to Luo Ji. Wandering attack. He hardly paid much attention to the attacks of Luo Ji's summoned beasts. After all, the sum of the summoned beasts' single attack was lower than their character skills.

With some moves, Luo Ji is almost beaten down. When Luo Ji had gone through training with professional players after all, although he was too anxious because of the successive attacks from the opponent, he was still waiting for the opportunity. Finally, when the opponent made a skill error, he used the magician's general skills to stand in for the grass man to extend the distance. Immediately began to wander.

Their map is a piece of scattered ruins, which can barely be covered. And even though the swordsman killed the ice wolf and civet on the ground during this period, the two flying summoned beasts were still there.

Relying on their ai attacks, Luo Ji can also roughly calculate the opponent's position. The wave of the opponent's explosion just hit half of his blood wolf, and his summoned beast only knocked out 15% of the opponent's blood volume. It can be said that if the opponent catches another opportunity to break out, he will be in danger.

And now, taking advantage of the enemy's light and the dark, Luo Ji first summoned the civet again and controlled it to harass the opponent. One of the opponents killed his flying summoned beast. After all, Luo Ji still needs their attack position to guess the opponent's position.

This time, his thinking is more correct. After summoning the civet, first confirm the opponent's position, and when he finds that he is moving in this direction, he starts tactically moving again. Seize the opportunity to call.

No way, the HP of the summoned beasts is also very limited. If they are attacked one after another, they will die directly. The most important thing is that his summoned beast lineup has not yet formed, and it is not easy to go out to observe the battle and command the summoned beasts. . And the summoned beasts without the command of the summoner are some troublesome little monsters, which are not enough for players of their level.

When Luo Ji successfully avoided the opponent's line of sight again, after Luo Ji summoned the last ice wolf, he began to lose his estimate. A series of magic circles appeared, and the light of the magic circles also attracted the attention of the seven-step one-kill swordsman, and directly attacked Luo Ji one by one.

During this period of time, he was also not well, after Luo Ji disappeared from his field of vision. He had to beware of Luo Ji's sneak attacks, and he had to deal with the summoned beasts in the sky and the civets that came out afterwards.

That is to say, the swordsman's long-range skills are limited, and because of the opportunity to hit two flying summoned beasts, and because of the **** Luo Ji, these summoned beasts have died early.

And now that the other party finally exposed its position, this made the seven-step one-kill swordsman happy, and he directly cut three-stage and cut out five-stage slash. He quickly attacked Luo Ji's relief, but he had just walked past the corner where Luo Ji was hiding when the ice wolf had already approached him.

After another drew a knife to slash the ice wolf, and the civet that had chased it into flight. Killing the swordsman with seven steps is going to repeat the old trick, and a swordsman with a 75th-level big move will beheaded to Luo Ji in the meteor style. I'm just a little curious about the light of so many summoning formations here before, why only the ice wolf appeared?

But he didn't hesitate to kill the swordsman with seven steps, but Luo Ji didn't have the panic this time. A back jump revealed a group of summoned elves who had just hidden behind him.

Thunder Elf: The attack of the Thunder Elf has a chance to cause the target to freeze. Two elves can be summoned. The lowest level elves exist for 30 seconds, and the full level elves exist for 1 minute.

Fire Spirit: Fire Spirit's attack has a chance to cause the target to burn. Two elves can be summoned. The lowest level elves exist for 30 seconds, and the full level elves exist for 1 minute.

Ice Elf: Ice Elf’s attack has a chance to cause the target to freeze. Two elves can be summoned. The lowest level elves exist for 30 seconds, and the full level elves exist for 1 minute.

Dark elves: Dark elves' attacks have a chance to cause the target to curse. Two elves can be summoned. The lowest level elves exist for 30 seconds, and the full level elves exist for 1 minute.

And Luo Ji summoned up to the upper limit at one time, a total of eight elemental spirits. And Luo Ji's purpose is very simple. This is the style of play he thought of inspired by Tang Yin, using himself as a bait. Then art is an explosion!

It was seen that although Luo Ji was hit by the opponent's attack, the eight elemental elves around him began to emit violent magic waves. It is one of the great tricks of the summoner to sacrifice the elves!

Elf Sacrifice: Range attack, the most powerful skill of the summoner, it is very likely to be another big move that may be completed after the assassin's death blow. The damage caused is related to the number of elves, the remaining lives of the elves, and the time life. In theory, when all these data reach the maximum, it will be the greatest power of the elves to sacrifice. Once the sacrifice of the elves is triggered, all the sacrificed elves will disappear. This skill is the constant damage in the process of elemental force blasting impact, and there is no effect after the damage.

And Luo Ji has to rely on this skill to make a big explosion!

"Are Luo Ji all so rigid now? Old Wei, are you sure you are teaching to contain the flow?" Tang Yin looked at his very artistic style of play appearing on Luo Ji, how strange he looked at it.

Others looked at Tang Yin with suspicion, how did they think that Luo Ji would have such a fight related to Tang Yin.

"Hey, what are your eyes. I haven't taught Luo Ji's summoner..." Tang Yin said.

But in fact, this has something to do with Tang Yin~www.readwn.com~ Because of Tang Yin's relationship, Luo Ji was released from the demolition stream early. This makes Luo Ji feel that this style of play is quite suitable for him, but the demolition stream requires extremely high attack power to destroy the building in the game in an instant. In the past few times, they relied on the guild to gather fire.

And if this style of play wants to achieve the desired effect in a professional game, he needs to hit a lot of damage in an instant. In the end, Luo focused on the Elf Sacrifice, another skill that can cause a lot of damage at one time after the assassin's life-saving blow.

In the end, this scene was already happening long ago, and another grand explosion of eight elemental spirits gathered! And this is Luo Ji's art!


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