Full-time Occupation

Chapter 875: Ye Xiu is on the stage!

The swordsman with seven steps and one kill is also aware of the danger of his situation: "Since you can't hide, let's see whose blood volume is adjusted quickly!" The swordsman with seven steps and one kill was fierce in his heart. Directly used the swordsman's strongest skill, Phantom Sword Dance. The Phantom Sword Dance and the Phantom Invisible Sword are the same level of skills. When the output limit is not as high as the Phantom Invisible Sword, you can't use the Phantom Invisible Sword for medium and long-range attacks without throwing out the sword energy.

But he does Tyranny throughout the entire process, and he has multiple slashing skills with extremely high stiffness effects, and its slashing will not disappear immediately, but the slashing sword energy will stay in the void, and finally accompany it. With the final blow slash at the end of the skill, the accumulated sword energy said to be slashed, slashed forward together. The last blow was also the only long-range attack of Phantom Sword Dance.

And now the swordsman with seven moves is relying on the overlord effect of Phantom Sword Dance to resist the explosion damage of Luo Ji Elf. After all, there are only eight elemental elves, without the participation of other summoned beasts, it shouldn't be enough to meet the conditions of one strike.

And the facts did like what she said, this directly exploded 55 percent of his blood volume, but now he still has 15 percent. When his skills were not over yet, Luo Ji's other summoned beasts also attacked the swordsman with seven moves. Now it is a speed showdown. It seems that the swordsman with seven moves will kill Luo Ji first. , Luo Ji's summoned beast took the lead to kill him.

Because before the elves sacrificed, Luo Ji's blood volume now has a certain advantage, but the damage of the swordsman's skill with seven moves is much higher than that of the summoned beast skill.

After the phantom sword dance of the swordsmen with seven moves, Luo Jizhi was left with 25%, and the swordsmen with seven moves were only 10% left.

But with the current blood volume, Luo Ji's blood volume is very likely to be the highest, and the avatar abilities he used before are still cooling down. Luo Ji is very passive now.

In fact, Luo Ji's sacrifice of the elves was completely possible to kill the opponent with one blow. Luo Ji arranged them in a row in order to hide the elemental elves. The distance of the back jump is limited, which causes the opponent to only eat the first few explosions. But now there is no melee combat method itself, and even the flogging has been resisted by the opponent.

In the end, Luo Ji was killed with only 4% of the opponents left, winning the first seven moves and one kill. This time Luo Ji lost in on-the-spot performance. At the beginning, due to the tightness of the game, he made a mistake in the opening and was directly abused by the opponent to lose half of his blood. Now it’s pretty good to be able to pull it back to 4%.

And now, even though Luo Ji looked regretful and depressed. But as a high IQ mathematics special admissions student, he is also very clear about the reason for this failure. He won’t lose confidence because of winning or losing a game. After all, he has grown up little by little in Happy. In the internal battle, he has now played Chen Guo, even Chen Guoyi. I can abuse him at first.

Although it is said that Chen Guo can be beaten now, Chen Guo is here for a cutscene...

"How do you feel? Is it very different from the previous online experience?" Tang Yin asked Luo Ji who had returned.

"It's really different." Luo Ji nodded and admitted, "When the game started, I even forgot where it was..."

"It's okay, it's all like this. It's fine to get used to it in the future." Ye Xiu comforted, after all, this is a common problem for newcomers. The main reason for Luo Ji to play this time was to get him used to the atmosphere of the arena. Losing points was all planned. On the contrary, Luo Ji could beat the opponent into residual blood, which Tang Yin and the others did not realize.

After Luo Ji was Tang Rou, and this time the opponent was playing like a knight. And this knight obviously has knowledge of Tang Rou’s style of play. He played very well throughout the entire process. It was so solid that he had the opportunity to lift his shield throughout the entire process, and whether the Battle Mage had any circumvention skills, but he paid special attention to Tang. Soft grasping skills.

The whole process was mainly defensive, and when she seized the opportunity to attack Tang Rou, this man Tang Rou found out that in addition to Wei Chen's style of restraining flow, this style of play was also quite restrained. This time she was annoying. Ah, because the opponent has a shield almost all the way up. Worry with big tricks

However, Tang Rou's current strength has also improved significantly, once relying on fake moves, after deceiving the opponent, she directly grabbed the opponent with a round dance stick, and then a very powerful set of combos directly knocked out the opponent's nearly 20 HP.

It was also this time that the outbreak opened up, and the difference in the amount of blood between the two, as long as the progress is maintained, killing each other is not a problem.

But the opponent was still waiting for the opportunity. They had studied Tang Rou in their previous team meetings, and they felt that a player like Tang Rou must have no patience. So as long as you continue to use this method to delay time, as long as the other party's mood is impetuous, then there will be a chance for them to explode.

If before encountering the Promise Team, the tactic of seven moves and one kill would be perfectly fine. Now Tang Rou is already very calm, coupled with his own strong spirit~www.readwn.com~ such a protracted battle Tang Rou will do nothing at all. Don't worry, on the contrary, she will feel that the other party is a good sandbag, helping someone with the passage of time, Tang Rou's attacks are getting sharper, and her condition is getting better and better.

In the end, even though the game lasted for almost twenty minutes, Tang Rou still won with a high blood volume. There was almost no suspense in this game, Tang Rou pressed his opponent the whole time. The audience present has not yet had such a violent player, who is connected with the 360-degree viewless beauty who has just stepped off the stage.

Obviously, I think that beautiful girl, why is the style of play so violent? This image and style of play are like the seller's show and buyer's show in extreme cases. This sense of contrast made the audience unresponsive for a long time.

And next was the last match of the individual match. Who was the host to protect the screen, Ye Xiu's name resounded throughout the whole process, and everyone at the venue focused their attention. There is no way, although Ye Xiu's rumors have been vilified by all sorts, when this person who has been with them for ten years and has been with them since the establishment of the Glory Alliance, the most popular person in All Glory appears. Even if he has retired for a year, even if he retires from the original team, even if he retires himself.

But when he was about to play this moment, it still became the focus of everyone again. Although they didn't want to admit it, there were still players who came to this venue for Ye Xiu and Zhang Jiale, but because they didn't want to admit it, they didn't get close to them.

And Ye Xiu looked at the auditorium again before going on stage, at the two places he reserved...


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