Full-time Occupation

Chapter 876: Take off the mask

Chapter 895

After all, there was no Excellent Era's malicious black Ye Xiu this time, so it was the Excellent Era fans who felt betrayed that were disgusted with Ye Xiu. When Ye Xiu's fans were not limited to Excellent Era, there were also Ye Xiu fans in other teams, and in the end there was still applause. When Ye Xiu still put on a mask now, he walked up the stage through the swimming lane.

When he was about to return to the competition stage, the experience of this year was also replayed in his mind, and he was kicked out of Excellent Era, and at the same time he broke his arm. Later, I met Tang Yin and started his journey in the tenth district. Later, I met the current group of partners. Together, we experienced being encircled and suppressed by major guilds, and then changed to them to encircle and suppress major guilds, and then the exploitation and suppression of major guilds. blackmail.

After the All-Stars, a team was established, and Tao Xuan was reconciled, the team members gathered, signed up for the challenge, and played against Promise. The last to the present kill enters the offline game.

Looking back now, since it made Ye Xiu feel unreality. But now walking the lane leading to the stage, it is clear that these are facts. The only regret is that I didn't see the figure.

This is the host who also said: "After a year, from the stage loudly again, whether there is still strong strength, this is the most concerned topic of the public. But although the answer to this topic has not yet been revealed, one thing is still It hasn't changed, that is, the great **** hasn't revealed his true face in the past nine years."

As soon as the host’s voice fell, Ye Xiu was already on the stage. When he subconsciously looked at his teammates, the two figures in the back row attracted his attention. They were a pair of very good temperaments. Middle-aged couple.

Ye Xiu's eyes were full of shock when he saw them, but now Ye Xiu knew that his father had completely accepted him and his profession, so this mask would be meaningless.

Thinking that everyone at the scene was shocked and straight, Ye Xiu slowly took off the mask. Even though the number of people on the scene was very limited, it was boiling at this moment, and the great **** Ye Xiu was in the mask! Since Great God Ye Xiu was willing, he was obviously real, so he directly booked the front page news for tomorrow!

But now Ye Xiu didn’t pay attention to the commotion in the audience. It was rare for someone to raise a hand dumbly to meet his parents’ line of defense. Ye Xiu’s parents waved in response. His mother even Also made a cheering action.

Seeing his parents' response, Ye Xiuquan had unprecedented confidence at this moment. Resolutely turned and walked towards the game bench.

And just after Ye Xiu entered, a voice rang out: "God Ye Xiu, come on!"

And when everyone Jian looked at the entrance and exit of the old part, a figure with some Excellent Era cheering signs ran in, and he went directly to the place of Ye Xiu's parents and said, "Borrow it!"

Ye Xiu's parents saw this person holding so many signs and didn't say much. They all got up to let this person in better, and he was sitting next to Ye Xiu's father.

"Thank you very much, huh? Uncles and aunts, are you also visiting Great God Ye Xiu?" The visitor looked at the distribution of the surrounding audience and asked Ye Xiu's parents curiously.

"Well, what are you?" Ye Xiu's father asked this man curiously. After all, in his opinion, isn't it just watching a game? As for bringing so many things?

"I just came over from the Jiashi game. Since you are also fans of the Great God Ye Xiu, this is for you." The man said that he found a standing card for Ye Xiu and Xingxin from a bunch of standing shots. Very enthusiastically gave one to each of Ye Xiu's parents. They all looked at Ye Xiu's parents in a daze.

And this Happy Ye Xiu fan who was present at the scene played a friendly match with Ye Xiu and the others in the Internet cafe. After seeing Ye Xiu's deity, Tao Xuan then solved the misunderstanding about Ye Xiu and became Happy and Excellent Era. The double fan is also Xiao Ming, the old customer of Xinxin!

Since going on the court and meeting with Ye Xiu and the others, he felt that Tang Yin was right. No matter Happy or Ye Xiu, both sides supported it. At that time, no matter who wins, it is a thing worth starting. It's not that today Excellent Era's game just ended, he ran here.

"Um...little brother, is one game so exaggerated?" Ye Xiu's father asked, looking at a seat full of various standing signs.

"It's just a game?" Xiao Ming looked at Ye Xiu's father with a look of surprise, his tone full of incredible feeling.

"It can eliminate the age difference between us." He pointed to the other viewers who were boiling because of Ye Xiu's revealing true face and continued: "It can awaken the heroic dream of our tired life."

Lastly, Ye Xiu, who had entered the captain's room, said passionately: "It can make such a young man a spiritual idol for everyone!"

"Spirit idol?" Not only did Ye Xiu go to his father this time, but his mother was also attracted by Xiao Ming's words. They didn't expect that the word spirit idol would appear on their son!

"Yes! He has always told us that there is nothing impossible in life. What about being driven away? What about being retired? What about being questioned? What about losing an Autumn Leaf? Doesn't he still stand in the middle of that stage! "Xiao Ming can be said to be one of the few people who knows the ins and outs of things, and Tao Xuan and Chen Guo told him this together.

When he first learned about it, he also felt that Tao Xuan had done too much, and then Ye Xiu gave him Excellent Era's situation at that time and became entangled again. As Ye Xiu said: "Theoretically, neither side is wrong, but the concept is different."

This is why Xiao Ming is not entangled in the two sides who wins.

"Moreover, the current glory has been divided into the next Asian Games. This is no longer an exhibition game, but a medal, which can win honor. I believe that the strength of the great **** Ye Xiu will definitely enter the future. The national team of China, win glory for our motherland!" Xiao Ming said in a very stable tone.

Ye Xiu’s father was really shocked. He only knew today what an amazing achievement his son had accomplished~www.readwn.com~ At this time, Ye Xiu's father felt a pain in his waist and turned around. Seeing his wife looking at him with an unhappy face, Ye Xiu's father didn't know. At this time, his wife was blaming herself. After all, it was his misunderstanding of her son that caused her to know the achievements of her baby son today. Wandering with my son for so many years.

Facing his wife's reproach, Ye Xiu's father could only smile awkwardly.

At this time, a girl was sitting next to Ye Xiu's mother, and the girl also saw Ye Xiu who had already taken off her mask on the big screen.

"He finally decided to be himself." The woman sitting next to Ye Xiu's mother said with emotion.

And Xiao Ming saw this man with a surprised expression: "Su Mucheng!"


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(End of this chapter)

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