Full-time Occupation

Chapter 887: Calm

Chapter 906

Zhang Yiwei is the first-generation owner of a shot through the clouds. Most of his career has been spent in the Samsara team, but now under the light of Zhou Zekai, his first-generation manipulator is already very few people pay attention to. arrive.

   To be honest, having a junior like Zhou Zekai is definitely a blessing to the team. But for a senior like him, and the senior who still uses the same role, it is more or less sad, because how strong Zhou Zekai is now, it also means how incompetent his senior is.

   After Zhou Zekai replaced Zhang Yiwei, Zhang Yiwei also left Samsara. After wandering in the league for two seasons, he announced his retirement at the end of the sixth season. After that, he turned gorgeously and became the coach of Team Xuanqi. This can be said to have opened a historic page for the alliance.

   After all, no team had hired a coach before, and it was also in which year Xuanqi successfully relegated to the league. After that, various teams followed suit. Mingqing also had a coach in the new team the following year.

   And Zhang Yiwei really helped Xuanqi a lot. The players of the Xuanqi team are generally not strong, and at least half of the credit for the current results is due to Zhang Yiwei. It can be said that the real core of Team Xuanqi is not the players who compete on the stage, but the coach who is offstage.

   It is also because Zhang Yiwei made such a contribution to Xuan Qi, so even if they were finally out last season, the boss of Xuan Qi still did not fire Zhang Yiwei, but continued to keep him in the team.

   "Depending on the situation, Xuanqi's situation is very good." Chen Guo said happily. Although the trader is a dark horse this time, Xuanqi now has the upper hand. The trader, the dark horse, probably couldn't get any comparison points in the hands of Xuanqi and the others.

   "Well, as long as you don't care about any obvious or major mistakes, these five points are determined." Ye Xiu said and looked at Zhang Yiwei.

   "That's good." Chen Guo said happily.

"Um...what's okay, if the trader wins, we will get close to Xuanqi's score. That's how we can finish the game more easily. If Xuanqi wins, we have an obvious disadvantage in terms of wind, by itself. The plan to train for a little more pawns will be ruined," Tang Yin said.

   Chen Guo was taken aback when he heard Tang Yin's words, but he thought about it. Yes. If Xuanqi loses this time, then their two teams are the same in terms of points. Both are 22 points, and they will compete on the same stage at that time, but if Xuanqi wins the phone call, it will be five points more than them. If they want to win the opponent and get the qualifying spot, they must at least get at least eight points.

   The final result of the game was just as everyone expected. Xuan Qi finally ended the round 7-3. The Xuanqi players who ended up seemed to be in a good mood. The players of the trader team are not frustrated either. After all, they are a grassroots team in the true sense, and they can get eight points. For the time being, the group first is already very good.

   After all, the professional team in Group A, Zhu Xian, only scored 29 points. They have two more professional teams that scored 28 points in the death group, which is already very good.

   "Let's withdraw too! Go back and discuss the tactics." Ye Xiu said to everyone, and when the people of Happy left, they happened to meet the Xuanqi team who was also preparing to go back.

   As for the current Xuanqi team, all members have the expression that they are determined to win, especially their coach Zhang Yiwei, watching the former four front-liners in Xingxin's team loudly. Now he was firmly suppressed by them, and he couldn't express his joy.

   Although he was also the core of Samsara before, Samsara was a team that was close to the bottom, and there was nothing comparable to them. But now the opponent was suppressed by him, and the guy who had defeated Zhou Zekai. Being able to suppress this man, he felt like he was finally overpowering Zhou Zekai.

   Thinking of this, he unconsciously looked at Tang Yin, but found that this person had an indifferent expression, as if he were not nervous at all.

   This person has a feeling of hitting cotton with all his strength, but he feels that the other party is pretending to be calm. In order to pierce the opponent's hidden depression, he came directly to Team Xingxin and said hello: "How many are you!"

   "Well, you are good too." Tang Yin said over the milk tea he bought when he came out. He really doesn’t worry. The big deal is that Zhang Jiale, Wei Chen, and Ye Xiu played singles. Tang Rou started in the ring match. He defended the ring. The final team match will arrange Sun Zheping. On, I started with a scene of flowers and blood, you tell me how to lose?

   So in the view of Tang Yin now, it is entirely a question of whether or not to arrange one or two newcomers to practice hands together. Just like what Tang Yin said before, if the trader wins, then they will have as many training opportunities as Tang Yin sees that they are just their tools for training. This statement may be a bit arrogant, but this pride comes from their strength, or that sentence, the true opponent of this challenge has always been just Jia Shijie, and only Excellent Era!

   Before facing Excellent Era, Tang Yin's goal was to make everyone stronger!

   "In the last round, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and cheering together!" Tang Yin subconsciously replied politely, and these words directly stopped Zhang Yiwei.

   Please, now it is your lower points because of the points. Why is the other side still the same, as if the two sides are scoring a fairy boy?

   "Don't worry, it's you. If you are eliminated by the trader, then I'm so sorry for the attention this time." Zhang Yiwei said directly, he just wanted to pierce Tang Yin's mask.

   "So are you. Come on~" Tang Yin nodded and said.

   "Oh, your mouth is hard. See you in the hope of the game." In Zhang Yiwei's view, Tang Yin is just a simple mouth. He also felt that such a temptation was boring, so he said directly.

   "See you at the game," Tang Yin said.

   "Uh...Xiao Yin, aren't you nervous?" Chen Guo asked Tang Yin after seeing the other person leave.

   "What's so nervous about this?" Tang Yin asked with a strange expression on his face.

"Um.... We are starting to be five points worse than the other party." Chen Guo gave a hint. The others also looked at Tang Yin, that is, they knew Tang Yin's character, otherwise they thought he was going to throw it away. Coins out.

   "Isn't it five points? There is no need to be so nervous. From the beginning of the challenge to the present, when have you seen all of Xingxin's main force dispatched?" Tang Yin asked.

   Tang Yin's words surprised everyone in Xingxin.


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