Full-time Occupation

Chapter 888: Everyday unjustice!

When Tang Yin said that, everyone in Happy also reacted, yes, their true main force hasn't played much since the challenge.

"Don't be happy too early. It is certainly impossible for us to play against Xuanqi. After all, if we are one more, you will have one less opportunity to exercise. Before you meet Excellent Era, you are the main players in the game. After Excellent Era is back in league tournaments after all, the end of each game also means that the fewer opportunities for you to exercise yourself.” Tang Yin said.

"But no matter what, you must score eight points in the final round. Come on, everyone, let Xuan Qi get rid of it!" Chen Guo said!

At this moment, the magic in the corner suddenly said, "If you want to completely kill Xuan Qi, eight points are not enough."

"Huh?" This time not only Chen Guo, but even the people in Happy were taken aback, because since this was said to Mo Fan's mouth. This really surprised everyone.

"Indeed, if you want to completely solve the opponent, you must ensure that the opponent gets a point, otherwise, as long as the opponent gets one point, his score will be the same as the trader team. With a more competitive system, the final promotion is still the Xuanqi team. "Ye Xiu said, then looked at Mo Fan and asked, "I didn't expect you to care about this too?"

Mo Fan didn't speak, but Ye Xiu continued to ask, "Interested in the next round?" After all, Mo Fan hadn't been a big player among their rookies. Of course it wouldn't work. Even Tang Yin had a big shot, but he was not. Zhang Jiale and Sun Zheping have rich experience in the game, and it doesn't matter if they can play.

"Yes." Mo Fan didn't answer "Yes", but answered "Yes." And everyone is used to such an answer. After all, magic is a little bit arrogant besides not being surprised by talking. Even if I really want to, I won't say it.

Although he has been thoroughly integrated into the entire team after training with professional players, because of Mo Fan's character, he is destined to not be a team player. So Tang Yin and Ye Xiu wouldn't force it on this point. Individual matches and ring matches are also very suitable for each other.

After all, whether it is a team player has nothing to do with whether it can occupy an important position in the team. As long as the tactics are reasonable, even non-team players may become an important role in the game.

After all, tactics are still people-oriented. Ye Xiu, as the four tactical masters in the glory, is very clear about this. So Tang Yin and the others were very happy to hear Mo Fan's words.

"Um...I mean to kill. Don't you burden yourself?" Chen Guo said. After all, what she just meant was to exceed Xuanqi in scores. Why has it suddenly become necessary? Hit the opponent 10 to zero?

The few people just chatted over and over again and returned to the hotel. This time because the game was relatively easy, everyone didn't want to be so tired from playing, so they directly started the next combat meeting.

First of all, because Mo Fan is willing to play, and this match is more important, Ye Xiu said to Luo Ji: "We need an guaranteed score this round, so I'm afraid you won't be able to play this round."

Although Luo Ji was a little sad, he also knew that the next match was very important, and his current strength was still very limited, and he had no objection to Ye Xiu's arrangement. Nodded and said, "I know."

"Go on!" Tang Yin patted Luo Ji on the shoulder and said. Luo Ji is a man who understands things. He also knows the pros and cons, so Ye Xiu and the others don't need to explain too much.

After that, Ye Xiu looked at Sun Zheping and asked, "How is it? Are there any problems in the next round?"

"Of course, if I didn't appear at this time, what would you let me join you for?" Sun Zheping said.

Ye Xiu smiled when he heard what Sun Zheping said, because Sun Zheping would only accompany them during this period, so Ye Xiu usually wouldn't let him play. Every time a match is over, Tang Rou and the others have one less opportunity to exercise. How can he be allowed to take up a position in such a situation?

But in this situation, if he doesn't play again, then Sun Zheping will be invited for nothing. Although Tang Yin paid for him to buy the lottery ticket temporarily, it was also several million. Of course this money cannot be wasted.

"Then you will leave the first game of your individual match." Ye Xiusuo said.

"Wait, Lao Ye. I think we can let Lao Sun and Jia Le play a team match." Tang Yin said.

"But this way other people can't get exercise..." Ye Xiu said hesitantly. After all, Zhang Jiale and Sun Zheping's style of play is really good, and now Tang Yin has joined them. The exercise effect on other people is very short.

"But it can confuse the opponent," Tang Yin said.

"Confused the opponent?" Everyone didn't react for a while.

"You think, if we didn't miss dangerous matches and let them play in the **** scenery, what would Xiao Shiqin think when he hit Excellent Era in the future?" Tang Yin asked.

"He would think that he would also use this escape method in such an important match!" Ye Xiu said, as if he understood Tang Yin's thinking.

"Yes, because of the old grandson's hand, we will only let him play one game. If he does not appear in the singles or team matches..." Before Tang Yin finished, Zhang Jiale would Continue to say: "Then the opponent will be more convinced of our style of play in the team competition, so that only the opponent's tactics will be prepared..."

"Tsk tusk tusk, Xiao Yin, you are too insidious...but I like it!" Wei Chen also understood what Tang Yin meant, which was to get the other party to spend a lot of effort to contact and crack the **** scenery. In the end, when they worked so hard and took out a plastic surgery for the opponent's style of play, they turned out to be completely different styles of play. It doesn't feel too sour.

Thinking of Excellent Era's hard work in the future to practice the scene of cracking the **** scenery ~www.readwn.com~ and the mentality of trying to get rid of it in the end. Before this game, I have grasped the opponent's mentality...

"How should I put it? No loss is Xiao Yin. You don't want to do anything about sticking to people..." Chen Guo couldn't help but complain.

"Then as Xiaoyin said, Jia Le will give you the first match of that guy," Ye Xiu said.

"No problem!" Zhang Jiale said.

"Mo Fan, your second game." Ye Xiu turned his head to look at Mo Fan. Mo Fan didn't say much, and nodded seriously.

"In the third match, I, Xiao Tang started the ring, and Bao Zi was second. Xiao Yin guarded the challenge. The final team match." Ye Xiu thought about Tang Yin's words before and said: "Jia Le, Sun Zheping, I, Xiao Yin, Xiao Tang, Yifan's sixth man."

"Without treatment? Will this play too much!" Chen Guo asked with some worry when he heard the team match roster.

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