Full-time Occupation

Chapter 907: Two swords flow ghost swordsman.

The latest website: "Baozi Niubi!!!" At this moment, the Happy fans group was completely boiling. Tang Yin and the others didn't have the air of a contestant, and they even slapped the palm of the fans who were closer. But compared to Happy's side, Zhu Xian was a little bit sad, but now the buns only had 2% of their health, and the results were not too bad in the ring. But when the leader of Zhu Xian Lin Yi came down, the owner Xiao Jie began to reprimand him.

"How do you play this game? Any good situation can be lost? How do you set an example for other players like this?"

"Sorry..." Just after the game, Lin Yi still has a trace of fatigue on his face, but now he can only bear the boss's anger.

"It's so bad..." Chen Guo is a little bit unwilling to watch here. After all, this is a game. No one can say that it is 100% good. Criticism after the game is normal, but this is a lot of first. Analyze the mistakes, but say the results make sense?

And even though Lin Yi lost the game, only Baozi had only 2% of his blood left. This game was also qualified. It is estimated that the game was played well at the beginning, but in the end he lost the game. The difference in share plus the anger of being slapped in the face before. These are the real reasons for Xiao Jie's anger. Although the final result was not too bad, Lin Yi scolded Lin Yi very badly.

Chen Guo wanted to say something, but after all, it was a matter for the opposing team, and she was really hard to say as an outsider.

After being trained, Lin Yi silently returned to the players' bench and sat aside, and the other players came to comfort him one after another.

But what about Xiao Jie now? After firing a fire at his captain, it seemed that he was in a much better mood. Very satisfied with his harsh methods, a smile appeared on his face again, and he turned around and said to Tang Yin and the others: "Such a good situation has been reversed, and it really makes you laugh."

"If it's because of a turnaround, you shouldn't blame him." Ye Xiu turned his head back.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Jie asked.

"Lao Ye's meaning is that if it is because you guessed that we made the first steamed buns, so let him play, does the person who makes such a decision pay half or even more of the responsibility?" The Tang Yin medal translator went online again, underlining it. Said. He doesn't have any good feelings about this person now.

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Jie's expression was obviously ugly.

Tang Yin also understood the other party's expression. Normally, the team captain was fully responsible for the team's game matters, but just now Xiao Jie's situation and the expression when he said that the arranger should pay the main responsibility. I know that the boss of their team has a little too much to intervene.

However, in that industry, it is always a taboo for the layman to know the insider. Although Xiao Jie can't be regarded as a full-fledged layman, after all, he has been a fan of Glory for so many years, and he has never seen pork or pigs running?

But if he wants to intervene in the game like this, the problem in the team is that it is natural to take the lead in clarifying where the problem is, whether it is a tactical arrangement problem or a player's performance problem?

Take the game that Lin Yi lost as an example. It was a scolding at the end of the game. Chen Guo didn't like his attitude, but what Tang Yin could not stand was that he had not figured out the problem. The key is to blame it indiscriminately.

Tang Yin did not know whether Xiao Jie had the ability to control a team, but as far as the game was concerned, if his goal was to target Baozi, sending Lin Yi would not be a clever move in Tang Yin's opinion.

That's right, there is indeed a saying about play restraint among players, just like Tang Rou is not very used to dealing with wretched styles, but there are also many restraints in play that are mutual. This is the case with Baozi and Lin Yi. Choosing Lin Yi to restrain Baozi will bear the risk of Lin Yi also being defeated by Baozi's strange play style.

After being pointed out by Tang Yin, Xiao Jie's face became even more ugly. Obviously, he arranged the order of the game this time, so he was so proud at the beginning. Feeling that he had a good plan, Chen Guo arranged to restrain the opponent from being a player, but when he was finally counter-restrained, and even finally turned over, he was even more directly angry, thinking that Lin Yi did not grasp the opportunity. Eventually led to the failure of this game. I can't grasp this advantage, isn't it a waste?

As a result, he has now been told that it was actually a problem with his deployment. Can he bear it now?

"What do you mean?" Xiao Jie looked at Tang Yin and Ye Xiu, the previous modesty had long since disappeared.

"Xiao Yin means that your judgment that Lin Yi is the bun nemesis is wrong." This time the Ye Xiu brand translator said.

"Why do you say that?" Xiao Jie said, looking at the two guys who had ignored him.

"Is it enough just based on the results of this competition?" Ye Xiu and Tang Yin said together, once again showing the tacit understanding between the two to the fullest.

"Just kidding, this game can prove that I was wrong? Besides, didn't Lin Yi control the situation at the beginning? If it wasn't for his carelessness..."

But before he finished speaking, Tang Yin continued: "One time was a carelessness, what about the second time and the third time?"

"Haven't you considered that it was caused by other factors?" Ye Xiu seamlessly connected.

Seeing that the two wanted to say that the double reeds were the same, Xiao Jie became even more angry and continued: "Do you mean that he keeps making mistakes because of the rankings? Do you have any documents, but you just said one!"

"Let's tell you? Brother, are you serious?" Tang Yin didn't know how to look at this man now.

"You are our opponent, what obligation do we have to help you analyze the defeat of our team?" Ye Xiu's tone was also helpless.

"Then after you lose, I will listen to your high-level comments!" Xiao Jie said angrily.

"Then you have to work harder~www.readwn.com~ Tang Yin said.

"Don't forgive you." Xiao Jie said coldly, and now he has completely removed his humble appearance at the beginning, and his pride and arrogance have been vividly manifested in a game. From this point of view, Xiao Jie is a man without any city government.

The second game also began very quickly, this time Zhu Xian played their ghost swordsman. Zhu Xian is a very special team, and their main combination happens to be the four professions of the swordsman system. The start of their team battle is also these four plus one treatment.

The ghost swordsman id now playing is called Gui Jian Sorrow, which is also the core of Yamen. It is more neutral in addition, and belongs to the Ghost Swordsman of the Double Sword Stream who learned from Zhen Zhan Du.


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