Full-time Occupation

Chapter 908: 1 sail is here!

Latest URL: The opening game Baozi didn't make any dazzling off-line operations, and he had only five percent of his health left, and he was almost killed by a ghost when the opponent met.

Before Baozi defeated Lin Yi, the Happy fans group gave a warm response comparable to one-to-five, but this time they were killed by the opponent before they hit the opponent, and the fans directly began to laugh without mercy. The unrealistic things like one-to-five that are easy to use in the middle did not come out to tease. But watching the faces of the fans talking and laughing, you know that they are a lot of mean, but they are too familiar with the buns. Treat Baozi completely as a friend.

And for this buddy who used to mix with them in the guild, this is a kind of ridicule between friends.

And the bun who came down from the stage also shook his head. Obviously he was very dissatisfied with his defeat in the second game so quickly. He still mumbled: "Really, why is there no blood bag on this map? Two buns can make up for me, hey~"

Everyone in Happy also laughed differently when they heard Baozi's words. Seeing that the bun with a depressed look came over, no one came up to comfort him. Not to mention that Baozi was not necessary to comfort him, and in terms of performance, he defeated the other party. It has reached the standard line.

This isn't it, but within five seconds, the buns are mingling with the audience behind him. This guy even thought of going to the audience to chat with everyone, and he was pulled back by the security guard who had been following them.

Today's security guards are also quite dazed. They see a lot of spectators who want to rush to the players' stand. This was the first time I saw a turn from the players' stand to the audience's stand. Whether this is considered as non-compliance with the regulations, they are all dumbfounded for a long time. After all, the regulations stipulate that spectators can't go to the players' stand, and they don't say that players can't go to the audience's stand. The main reason is that no one thought that there would be such a thing...

And Baozi was still teasing with fans, Happy's second pick came on the court, and by coincidence it was Happy's Ghost Swordsman player-Qiao Yifan!

To be honest, the level of embarrassment for professional pk in the professional arena can be said to be embarrassing when hitting the shirt on the red carpet, and this embarrassment is most obvious to the losing party.

As far as intuitive data is concerned, after all, Yifan is looking for ghost swordsmen, but he does not hesitate to be as comprehensive as the opponent's ghost swordsman. As far as the heads-up ability is concerned, Yifan is weak in the game, and still has the number of silver outfits. On top of the other party, it's okay to integrate it down the road.

As far as personal strength is concerned, Yifan's current performance is much more stable than that of Tang Rongruan. After all, he was from a professional class like the champion team. Various basic skills are very solid. Although we have never had a chance to play at Tiny Herb, the usual training has been maintained. And where is the training level of Wei Herb comparable to that of Zhu Xian, who has been declining for so many years?

Later in life, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's careful teachings were even more important, and then they successfully carried out a career transformation. And now even Yifan himself can clearly feel the benefits of this transformation. And he used the profession of Jingui more and more easily. The play and operation of each link perfectly fit his consciousness and thinking. This kind of smooth flow is completely unexperienced when Tiny Herb uses the Assassin.

With the improvement of Zhe's own level, he has a stronger sense of this kind of fit. To be honest, the current party is a little bit fond of the profession of ghosts.

As he became more comfortable with his career, Yifan's lack of self-confidence was eased to make up for it. Now he no longer doubts or denies himself. He believes that he will become an excellent career choice and is unswervingly looking forward to this goal.

At the beginning of the game, the ghost swordsman Gui Jianshou who was lost at Zhuxian Station was the same as the previous game, and immediately rushed forward and directly attacked and killed Baozi. Such a relaxed battle gave him a feeling of unreliability. So his current fighting spirit is quite high, and he can't wait to fight directly in front of the opponent.

But obviously he was somewhat wishful thinking. After all, Yifan is a ghost, and the frontal is obviously not suitable for his style of play, so Yifan starts tactical moves. Enter in a roundabout way, and this battle is also destined to kick off with a sneak attack by one side.

Not to mention, the previous assassins of Yifan didn't train for nothing. The skills of various lurking, card viewing angles and other skills are also quite mature. I think the current sneak attack and walking position is a compulsory course for all patrons. Although Yifan's assassin's talent is not good, he has a lot of energy to contact with these skills. He is still the holder of the Wi-Co keyboard training record.

Obviously, these skills will not be forgotten just because of the change of profession, so the current Jingui Yishihui will carry out precise positioning under the operation of Yifan. When he showed his head slightly, he happened to appear directly behind the other party's ghost.

However, Yifan didn't do it right away, but just hid behind the opponent like this, observing the addition of the opponent's movements.

And seeing this scene, some spectators who have been following the Happy game immediately felt familiar. Isn't this the way Mo Fan of Team Happy used to play in Team Xuanqi? It was the kind of unhurried, slow-moving, following the opponent, waiting until Tang Rou made a shot that was most beneficial to her, and then she didn't want to fight and ran away after the fight. If you just keep repeating this process. Until the opponent is killed.

And now the one side has restrained an inch of gray from behind the other side, which made the audience a little depressed. Is this the scene that will appear the last time? Although their players and roles are different, he and they are all from the same team. It is possible for them to adopt the same style of play and move forward. If UU reading www.uukanshu.com is really like this, then this game would be too boring.

At this time, the audience on Zhuxian's side in the audience booed, and in the face of such a scene, Happy's fan group couldn't say anything. This shows how unpopular Mo Fan's style of play is. After all, if a sneak attack directly kills the opponent and let the audience watch it, no one will say anything. But Mo Fan's style of play was that every time he was about to reach a climax, he would call gold to retreat, and then he would jump horizontally repeatedly. That is quite uncomfortable for the audience to hold back! Especially spectators with obsessive-compulsive disorder, they all wanted to go on stage and beat people when they watched that game!

It is also Mo Fan’s lesson from the past, so now I see this Qiao Yifan also play like that, which makes the audience a little dissatisfied!


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