Full-time Occupation

Chapter 909: Poor ghost

After the Zhuxian player on the field didn't see the opponent in the middle, he became vigilant for the first time.

Because this scene is the typical posture that the opponent is preparing to attack, and this kind of sneak attack is very common, but now Xingxin uses this style of play.

Approaching them, there was Wei Chen's unlimited lower limit first, and then Mo Fan's sneak attack. These are very disgusting play styles.

Adding the lessons learned from the last round of mysterious circumstances, Zhu Xian had made psychological preparations for such a situation.

And seeing this scene, Zhu Xian's Xiao Jie smiled slightly. Because of the opponent's play style, he also expected it, and made targeted arrangements. He believes that as long as the player plays according to his own schedule, he will definitely win!

And the player who controlled the ghost and sorrow did follow Xiao Jie's idea, did not stop when he did not see the opponent above, and continued to rush towards the opponent's birth point.

But at this moment, suddenly a blade of light flashed on the competition stage, since Yifan's inch of gray had launched an attack at this moment.

You must know that now is not the best time for a sneak attack. Although the other party intends to check his refresh point, it does not mean that he is not vigilant behind him. Qiao Yifan's sneak attack was also discovered by the other party for the first time. One slip avoids Yifan's attack, and turning to face Yifan is a blow to Moonlight Slash!

Facing the opponent's counterattack, Yifan immediately jumped back, the opponent's blade flew over his nose, and then another full moon slash with a larger attack range. Yifan did not succeed in avoiding it and was directly by the opponent. Knock. No way Moonlight Slash and Full Moon Slash are two skills, but they can be seamlessly connected. It's like the second attack of the skill.

This slash directly slashed a piece into the air, and the one sail that was knocked into the air, landed as a roll, and then turned around and ran.

"Hahahaha!" Seeing Happy's player so embarrassed, Xiao Jie immediately laughed, laughing and looking at Happy's direction. Hope to see the other side anxious. But when he looked over, he found that everyone in Happy didn't mean to be anxious, but instead gave people a feeling of sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai. Even their two captains had smiles on their faces.

"It doesn't make sense?" Xiao Jie was very puzzled by Happy's performance, but seeing that Xingxin didn't even look at them, he finally resisted not going to ask.

Back to the game, Yifan has now burrowed into an alley. The map they used for this time was an ancient city in the setting sun. The place where Yifan got into the alley happened to be facing the sun, and a long shadow appeared behind him, and Gui Jianshou obviously also found this shadow and immediately chased it up.

"It's the details that determine success or failure!" Xiao Jie said hurriedly after seeing this scene, and the commentary had the same thoughts as Xiao Jie. In their eyes, this shadow of Yifan. Definitely a major mistake!

"In this case, one moves his back to the sun instead of facing the sun..." The commentator hadn't analyzed it yet, and Yifan turned and crouched in the corner of the wall, and by the way, he also placed one on the ground. Knife formation, increase direct attack power and intelligence.

"He doesn't want to sneak attack, right? But thinking about such a corner, how could a professional player not be wary of this? Is this kind of attack useful?" the commentator said curiously.

And as the commentator said, it was even more useless. The ghost of Zhuxian saw the sorrow and began to go around as soon as he chased him, stepping out of an arc as much as possible, and extending the distance between the corner and the corner. This is also the basic operation to prevent the opponent's sneak attack.

But despite this, the clothes still launched an attack when the opponent reached the corner, and a Moonlight Slash slashed towards the opponent.

"Xingxin's sneak attack is really..." When the commentator was about to complain about Yifan's failed sneak attack, Zhu Xian's player seemed to be stupid. Fan, although the sword in his hand was raised, there was no further movement. Finally, I was directly beheaded by Yifan's Moonlight

And after Yifan Moonlight Slash also received the Full Moon Slash in seconds, but when the opponent was about to be blown by the Full Moon Slash, Yifan quickly made up another Ghost Slash before he was blown off.

You must know that Gui Zhan’s blowing and flying judgment is stronger than Full Moon Slash. Under the two judgments, Gui Jianshou is like a cannonball shot out of a chamber, directly crashing into the mud on the other side. The ghost who was bombarded in the mud immediately rolled around when he saw the sorrow, and without a bit of hesitation, he slammed his sword with a single blow. The sword slashed through but no one was seen.

Yifan didn't pursue it at all? Then what is he doing. When Gui Jianshou focused his perspective on Yifan again, he saw the power of ghosts and gods on Yifan's body surging, and with the help of the opponent to fly up the gap, two ghost formations had been arranged one after another.

At this time, the explanation is busy, I can't tell at all, and I can only skip the question of why Yifan can hit the ghost before. But skipping to skipping, they were always curious in their hearts. Why didn't the ghosts avoid the so obvious sneak attack just now?

But now the two sides have come together again, and there is no time for playback at all. They can only wait for the playback to come out later.

"We see that the current one inch of ash has completed four ghost formations. This is an encyclopedia of ghost formations directly from this small area. The current situation of Zhu Xian is dangerous. Now, this is because there are high walls behind him and he can't jump up. The only way out is now where an inch of gray is blocked. This is really uncomfortable." The commentator said.

"Yes, have you noticed that Yi-inch Huibin does not overlap the ghost arrays, but divides the arrays into layers. This makes it more difficult for ghosts to get out of it. If a rhythm does not change If you control it well, then you have to fall into a passive state. On the contrary, an inch of gray is obviously a lot more calm and cut! The reaction of ghosts is still very keen, eh? What is he doing... ghosts are sad This direction is the wall, oh... this really hit the wall." Another commentator said.

"I know, it's the seed of darkness, that is, the dark array. He was blinded by the dark array. I didn't expect that the other party had already stacked so many ghost arrays. I hadn't noticed that an inch of gray had placed this array before."

"The effect of the dark array seems to be over, Gui Jianshou changed the reverse again, oops, it was frozen again, this is the ice array..."

"Seriously, with the advantage of an inch of gray, I want to unilaterally declare that he has won again, but because he has been slapped in the face just now, this time we will watch the game first and see if this time I have a ghost. Can you make a comeback? Oh... I just came out of the ice formation here, why is it in the gray formation again. At this moment, I feel a little pitiful for the ghost to be sad."

"Trust me, it's not just what you think." At this moment, the views of the two commentators were directly aligned...

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