Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1073 Double Body

"Everyone, follow me!" The leader of the beast-riding mage was at the front of the team, holding a spear in his hand. This is a musket magic tool invented by the Deng family. Magic equipment.

The beasts chosen for riding are all large and better tamed silver-tusked elephant beasts. This kind of elephant has thick skin and thick flesh. The nose can effectively kill monsters, and most importantly, it can protect mages.

Ji Shaohan said: "Those silver-tusked elephant beasts are pretty strong."

In the past few months, Ji Shaoan no longer uses the small picture book to speak, and is used to being able to speak.

Zhaohua nodded, looked at the military commander who was leading the charge and said: "The silver light of the military commander is like a commander, and his bloodline and strength are very good. When the city was built, it was to deal with the battlefield of the heavenly insect kingdom. The military mages here are all pretty good."

As the commander of the army, King Cai Shan naturally takes the lead. King Cai Shan is a mage who majors in the soil system. Beast-riding mages generally major in the defense system, and most of them are soil, light, water, and plant systems.

Those army black locusts seemed overwhelming and densely packed, but when they collided with King Cai Shan's silver elephant, the silver elephant's head killed many black locusts.

The silver ivory of the Silver Light Elephant condensed thunder and lightning, and the violent electromagnetic network was like a chain lightning, killing all the black locusts around it.

"The Pupil of Petrified—Petrified!"

As a high-level mage, King Cai Shan was naturally fearless in the face of servant-level monsters. High-level magic gushed out, and the power of petrification was like an infectious disease. All the black locusts hit by the light of petrification turned into stones, falling to the ground and breaking into pieces.

Other mages have also shown their strength as elite military mages in super base cities. They are quite proficient in the use of magic, and many of them have spiritual seeds. Each of the middle-level magic cooperates with the beasts like a sharp knife, ruthlessly Piercing into this dark cloud, even splitting this dark cloud.

This scene stunned Moze, the super mage of the Trial Council. There are tens of millions of black locusts here, how could they lose so easily? Even facing high-level mages and middle-level mages, the number of beast cavalry mages is only about a thousand.

Even a servant-level creature shouldn't be so powerless to fight back.

Zhaohua looked solemn, the more something went wrong, the more dangerous it would be.

"The reinforcements haven't arrived yet?" Zhao Hua asked.

Ying Kangcheng said: "Here we are. The military mages and the Tribunal support from Huangcheng, Baicheng, and Licheng have arrived. The Tribunal is helping the masses evacuate and waiting for orders. The military mages have already gone to the front line."

"Immediately let the summoning troops use dimensional summoning, let the summoning beasts kill the rushing black locusts with all their strength, and don't let them get close to the mage tower and the city wall to prevent them from being eaten by them!" Zhaohua ordered.

Although Ying Kangcheng felt that this was a bit of a fuss, he still gave the order.

With a flash of silver light, Zhao Hua summoned Long Yi and Xiong Da and said: "Xiong Da, you guard the city wall, Long Yi, you go and help eliminate those black locusts."

Roar! ! gaba!

Without the slightest doubt, the two huge beasts stepped forward.

On the front line, a large amount of summoning magic light suddenly burst out, a moon-colored star appeared, and moon-colored star trails opened cracks from different dimensions.

There was some reason for the five summoning systems of the Peruvian national team at the beginning. In the war with monsters, military mages had summoning system mage troops.

The awakening probability of the summoning system is lower than that of the elemental system after reaching a high level, so even military mages will not have too many summoning system military mages. At the beginning, there were only a few people in Zhaohua's summoning department who awakened the summoning department because of the elementary level, and many of them became military mages. After all, military mages don't look at theoretical knowledge when recruiting the Summoning Department, and they don't need to take exams. As long as you awaken the summoning system, that's fine.

The light of moon-white star trails flickered. Originally, the city walls were still empty, but now the other three cities had reinforced the military mages, and in an instant, the entire city was filled with all kinds of summoned beasts.

There are wolves, tigers, crocodiles, birds, vicious dogs, flying squirrels, red deer elephants, etc. Even Zhaohua couldn't recognize so many summoned beasts.

Neither the commanding worm king nor the monarch-level worm king appeared, and the natural mages were at most ordinary high-level military commanders. High-level consummation and super-level mages like Moze and Zhaohua will not waste magic energy.

Zhaohua picked up the phone, called Feng Zhoulong and said, "Old Feng, I think there is something wrong with those black locusts. Those black locusts are more like cannon fodder, used for sacrifice. I think the attack power of those black locusts is very low or even Nearly no combat power, it can only block magic."

Feng Zhoulong on the other end couldn't help frowning and asked: "How is this possible? If monsters have no attack power, how can they survive and reproduce?"

Zhaohua said: "So I want you to focus on investigating the reproductive system and reproductive ability of those black locusts. If I remember correctly, ordinary locusts have extremely strong reproductive ability, and the number almost increases exponentially."

After Feng Zhoulong nodded seriously, he hung up the phone and started the autopsy investigation.

On the other side, the beast cavalry troops led by Cai Shanwang killed very deeply like sharp knives.

"Juntong, the military mages from the other three cities are here, should we go back and join them?"

King Cai Shan shook his head and said, "No, let them see that although our magic development in Congcheng is not as good as others, our local military mages should have more backbone!"

"Follow me and kill all these monsters!"


And at this moment, King Caishan's silver light seemed to step on a piece of soil, and there was a sound of something breaking in the soil, but the sound was too weak to be heard amidst the buzzing wings.

There was a crackling sound, and a fly the size of a fist emerged from the trampled ground.

As one drilled out, one after another, fly-like creatures emerged from the ground, breaking through the ground. These flies have large heads, the size of a fist, like dragonflies with two pairs of huge compound eyes, which are green in color.

But the strange thing is that they don't have a body. After these flies drill out, thin cicada wings spread out at the back of the head, but what's under the head is not a body, but a tube-shaped thing like a needle.

At the same time, Feng Zhoulong called and said anxiously: "It's strange, I dissected the corpses of these black locusts, and I found that they have no reproductive system!"

Zhaohua frowned and asked, "How do they reproduce without a reproductive system? Even parthenogenesis should have a unique reproductive system."

Feng Zhoulong hurriedly said: "Not now. I found from all the black locust corpses that when all black locusts reproduce, they will pass on to the next generation along with their internal genitals, just like shedding their skin and becoming clones!"

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