Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1074 Poison Fly

Feng Zhoulong continued: "I have never heard of this method of reproduction. No creature will do this. In this case, they are not breeding offspring at all, but... but more like rebirth themselves."

"This is not in line with the laws of nature. They have only one reproductive system, and each larva is the successor of its own reproductive system and even its thoughts. But if it does this, it can only reproduce once in a lifetime, and there is only one generation at a time. .In this way, the number of populations will become smaller and smaller!"

"There can be no such creature."

Zhaohua suddenly realized something, he immediately understood the significance of the existence of such creatures, and also wanted to understand why the military black locusts moved so slowly and their attack power was so weak.

Those army black locusts are not adults at all, no, it should be said that those black locusts are old insects, they have passed the adult stage and are going to the aging stage. These black locusts have only two purposes.

The first one is to consume the magic energy of the mage, consume the resource reserves of the human mage and the magic energy of the mage. Those army black locusts are meant to die.

The second one is to devour the magic energy of the earth attribute, then transform those magic energy, and then instill the ability into one's own reproductive system, so that one can be reborn and become young again.

If Zhaohua guessed correctly, these black locusts are not a population, they are just tools, special meat shields for human magic warfare!

They were born directly from a powerful xenomorph. Army black locusts are shields and energy collection tools, so there must be attacking spears. I am afraid that the larvae hatched from the missing reproductive system absorbing the ability are used for attacking.

"It's soil! Ordinary locusts will lay their eggs in the ground for reproduction, and then wait for the right temperature and humidity to hatch. Those black locusts retain part of the characteristics of locusts. In the soil! They put their genitals in the soil in advance Inside, wait until these black locusts pass by, inject all the energy in the body, and they will hatch!"

Zhaohua said loudly: "Let all earth mages turn over all the ground in the sub-safety zone!!"

Before Zhaohua's order was passed on, the battlefield turned 180 degrees, and the beast-riding mage, who was still in power, was suddenly attacked with a devastating blow.

No one expected that the other party had already planted an attack method in the sub-safe zone. This is clearly a place for humans, and it has been guarded by military mages all the time. When did those alien races bury it!

"Help... help! Help me, save me!!" A beast riding mage was pierced by a needle-like tail, hanging up like a pork stall in a vegetable market, and the powerful force lifted the mage into the air middle.

"An Fan!!" An old mage yelled, but he couldn't take care of himself. In this battlefield full of black locusts, a fly like this would suddenly fly out.

The biggest trouble is visibility. There are all black locusts here, and the black locusts are like shields, providing protection for these fragile flies.

If you want to attack it, you have to kill those black locusts first. These black locusts have no attack power, but they are extremely numerous. Immediately after the magic armor resisted it, it hid in the swarm of black locusts and disappeared.

"Damn it, the pupil of petrification - petrification!!" King Caishan roared, and the light of petrification spread, killing many black locusts immediately.

But the really deadly poisonous flies hid behind the black locusts, using these black locusts as shields, few were killed.

Not only the beast riding mage, but even the tamers under him fell down in pieces. Those poisonous flies don't have much power, but they are poisonous! After being stung by these poisonous flies, even if it couldn't pierce the body of the silver-tusked elephant beast, it could already pierce the skin and inject venom into it.

"Retreat!" Seeing the situation, a super-level military mage from the center gave an order decisively.

But King Cai Shan and his troops are not good at speed, once they encounter this agile and poisonous Zerg creature, it becomes extremely difficult.

Mu! ! The beast that King Caishan was riding knew that he was doomed, so he curled his nose around his beast trainer and threw his beast trainer back on the way back.

"White Fang! Let go of me! Am I greedy for life and afraid of death!"

But this silver elephant also understood human nature after it reached the commanding level, so it ignored it and used all its strength to throw King Cai Shan away, while it erupted with the final thunder to eliminate the black locusts and poisonous flies as much as possible.


Until at last these gleams were swallowed up by darkness.

Not only the beast-riding mages, but even some wind-type and shadow-type assassin mages suffered devastating blows.

It's so weird, these creatures seem to have been prepared in advance. This is completely different from the previous wars of monsters. In previous wars, there was no way to prepare and set traps for you in advance. They were all sudden attacks, destroying the city and massacring human mages.

But this time, the other party seemed to want to exhaust the power of human beings, and then wipe out the entire monster in one fell swoop. It was planned!

A middle-aged man stretched out his hand, and a water shield caught King Cai Shan who was thrown over. He said in a deep voice, "The war is not over yet, and it hasn't even started yet. This is just a temptation from both sides! You don't have time to be sad!"

King Cai Shan raised his head and said in surprise after seeing the man's appearance: "You are Lieutenant General Lu Zhongqian!!"

Lu Zhongqian said solemnly and loudly: "Don't think that this is Congcheng, you can retreat after the residents have retreated! Let me tell you, this time the purpose of the heterogeneous Zerg is to destroy the entire demon capital. Once the core city of the demon capital falls, the country will lose The consequence of a base city will be the fall of the entire surrounding province!"

Hearing Lu Zhongqian's words, King Cai Shan wiped away his tears, stood up, and his eyes showed flames of revenge.

Lu Zhongqian commanded through sound magic amplification: "All earth mages use ground waves to overturn the entire land. Fire and thunder types use magic bombing. Those poisonous flies are hidden in the soil, destroy them! "

Together with the military mages who came from several other cities to support them, they used earth magic together like an earth dragon turning over. The whole ground suddenly shook, and the originally solid soil immediately loosened. It was more than one meter high, and if you look carefully, you will find that there are some white eggs in the soil, which have not yet been hatched with energy.

Immediately, the flame and lightning interacted, like burning ceramics, causing those unhatched poisonous fly eggs to die in their cradles.

Under Heavenly Peak, the gigantic Tianguan Zilin Sacred Tree is now here.

The man who looked exactly like Zhao Hua stood on the top of the tree and looked out, muttering to himself: "We've been discovered. But it's okay, it's consumed a lot of their mana, let the Insect King and the Insect Lord go."

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