Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1120 Xiamen

"10,000." Ji Shao silently punched out 10,000.

"Hey, don't move, I'm fooling around, 13 Yao hangs 10,000." Jiang Yu showed an excited expression, and pushed all the cards.

It happened to be thirteen, and there was only a difference of 10,000, and it couldn't be touched. It should be Zhaohua or Yao Buyi who buckled it up.

"Hahahaha, Shisanyao gives me money, hehehe." Jiang Yu himself is a member of the third system who has awakened the Chaos system, so of course he can play mahjong.

And it happened that Jiang Yu and Yao Buyi planned to take a pre-marital trip, wandering around aimlessly, just came to Yaodu and chatted, so they came to play mahjong.

After all, it has been several months since the incident in Congcheng, and now the national team has assembled and is ready to start formal training.

Both Jiang Yu and Zhaohua are in their twenties, they have already reached the marriageable age, no, they are over.

Couples like Lin Mo and Xiang Luo not only held high-profile banquets and weddings some time ago, but also held the company's IPO together. Now Lin Mo is Mr. Lin.

The two of them can be regarded as suffering.

Zhaohua looked at Jiang Yu, showed a sly smile and said, "Wait a minute, cut off."

Zhaohua pushed the cards directly, because they sat opposite each other to prevent the two pairs from feeding cards to each other, so Zhaohua sat opposite Ji Shaoan, and Jiang Yu happened to be Ji Shaoan's home.

Zhaohua smiled slyly, "Pinghu."

Both Ji Shaohan and Yao Buyi were snickering, Ping Hujie was thirteen, Zhaohua snatched all the bamboo shoots on the mountain, take the bamboo shoots.

Jiang Yu opened his mouth wide, Ping Hu! Cut Hu! ! ! ! With a click, cracks appeared in Jiang Yu's eyes, and he was so angry that he couldn't control himself.

Jiang Yu's face turned pale with anger, and his breathing was already a little short.

Jiang Yu resisted and said: "Did you make a mistake? You're going to cut me off! Is this how you treat guests!"

The last time Jiang Yu played cards with Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan in the Sahara Desert, he didn’t lose, but instead won a few pieces. This time playing mahjong, not only did he lose in the front, but the thirteenth player who came back from the game was intercepted. He suddenly felt his blood pressure They all rose up.

Boom! ! Suddenly there was a powerful thunder in the sky.

Zhaohua and the others looked outside. It was not without reason that Jiang Yu and his wife came to Zhaohua to play mahjong. Because of the heavy rain, Jiang Yu and Yao Buyi’s honeymoon flight from Yaodu to Taidu was cancelled, so I just came to play mahjong.

Yao Buyi muttered to himself, "It has been raining for three days."

Jiang Yu and Zhaohua's expressions also became serious. The sea level has been rising in recent years, and now it has been raining heavily for three days in a row, and the heavy rain covers a wide area.

All the cities between the two super first-line bases from Demon City to Yao City have been affected, and the most serious one is Ludao, which is commonly known as XM City.

Why XM City is called Ludao, because it is indeed an island, but it is connected to the land by a cross-sea bridge.

Now, as the sea level rises day by day, coupled with three consecutive days of rain, the sea water has now overflowed the land leading to Ludao, and the whole city has been soaked by rainwater, most areas are more than one meter deep .

The most important thing is that the rain came suddenly and has not stopped until now. Under the combined action of rainwater and sea water, it is likely to completely soak the island.

And the biggest problem is that after investigation by the Magic Association, it is suspected that this is a water-based demon technique performed by a powerful monarch, which makes the sea water evaporate and rise, and is brought to Heron Island by the clouds and falls crazily. The Kraken can go ashore and attack Ludao smoothly.

Many mage groups in the inland and surrounding areas have been urgently transferred to Xiamen.

For example, a group of military mages from Qinling Mountains, a group of military mages from Feiniao Base City, and a group of military mages from other regions all went to Xiamen for reinforcements.

Although Zhaohua is a bee brain, the bee plan is only aimed at some super-large monster invasions, that is to say, for those who cannot be resisted by normal strength, purple or even black attacks will be dispatched.

The purpose of the bee plan is to solve things in an alternative way, like this time Xiamen is a very common Kraken attack. It has nothing to do with Zhaohua.

Jiang Yu looked at Zhaohua and said, "Don't even think about running away. I want to fight for it. It's not because I want to win, but because I want to tell others that I want to get back what I lost."

Zhaohua snickered and said, "Generally, people who lose and go bankrupt say this."

In the end, as Zhaohua said, he wanted to make a comeback after losing, but in the end he lost even more. Jiang Yu almost walked away with red eyes in the end, and vowed not to play mahjong with Zhaohua in the future, but to play mahjong with Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan.

In the middle of the night, Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan cuddled together, with their backs leaning against the head of the bed, and they were watching a TV series with magic tablets.

"Ha~~" Ji Shao murmured, looking like he wanted to sleep.

After Zhaohua turned off the tablet magic device, he said, "Go to sleep."


At this moment, Zhaohua's mobile phone suddenly dinged, and there was a text message.

Zhaohua picked up the phone and looked at it, with a solemn expression in his eyes. Project Bee went awry.

"What's wrong?" Ji Shao asked silently.

Zhaohua smiled wryly and said, "Something went wrong at the Trial Council, I might have to go to Xiamen."

Ji Shao chuckled and said, "Go early and come back early."

Zhaohua rolled his eyes and said speechlessly: "Aren't you going with me? There is a siren disaster happening in Xiamen right now."

Ji Shao got into the bed directly, covered his head with the quilt and said, "Don't make trouble, it's raining in Xiamen, don't get my clothes and shoes dirty."

Zhaohua breathed out, don't get your clothes and shoes dirty? ? ? People are suffering disaster!

He got into the bed directly, and after joking with Ji Shao, he got dressed and left.

In fact, it wasn't that there was a problem with the Judgment, but that there was a problem with the Bee Project.

In the bee plan, someone betrayed.

And just now Zhaohua received information that this person has now appeared in Xiamen.

As a bee brain, Zhaohua naturally had to deal with it. Most importantly, he introduced this person into the Bee Project. Now that he has rebelled, Zhaohua naturally has to deal with it and clean up the door.

At this time, in the air several thousand meters above XM City, Mo Fan and the others finally arrived in Xiamen on Zhang Xiaohou's military plane.

"Brother Fan! We're going to jump off! The airport has been submerged now." Zhang Xiaohou said loudly.

Mo Fan poked his head out, and he could see the entire Ludao Island from here. If he jumped from here, the super mages would be smashed to pieces.

And not everyone has the wind element, and Mo Fan is one of the few. He has neither the wind element nor the super-level magic wing equipment, and he can't fly.

Mo Fan said: "It doesn't matter if I have a space element and a shadow element, but if other mages jump like this, the parachute may not be usable in this heavy rain."

Zhang Xiaohou said loudly: "There is no other choice!"

After Zhang Xiaohou gave the order, he said, "I'll jump first, you follow!"

"Yes!" The military mages replied loudly in unison.

Then Mo Fan watched Zhang Xiaohou put on the goggles and jumped directly.

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