Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1121 Rebellion

Mo Fan and his team finally arrived at this big copper-gold hotel after a lot of hard work. The big hotel is overcrowded, people are everywhere, and every floor is full of people. There is no doubt that this place is a temporary refuge. It is also a temporary gathering place for mages like Mu Bai and Zhang Xiaohou deployed from other places.

Mo Fan and the others were blown away by the storm because of skydiving. They finally got together and arrived at the rooftop of the hotel according to the instructions. Only then did Mo Fan realize that everyone from the Hongling Military Region, Qinling Military Region, and South Wing Mage Group had been here early in the morning. , he is the slowest.

At the moment, they were all standing on a semi-outdoor high terrace, a few meters away was wind and rain, and cold fog could hit them.

Zhuang Hong, the elder of the East China Sea Magic Association, said: "I have wronged everyone, there is no place to stay in the hotel for the time being, let's discuss it here."

Mo Fan didn't care much, and leaned his back against the wall with a cool and domineering look. If it was in ancient wars, he was a fierce general, like Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, who could count as a thousand horses, but the strategy and plan in the past were not suitable for him, so he was responsible for killing.

Elder Zhuang Hong said solemnly: "The Ocean Alliance just gave us bad news. In about eight hours, the sea water will rise to a height of 15 meters above the ground. This height can already allow some large sea monsters to enter."

Ludao is a small island, and the land itself is not very high. As a result, the sea level rises by 15 meters and the entire island is completely submerged, and the height of 15 meters is enough for some relatively large deep-sea sirens to invade.

"There is a deep-sea siren called the Touch Armor Demon. This sea monster has a serious carnivorous habit, especially likes to eat people and has a strong sense. If the people of this city are evacuated from here to the land, eight hours later... this place may become a purgatory on earth."

"The lowest strength of this kind of deep sea siren is the general level, and I'm afraid there are quite a few commander level, which is a big hidden danger in the Southeast Sea."

Mo Fan couldn't help frowning when he heard this. The hunter mage is most afraid of encountering a monster with strong perception in the wild. Strong perception means that hunters will be exposed in front of them, they can lie in ambush, and their every move will be detected.

The positions of hunter and prey change at any moment.

For this kind of siren who can distinguish its position by hearing, it is meaningless to hide.

"So we only have eight hours. During these eight hours, we have to escort everyone to leave safely. During these eight hours, there may be groups of demons from the East China Sea and South China Sea entering the island one after another," the elder Zhuang Hong continued. .

Lingling was recording something on the laptop, and while listening, she could still respond and said: "A sea monster has already stepped into the island. We just met a giant claw monster when we came to rendezvous. The sea monster The vanguard has come."

Others also said one after another that they also encountered some sea monsters when they came here.

Elder Zhuang Hong said with a solemn expression: "The reason why I called you here is to hope that you can cooperate and cover our evacuation of the people. All the residents have assembled, and we have arranged the amphibious evacuation magic equipment. We only need to resist The attack of the monster will do."

To evacuate, Mo Fan realized at this time that the purpose of deploying them from other places was not to resist the sea monster, but to protect the people to retreat.

That's right, humans can't beat so many sea monsters at all. Normally, if monsters launch a large-scale attack, most humans can only retreat. There are very few who can run away.

And this time the rainstorm lasted for three consecutive days. Although the Ocean Alliance and the Magic Association didn't know how large-scale the Kraken attack would be, after the incident in Pudong, people were indeed afraid.

What if the emperor strikes again this time, how can we resist it?

So to be on the safe side, it's better to retreat.

And the retreat method is also very straightforward and simple. The Magic Association has already researched magic equipment that can be used for both water and land, and Ludao has three bridges connected to the land, so it is only necessary to gather all the residents together according to the retreat route. Just take it across the bridge.

The question is whether they can all evacuate within these eight hours, and whether the military mage can withstand the attack of the sea monster that rushed in during these eight hours.

If you can't stop it, it's over.

As time passed, Mo Fan and others continued to escort the residents to retreat inland.

Although many sea monsters took advantage of the heavy rain to moisten their bodies and began to invade inland, but they have not yet reached a high sea level, so the sea monsters are mainly small in size.

Although monsters are not 100% strong because of their size, they can generally be judged from their size. Small size is not necessarily weak, but huge size must be strong.

And a few hours later, in the torrential rain, on the roof of a high-rise building in Ludao, a figure in blue rainwater, who was watered by the torrential rain in the heavy rain, didn't care about being hit by the rain at all. Standing on the roof, he seemed to enjoy the washing of the rain, like the condescending feeling.

"Oh? Choose to evacuate, don't you intend to resist? Hehehe, human beings only have such a little ability, and I'm afraid we will disappoint the Protoss."

"Are you planning to evacuate to the inland from the three sea-crossing bridges? Then destroy the bridges, disaster twins!"

But at this time, a green shadow of the wind pierced the rain film, and the wind wrapped around the body swirled away dense raindrops, and the figure as fast as a gust of wind and thunder flew from the edge of the inland to Ludao.

Zhaohua is a Summoning mage with the Wind Spirit, and in a sense he majors in the Wind Element, so his flying speed is naturally extremely fast. Although this majestic rain will seriously block the line of sight, some high-level wind mages dare not fly in the rain.

But for him, who already has a super-level cultivation base and has the perception of wind, it is the same when it rains or not. Zhaohua is no longer simply relying on the five senses to perceive things.

With the perception of wind, he already has a sixth sense beyond human beings.

Boom boom boom! ! ! The light of magic shines, and it looks even more beautiful like fireworks from mid-air.

Originally, Zhaohua would not come to Ludao, but now that the sea level is rising, sea monsters are active, and the coastline of the entire country is 30,000 miles, how can he control so much.

"It's a super-level assembly order..."

Zhaohua saw a signal just now, it was the gathering signal of super mages, which meant that a monarch had appeared.

But Zhaohua didn't go to the gathering place. He had his own affairs to deal with. The traitor of the Bee Project needed to be dealt with by himself, because that traitor was the one he invited to join the Bee Project. Now that something happened, he naturally had to clean up the house.

Huh, Zhaohua instantly appeared on the roof of a high-rise building. There was a man in a raincoat on the roof and a corpse on the ground. Zhaohua didn't recognize him.

Zhaohua looked at the figure and didn't speak.

The figure turned around, took off the raincoat, revealed a scaly face, showed ferocious fangs and said, "Long time no see, Zhaohua."

Zhaohua looked directly at the man who had completely changed his appearance, and said in a deep voice, "Li Kaifeng..."

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