Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1172 The Antarctic Continent

Sith Heaton shook his head and couldn't help sighing.

Because when Zhaohua was still practicing in the national government, Zhaohua had been to Italy. At that time, Cafiero didn't know that Leo was controlled by the Psychic system. Sith Heaton always knew that Cafiero intended to let Zhaohua succeed the killer. Palace, so he has been looking for information, wondering if Zhaohua really wants to.

Only now did Sith Heaton discover that he was actually deceived at the time. Although he didn't know how he did it, Zhaohua actually noticed his own spiritual magic, which even Kafiro couldn't detect.

That's why Sith Heaton didn't attack Zhaohua who was still a high-ranking man at that time.

But now, it is not so easy to move Zhaohua at the high level. If he is given the choice, whether to deal with the high-level Zhaohua who is protected by Kafiro, or the full-fledged Zhaohua who does not have the protection of Kafiro.

He chose the former 100%.

Zhaohua is now not only strong, but also the most important is status, if this is moved, something big will happen.

It is impossible for that country to let its deputy chief judge die unexplainably, and there are still mages from that country in Europe.

In the past, you were most likely to offend his family, but now you may offend one of the strongest magic empires in Asia, which makes him dare not act rashly, and has to find the most suitable time.

"Then shall we just let him continue like this? If this continues, it is not ruled out that he will reach the pinnacle or even the semi-forbidden curse sooner or later. At that time, the Hall of Assassins will have to give up." Deliberately or unintentionally, he said the most worrying thing in Sith Heaton's heart.

Why Cafiero is called the Godfather is not because he is the ruler of the Komora family, but because he is the ruler of the entire dark forces in Italy. Back then, Cafiero suppressed the dark forces in the entire Italy.

is a legend.

Now Zhaohua has the shadow of Caferro back then, the appearance of a young man or a future man, which made Sith Heaton feel a little pressure.

Forbidden curse is a big mountain, even if it is broken through by the core of the earth, it is better than semi-forbidden curse. If Zhaohua can walk out of his own way and break through the real forbidden curse mage, it is completely two concepts.

Sith Heaton said in a deep voice: "Continue to follow the original plan and keep an eye on Zhang Ning's position. What we need to guard against is not Zhao Hua, but the former Empress Zhu Xian."

"If she is willing to come back and take over the Hall of Assassins, I'm afraid she will still be able to gain a lot of support in the Hall of Assassins."


At this time, in the dividing line between the outer and middle layers of the Antarctic Continent, seven gray-haired old mages are heading towards the core area of ​​the Antarctic Continent step by step.

They were not dyed gray by the heavy snow, but because they were all old mages, their hair had already turned white.

And among them, Cafiero is among them. There is no doubt that these are the seven old curse mages who went to the Antarctic continent to find the truth about the sea monster's natural disaster.

Except for the seven of them, there was no one around, no so-called servants to follow, no one to help them unscrew their luggage or the like.

Everyone carried a lot of things on their backs, and it was because they were all Forbidden Curse Mages, and their physical strength was astonishingly strong. In front of them, these luggage were like nothing.

Some of them are mages who practice the space system, and they levitate their luggage directly by the power of space thoughts.

At this time, they had just experienced a fierce battle. On the boundary between the outer and middle levels, several forbidden spell mages of Kafiro encountered an Antarctic ice beast monarch, and he was still the supreme monarch.

The Forbidden Curse Mage itself can be one-on-one with the Supreme Sovereign, but the environment here is too harsh, those blizzards need to use defensive magic all the time to resist, and the Antarctic Continent has a special cold air, which will freeze the magic energy of the mage , so that the mage releases magic slowly or even makes the mage unable to use magic.

"Shadow Poetry—Dark Judgment!"

With a sound of tearing, Caferro used powerful shadow power to quickly cast a dark star palace. A dark claw aimed at the heart of this huge ice beast, and dug out its heart. The darkness eroded and finally took away Take its life.

Bang, this huge ice beast with the head of an ice ape lowered to the ground, smashed a huge ice hole, and cracked the ice layer on the ground.

Mu Rong, the ice curse mage in our country, said: "Let's take a rest, we just consumed a lot of mana."

It is not difficult to kill the Supreme Sovereign, but the difficulty is to use the power of the forbidden spell to resist the extreme ice cold, and at the same time use the magic energy, so that the consumption of the magic energy of the forbidden spell is even more serious.

Haldane, the American Forbidden Curse Mage, nodded and said: "I agree with Mu Forbidden Curse. This extremely cold air has greatly reduced our magic power. The closer to the central area, the stronger the cold air. I guess, when we reach the core area , even the Forbidden Curse Mage couldn’t forcibly resist it.”

The core area of ​​Antarctica has always been a blank area that humans cannot know. Humans do not know what is in the core area and what will happen.

In the past, some people who were not afraid of death entered the Antarctic Continent to explore, and some old Forbidden Magic Masters entered the Antarctic Continent, but without exception, none of them were able to enter the most core area.

The most recent forbidden curse mage who entered the Antarctic continent was an old British curse mage, but he died when he entered the middle level, and everyone only knew that he met the emperor and was killed.

Think about it, you can already meet the emperor in the middle layer, how dangerous is the core area.

Haldane, the American Forbidden Curse Mage, used special means to transmit the detected situation back to the mainland and to the Magic Association.

Victoria Thurman, a British curse mage, pointed her fingers at the belly of the ice ape, and a stream of high-speed water as thin as a hair was shot out. The sharpness of the water knife was comparable to a heaven-level magic tool.

Victoria Thurman quickly made a big cut, and said in a calm voice: "We hide in the body of the ice beast, which should be able to effectively resist the severe cold."

As the only woman in the team, Victoria Thurman didn't feel dirty, and took the lead to get into the body of the ice beast. As expected, the ice beast living in the Antarctic continent has a very high ability to resist cold, because it just died Yes, so the body is quite warm.

Zizizi, the Russian forbidden spell mage Romanov Fei used plant-based magic to create a tent-like thing in the ice beast's body, supporting the flesh and blood, and vacating a place for people to rest.

French Forbidden Curse Mage Lauren is a fire mage, and the last remaining mage is from Egypt. He is also the leader of the previous Hunter King Contest, Hooper, and is a necromancer Forbidden Curse Mage.

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