Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1173 Performance Conference

French Forbidden Curse Mage Lauren couldn't help frowning and said: "The erosive power of the ice breath in the Antarctic continent suppresses different powers differently. I feel that my fire magic can be suppressed more severely than other departments."

Lauren is a forbidden curse of the fire system, that is to say, his magic of the forbidden curse of the fire system is the strongest, but just like this, he found that his fire system was suppressed the deepest.

Haldane, the American Forbidden Magician, keeps recording the incompatibility of the Forbidden Magicians to Antarctica, and constantly transmits the data, hoping that future generations can research ways to deal with the harsh environment of the Antarctic Continent, such as researching the relative array To resist the erosive power of the ice breath that even the Forbidden Curse Mage can only rely on brute force to resist.

Victoria Thurman is an old woman, but it is not difficult to see from her outline that she was definitely a beautiful girl when she was young.

Victoria Thurman is also a blood relative of the Grand Duke Irene.

"There seems to be something wrong with these animal blood." Victoria Thurman touched the blood on the ground and said.

The others also bowed their heads after hearing this, lifted the protective magic on their bodies, and touched the bloody water underground, they would not know if they didn't touch it, but when they touched it, they found that the blood of these beasts was quite hot.

Romanov Fei, a Russian curse mage, said: "No wonder, I said that the fur of the ice beasts in Antarctica cannot resist the invasion of cold air. How do they survive? It turns out that their blood is the key point."

Several forbidden spell mages had already tried it when they came in, thinking that to resist this special cold air, it should be the best to use the fur of ice beasts to resist. After all, Antarctic ice beasts live on the Antarctic continent all year round and suffer from There must be a way to resist the invasion of cold air.

It's just that they found that the fur of the ice beast had no effect and could not block the cold air at all. The cold air could still pass through the fur wrap and invade the mage's body.

Victoria Thurman nodded and said: "And it is likely that only the blood of ice beasts above the monarch can be so hot, but I don't know what effect the mage will have if he eats it."

Haldane, the American Forbidden Curse Mage, took a large bag of boiling ice beast blood and threw it to the outside. Yes, just throw it out.

The Antarctic continent is affected by the magnetic field. Space magic is almost ineffective here, and all coordinates are all messed up. It is impossible to use ultra-long-distance teleportation here, so everything can only rely on physics.

"Hopper, is your undead effective?"

This year's hunter Huo Bo shook his head and said: "Even the undead of the monarch, all creatures here will be eroded by this special cold air, and I can't revive the ice beasts here, this place is too special, the darkness cannot Come, this place is not under the control of the god of death."

If the ice beast can be revived, then they only need to kill an ice beast, then hide in the ice beast, and let the ice beast take them into the core of the Antarctic continent, but now it seems that this method is not feasible.

Even the Lord of Darkness cannot pass through the barriers of the planes and interfere with the glacier of the Antarctic Continent. The Emperor of the Roof of Ice does not allow dark creatures to appear in its domain.

Even a curse-level necromancer, if there is not enough power of death, it is difficult to resurrect and control the undead. Moreover, the erosive power of these ices can freeze even the undead core of the undead.

And Cafiero has been silent, sitting on the side, with some magic devices beside him. In addition to killing monsters, Cafiero's task is to protect some exploration devices from being destroyed.

Cafiero looked at a huge magic tool next to him, and a gentle look flashed in his eyes.

At this time, in a remote place in Sicily, Italy, there is a luxurious villa. This is the stronghold of the Komora family and their headquarters.

The villa where Zhaohua lives is not here, and it can be seen from here that Zhaohua has not yet fully secured his position.

The interior decoration of the villa is very dark. After entering the entrance, you can immediately see a sign carved with a knife [giustizia]. This is the Italian text, the meaning of the word righteous.

After passing through the screen, a huge golden dragon made of pure gold was vividly placed on the wall, and the lighting in the room was also a little dim.

Those at the level like Benoy and Richards can only stand here, standing on the wall like guards, and are not allowed to approach the big round table in the middle.

"Chairman, according to the rules, you need to temporarily entrust all the magic equipment to us for safekeeping." A man who looked like a guard stopped Zhaohua and the others and said.

The three of Mo Fan wore sunglasses. After these few days, their acting journey has gone further and further.

Zhaohua naturally knew, so Zhaohua and the others didn't have anything on their bodies today except their mobile phones. There is a detection formation here, but they can even sense the space storage.

After all, what they held this time was a performance meeting. To put it bluntly, it is a truth for the underworld to divide the spoils. Although the Komora family already has certain contacts and relationships with the Holy Order, they still have to be careful that the Holy Order suddenly bites back and sends undercover agents to collect evidence.

The four of Zhaohua put their mobile phones on the plate, walked through the formation and entered the hall.

Mo Fan said in a low voice: "I'm going, it really has the taste of a gangster movie, the environment, the lighting, and the big golden dragon, tsk tsk tsk, it's magnificent."

Zhao Manyan said: "What do you think, you have never been to the Mu family, our country also has this kind, but our country prohibits it, so it can only come secretly. The Mu family can be said to be the master of the underworld in the imperial capital."

Mo Fan nodded and said: "Mu's control is quite large, I have a chance to visit it."

Jiang Yu complained: "If you go to the Mu family, there are nine out of ten chances that you will hit it."

Zhao Manyan nodded in agreement.

Zhaohua was the last one to arrive. The round table was already full and there was only one seat left.

Zhaohua didn't sit at the first place, because there was a gray-haired old man on the first place.

Martha Rudnev, he is older than Caferro, it is said that he is the one who guided Caferro to set up the Komora family, which belongs to Caferro's think tank.

In the Komora family, his status was second only to Cafiero. And the strength is also very strong, three lines of super-level mages, high position and weight.

Zhaohua sat down and looked across from him. It was Milus Skinner and his son, and Mo Fan was standing behind Zhaohua.

Zhaohua leaned back against the chair, with a calm smile on his face, looking like a boss, his expression and demeanor were full of confidence.

And Milos Lauro looked at Zhaohua with gritted teeth. At first, he thought that he was destined to become the ruler of the Komora family, but he didn't expect Zhaohua to jump out, and he was actually stronger than him by several times. times.

Let him fall from the strongest genius of the Komora family to the altar in one fell swoop.

Marta Rudnev took a look and said: "Since Cafiero left for the Antarctic continent, our group has experienced a lot of wind and rain and turmoil."

"Today is also the first time for our new heir to participate in the performance meeting. I hope he can lead us back to the top!"

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