Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1222 Siren Pioneer

"I don't understand."

Zhaohua stretched out his hand to touch Ji Shaohan's hair, and said with a faint smile: "I don't really care if I win or not. In the end, humans lose, or the demons win, or the dark plane, holy plane, I don't mind calling out wars on the plane."

"What I care about is whether I have done what I promised you."

"I promised you that I would be able to stop the fusion, but I failed. This is the second time, I will let Xiao Ji come back, I promise you."

Zhaohua grabs Ji Shao's hand with a soft voice, but everyone knows how determined his gentle voice is.

Zhaohua used to have no goals.

He feels that his life is meaningless, because the world is too simple and has no desires.

Until he met Ji Shaohan later, he tasted the sense of failure that he tried his best but still failed, the sense of powerlessness of breaking trust in others.

Zhaohua is now trying his best to protect the survival of human beings, but this is not his ultimate goal. Zhaohua is just on the way to the ultimate goal, doing his best to fulfill the obligations and responsibilities that a mage should fulfill.

If you can save people, why not save them? Surely. Why be a whore if you can be a virgin. The enemy Zhaohua has to face is very powerful, extremely powerful, and there is indeed no hope in sight.

Zhaohua is going through the third stage of his life. Even though he knows that he will lose in the end, he is still fighting with all his strength.

Ji Shaoan often said that Zhaohua was her dependence, but Ji Shaoan didn't know that dependence was always mutual.

No one wants to taste the taste of loss, especially after tasting it once.

If you can't win, you want to win even more. Overturning the doomed ending, that's a human being.

Soon, the plane landed at Yaodu Airport, and now Yaodu Baicheng International Airport is almost deserted. Now the Ocean Alliance has issued danger warnings to coastal cities around the world, and tourism, aviation, etc. are almost extinct.

Except for the residents who originally lived in the coastal cities such as Shanghai, Yaodu, Pengcheng, Hangzhou, and Asuka City, who still stayed in the city, some hunters and mages who were out on business and who had no fixed place all went to the northwest to seek refuge. .

Those who can leave have left, and some ordinary people who cannot leave, and those who are unwilling to leave still stay in these coastal cities.

Everyone has realized that the Kraken is really coming.

In Pearl City, the busiest place in Yaodu is Yaodu Tower, with people coming and going. Because the Tower of the Demon City is the headquarters of the Demon City of the Magic Association and the Judgment.

In Feng Zhoulong's laboratory.

"Ding Yumian's side has already made arrangements. At that time, she will explode and suffer from surgery. I will arrange a few stupid congressmen to come over to serve as introductions. I have to clean up some corruption."

Feng Zhoulong looked at Zhaohua and said, "You are killing her."

Zhaohua didn't try to argue, that's what it was in essence. Although the outbreak of surgery may not necessarily be fatal, it is very likely to be fatal, and it is easy to lose control.

What's more, Ding Yumian is a vampire, when she suffers from surgery, Zhaohua will promote Ding Yumian according to the records of the evil temple in Egypt. As for what will happen in the end, that is unknown. What Zhaohua and Feng Zhoulong need is this unknown data.

Feng Zhoulong did not continue this topic, and said: "The method of magic fusion has been completed. Thanks to Sharjah, her natural talent of single-minded and three-purpose has provided me with a lot of useful information."

The biggest problem with magic fusion is that human mages cannot use multiple magics at the same time. Even if you can cast a spell with one thought, the second magic will have to be done after the second thought, let alone use two magics at the same time for fusion.

But this world is so wonderful. The natural talent of the humble craftsman is similar fusion magic. There is a kind of sea monster that also has a fixed four-element fusion monster skill in the body, and Sharjah from the Ojos Saint Academy in Europe and Sea from the Alps Magic Academy. Di, these two young genius mages from European universities, they actually have the same innate talent, and they can use three things at once.

In other words, there are such rules in the magical world, but there is no way to sum them up.

Zhaohua knows that she has the innate talent of being single-minded and dual-purpose. When the adoptive mother of Little Flame Fairy, Flame Demon Girl, was a human mage, her natural talent was dual-purpose.

It's just that what Zhaohua didn't expect was that there were actually people with three purposes in one mind! And there are still two!

Innate talent is a very confidential matter, and Zhaohua, who is born in Europe, has no right to know and investigate. This is really thanks to Mo Fan.

These two were both gifted students of Ojos Holy Magic School and Alps Magic School that Mo Fan had been to. Their information was kept confidential. If it wasn't for Mo Fan's reason, Zhaohua would not be able to find it.

In the beginning, Zhaohua invited Heidi to complete the magic fusion, but in the end Heidi refused. Out of curiosity, Zhaohua investigated and discovered that Heidi was the victim of the disaster!

Heidi is known as the head of the dimension in the academy, because all the magic systems she awakened are dimensional systems.

Theoretically, this is impossible. Generally, awakening a dimensional system at the elementary and intermediate levels proves that the mage is born with extremely strong spiritual power, or has encountered something when he was born, inherited from his ancestors, and so on.

But the three systems are all dimensional systems, so it's not that simple.

In addition to Heidi, Zhaohua also knew that there were two people who only awakened the same major department of magic. One is Ji Shaohan who only awakened black magic, and the other is Ye Xinxia who only awakened white magic. And Heidi is the third one, who only awakens dimensional magic.

Later, Zhaohua checked and found that although Heidi is very strong, she is basically a transparent person in school. She often hides and cultivates by herself. According to Zhaohua, this is Ding Yumian No. 2.

It is estimated that the principal of the Alps Academy of Magic, like Dean Xiao, felt that the victims should not be regarded as a disaster, and the minimum human rights should be respected. He did not tell the Holy City, but hid Heidi in the academy.

However, although Heidi did not accept Feng Zhoulong's invitation to study magic fusion, she has already joined the disaster-stricken alliance formed by Zhaohua. The Disaster Victims Alliance is a global organization that collects information about disaster victims and provides protection and support to them.

The victims of the disaster will indeed create a catastrophe and kill the people around them, so Zhaohua simply asks the victims to gather together. Anyway, the victim can't kill the victim, so magic must be used to defeat magic.

Of course, Zhaohua's purpose cannot be so simple.

However, contrary to Heidi, Sharjah is very interested in the new method of magic fusion. After hearing Mo Fan say magic fusion, he sent it to his door, and showed Feng Zhoulong his ability to use it three ways, and took the initiative to He shared his feeling of being single-minded and three-purpose, and some methods and materials that even Feng Zhoulong had never heard of.

Sharjah is like a knowledge base. Not only is she very persistent and enthusiastic about unknown knowledge, she is also a very powerful scholar herself and knows a lot of things.

The most important problem in magic fusion is how to use multiple magics at the same time. This problem was broken by Sharjah.

Feng Zhoulong took out a magic glove and said: "To use fusion magic, you need to master multitasking and use multiple magics at the same time. This glove can accomplish multitasking. But the success rate of fusion magic is very low."

"Success rate?"

There are two more later, on the way.

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