Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1223 Attack on the Demon City

"Success rate?" Zhaohua took the glove and asked.

Feng Zhoulong nodded and explained: "Sakya and I have both worn this glove and tried the method, but in the end we basically failed. We only succeeded once in a while, but the power is very weak."

Zhaohua nodded, this is normal, this new method must be gradually corrected through continuous experiments. Feng Zhoulong is at best a guide, and he must walk the rest of the way by himself.

It requires continuous innovation and continuous improvement on the basis of fusion methods.

Feng Zhoulong asked: "Do you want to try it? This glove has the ability to collect data. The more people use it, the more people can make a complete and large database, and the most perfect method can be found, and the final fusion magic method can be completed."

Zhaohua looked at Feng Zhoulong and said, "I only have one department, why do you want me to integrate?"

Feng Zhoulong is just talking, Zhaohua is the most unsuitable mage for fusion magic, and at the same time, he is born with fusion magic. His half magic method and the magic energy series method of the magic system are actually his special fusion method.

In ancient times, when the Magic Association had not yet appeared, and there was no unified method for the awakening of modern magic, the strength of the magic family at that time depended on the strength of the method researched by that magic family, and they were all different methods.

Feng Zhoulong said: "So the last thing I need to do now is to find a suitable person to perfect the fusion method."

Zhaohua smiled and said: "Isn't there one? If there are many departments, you can collect data on fusion methods between different departments."

Feng Zhoulong and Zhaohua looked at each other and smiled, they both knew who it was.

To perfect this large fusion magic database, different departments must be fused with each other to see what will happen between which departments and which departments.

And there is a person who is born with dual lines, twice as many as others, so if you don't look for him, look for someone. As for the other problems of Famen, whether it will explode or not, it doesn't matter, let's ask for blessings.

Suddenly, Feng Zhoulong looked at Zhaohua, and said with a kind smile: "I, Feng Zhoulong, have no children and have been studying magic all my life. I have treated you and Ji girl as my own children from the early morning."

A gleam of light suddenly flashed in Zhaohua's eyes, and he looked at Feng Zhoulong seriously and said, "Have you ever thought that I might have been lying to you all along?"

Feng Zhoulong said: "I have to believe in you. Go for a walk, call my lovely little disciple Shajia and Ji girl, and have a meal with me, an old man."

Early the next morning, Zhaohua patted himself on the head and got up from the bed speechlessly.

He looked at Ji Shaohan who was next to him and shook his head. Zhaohua, Feng Zhoulong, Ji Shaohan and Sakya were drunk last night. Zhaohua's weakness is that he can't drink enough.

Last night Feng Zhoulong drank very high, and in the end it was Zhaohua who called the people from the trial meeting to send Feng Zhoulong back.

Zhaohua looked at Ji Shaohan, and squeezed Ji Shaohan's little face as if snickering. Ji Shao murmured, then slapped Zhaohua's hand away and said, "Ask for leave today."

"Are you still asking for leave? Didn't we invite our mother to have morning tea at Yaodu Tea House today?"

What Zhaohua was referring to was not Zhang Ning, but Ji Shaohan's mother. Ji Shaoyin's mother is just an ordinary person.

Ji Shao hummed, but still didn't move to get up, and was still sleeping.

And at this moment, Zhaohua's cell phone rang, and Zhaohua picked it up to see the news from the Judgment Council, the content was very brief: The Demon City was attacked by a powerful Kraken tribe in the early hours of the morning.

Zhaohua frowned. Both the East China Sea and the South China Sea belong to the Pacific Ocean, but the East China Sea is closer to the center of the Pacific Ocean, and the sea level of the Demon Capital is lower than that of the Demon Capital.

"Looks like I won't be able to drink morning tea today."

Zhaohua sent a WeChat message to Ji Shaohan's mother, canceling the morning tea and asking her to stay at home, Zhaohua asked Ji Shaoan to meet her mother, and if there was a siren disaster, take her away first.

Zhaohua, as the vice president of Fengnao and the Judgment Council, must be on the front line.

Mo Fan is free, he can save people if he wants to. But Zhaohua can't, he doesn't have to go to the demon area to search for resources desperately, but once this kind of thing happens, he must take responsibility.

Zhaohua spread the wings of the wind and flew towards the Tower of the Demon Capital. Now it's just that the Demon City is under attack, and the Kraken hasn't completely washed ashore, it's just fighting the mage at sea, but the Demon City is also a coastal city.

As soon as Zhaohua put away the Wings of Wind and landed at the gate of the Yaodu Tower, two female judges in the uniform of the Judgment Council immediately walked to Zhaohua's side in a hurry.

Zhaohua quickly put on his identity card of the Judgment Society, strode towards the stairs, and while receiving the documents handed over by the two Judgment Envoys, he seemed to ask, "How is the situation now?"

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, Zhaohua watched and listened, now is the time to race against time, although it is just dawn, but the court, the magic association and the military mage are already in action, the entire first floor of the demon city tower is busy with people coming and going Can't be handed over.

The demon capital was attacked, and the next ones would be the demon capital and Pengcheng.

This is the most prosperous of the three super base cities in our country, and it is also a big coastal city.

After all, the resources of the ocean are too rich. There is only one reason why these three super base cities are coastal cities, and that is to compete for the resources of the ocean and compete with the Kraken for resources.

In terms of rich resources, the land is far less than the ocean, so our country has set up base cities or big cities second only to the four super base cities in the South China Sea, East China Sea, Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea.

Needless to say, the East China Sea is the capital of magic, and the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea are the new Asuka base and the capital of the emperor. The South China Sea is the top priority of our country. Two super base cities have been arranged, Pengcheng and Yaodu.

Because in addition to the rich resources and huge breeding industry in the South China Sea itself, Baodao Taicheng is also the largest resource breeding island in our country, and it is an inseparable part.

One of the judges quickly said: "Now the Demon City is being attacked by the Siren Tribe that is second to the Siren Empire. For the time being, no emperor has been found, but several monarchs have appeared, and they should be led by the Sea King Skeleton."

Monarch tribes are naturally divided into strengths and weaknesses. For example, the Shayuan Undead Empire in the ancient capital was actually only a tribe, because there were no emperors when they invaded the ancient capital.

But that is the strongest undead tribe because it has a supreme monarch and multiple great monarchs.

According to the words of the judge and some information, Zhaohua understood that the monster tribe that attacked the demon capital this time is the same as the one that attacked the ancient capital.

Not only were there multiple monarch-level sea monsters, but also a variety of sea monster tribes attacked together, and most importantly, the Sea King Skeleton that was just mentioned by the trial envoy.

That is the supreme monarch, and it is an extremely powerful existence among the supreme monarchs, and it is invincible at the level of the monarch. This kind of monarch who has not reached the level of the emperor, but ordinary semi-forbidden spell mages will be killed, is also called the invincible monarch.

Zhaohua glanced at it, and didn't choose to take the elevator, but directly wrapped the other two judges with wind rails, and the wind rails floated, turning into a gust of wind and heading straight to the headquarters hall of the Yaodu Trial Council.

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