Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1236 Ji Shao is coming

"Come on~"

Zhaohua looked up and saw that Ji Shaoan, who was wearing a beautiful pleated skirt and a small twist braid on the left side, fell directly from the sky.

Ji Shaohan didn't use magic to slow down, so he swooped down directly.

Shengyin's cute dragon head saw Ji Shaohan fall from an unknown height, and the dragon's eyes popped out in fright. Only then did the Tilia saplings know why Zhaohua stayed where he was.

It's not to make myself feel better, so that I won't be tortured by the guilt of abandoning the common people, but because Zhaohua sensed that Ji Shaoan had already rushed over. After all, Zhaohua can even hand over the divine power to Wentai, so how can he Maybe you will feel guilty and guilty for abandoning tens of thousands of people!

Indeed, just as Tianguan Zilin saplings thought, Zhaohua did not try his best to stop the siren and give himself an explanation. He felt that Ji Shaoan was coming, so he stayed here and waited.

Zhaohua has always been a rational person, wasting his ability to summon beast monsters and his magic energy just to make his heart feel better, that's impossible.

If he could really save tens of thousands of people, Zhaohua would have no problem consuming his mana, and it would be worth it. But in order to make himself feel better and consume mana energy, Zhaohua turned his head and left.

So Zhaohua didn't mind what Guan Xia did. Zhaohua went to stop Guan Xia's troops, not only to save 20,000 to 30,000 people, but to save even more with Ji Shaoan.

Now that Guan Xia is gone, there is no other way but to save these tens of thousands. Zhaohua couldn't care about the others either.

Huh, a gust of wind blows upwards, slowing down the speed of Ji Shaoan's fall, Zhaohua stretches out his hands, and catches the heavenly thing firmly with a snap.

"Hey hey." Ji Shao chuckled and put his arms around Zhaohua's neck, enjoying the feeling of being hugged by a princess.

Zhaohua said with a speechless face: "Can you be more normal next time?"


Zhaohua let Ji Shaoyan down. After all, they wanted to fight, and they also had a purpose. Zhaohua never did things that didn't benefit. He did it together to deal with sea monsters and save people, and he also wanted to maximize his own profits.

Rescuing those tens of thousands of people is by the way, and Zhaohua's purpose in doing things is to do his best. While accomplishing one's own goals, one must also fulfill the mage's mission to the best.

Fish and bear's paw, he wants both.

Zhaohua summoned both the death knight and Sanwei. Now Sanwei is covered in blood, all kinds of monster blood. Zhaohua can clearly feel the suppressed madness in Sanwei. It is like a madman now. , could explode at any time.

Sanwei has been with Zhaohua for so long, and it is also Zhaohua's first beast tamer, and also Zhaohua's first beast tamer to evolve using the method of the origin catalog. Sanwei is no longer an advanced step, but a unique evolution.

So Zhaohua will definitely help Sanwei advance to a monarch or even a higher emperor.

When encountering the sea monster's tentative invasion this time, Zhaohua knew that the opportunity had come.

Zhaohua now needs the death of a large number of creatures to allow Sanwei to complete the advancement, and how much is this amount? Even Zhaohua couldn't confirm it. After all, Sanwei had absorbed all the dead souls of a small pyramid according to the origin catalog. It was the accumulation of thousands of years. Zhaohua guessed that even if he killed some demon lairs and groups near Yaodu Extinction is not enough.

If Zhaohua kills too much, it may also cause a big problem for Chongguo.

So Zhaohua is actually waiting for this sea monster's temptation.

When Zhaohua saw the majestic and huge waves coming, and when Zhaohua saw that the huge waves were densely packed with servants, warriors and cannon fodder sirens, Zhaohua understood that the opportunity had come.

Zhaohua can use the power of military mages, courts, and magic families to transform the three tails through the large number of deaths caused by fighting sea monsters.

But killing alone is not enough. At the time, Zhaohua remembered very clearly that the bigger factor for Sanwei's advancement was the help of the origin directory, but now, the origin directory has not moved, and I don't know if it can help so much, or it Reluctant, thinking that the improvement of Sanwei's strength needs Zhaohua to complete. Anyway, there was no movement, and the catalog of origins did not record what the next stage of evolution of the Great Desolation Witch Scorpion would be. It had come to an end.

Since the catalog of origins doesn't help, Zhaohua has no choice but to let Ji Shao come and the two of them together.

Moreover, the death knight made by Xiao Ji himself has been at the commanding level for a long time, and Ji Shaoan also plans to let the death knight advance to the monarch's terror knight.

The death knight was a dead creature created by Xiao Ji using his dark power back then. It was created by the power of the dark plane. Like the dark sword master, they are all fierce generals under the command of the master.

With a Weng sound, a dark red star palace quickly formed behind Ji Shao.

At the moment when this star palace appeared, just so suddenly, a dark meteor passed over the sky of Yaodu, and passed quickly. The demons all stopped moving.

When such a dark meteor passed over the sky of Yaodu, not to mention ordinary mages, even super mages had never noticed it. Only mages who have reached the strength of the peak and comprehended a little bit of the mystery of the forbidden curse will feel anything.

But when they looked up, the meteor had long since disappeared.

The dark meteor flew past, but Ji Shaohan's star palace was still there. The dark red stars emitted light, flickering, completely different from normal stars.

"This is..."

Seeing the dark meteor passing by, the eyes of Tian Qingbai on the Yaodu Tower were fixed, and a terrible light burst out in his eyes, and the glass of the Yaodu Tower vibrated at a frequency that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

Zhaohua looked at the star palace, which was too big and a little too big, and asked suspiciously: "Shaohan, what is your cultivation level for cursing?"

Zhaohua discovered that the appearance of this star palace didn't look like a super-level curse of the curse system - Wannian Curse, nor did it look like a second-level curse - Rotten Curse.

Ji Shao glanced at Zhaohua indifferently, and that look made Zhaohua stunned for a moment, but it was only for a moment.

Ji Shao bared his big white teeth and said with a smile, "It's fully cultivated."

Zhaohua was startled, this turned out to be a super-level third-level curse of the curse system - the curse! !

I have only heard of Zhaohua, the super-level third-level magic of the curse system, but I have never seen it. Zhaohua heard that this was once a great curse mage who challenged Hades of the dark plane not only survived, but also stole the spells of Hades and finally created powerful magic.

If the super-level light system is the strongest single-body magic, then the third-level magic of the super-level curse system is the most mysterious, because there are not many curse mages in the world who can cast it, even if they have reached the third level. not come out.

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