Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1237 Curse

Grudge - curse, a third-level magic of the super-curse system.

This curse is quite mysterious, even Zhaohua doesn't know its specific effect. After all, black magic is too dangerous, especially curse magic. Curse magic is definitely the most dangerous magic among all magic. Many of them are banned from learning. If one is not careful, the entire human race may be cursed.

Ji Shaoan is a special case, and the state allows him to study, but Zhaohua heard that it is strange that the effect of the mantra varies from person to person.

The power of the curse is quite mysterious and obscure, and it is very difficult to undo it. Otherwise, why the black magic except the shadow system, and the other three departments have been banned by the Magic Association, it is too difficult and dangerous.

"This breath... is somewhat similar to the breath in the Khufu Pyramid."

At this time, Zhaohua finally remembered where he had felt this aura. Zhaohua had felt the general aura in the Pyramid of Khufu, but the aura in the Pyramid of Khufu was even worse than the one Ji Shaohan used now.

Zhaohua is also speechless. This cultivation speed is much faster than riding a rocket. She is the fastest person Zhaohua has ever seen. You must know that Ji Shaoan is a major in the Undead Department. It's full, the undead department is already full.

However, Xiao Ji has been away for several years without knowing it, and Ji Shaoan has already reached the third level of the two departments.

Even Zhao Hua and Mo Fan are both at the third level of the first department.

Whoooo! ! ! !

Suddenly, Black Mist Conch-kun, who was still destroying the sea defense dam, seemed to be venting his anger and trampling on the success of mankind, let out a resounding cry.

rustle! ! Mr. Heiwuluo also felt fear.

You must know that the third-level super-level magic can already cause damage to it, and its outer shell is really powerful. Even the Sky Splitting Sword, the strongest single magic third-level magic of the light system, cannot break through its outer shell.

But the curse system is not a traditional attack magic, it is invisible and invisible, and this is the curse system magic used by Ji Shaohan, the breath makes Mr. Heiwuluo feel terrified, so it cannot let Ji Shaohan complete the star palace.

For a moment, not only the slaves and warrior sea-monsters rushed towards Ji Shaoan madly, but even the commander-level and sovereign creatures gave up attacking the fleeing mage, and surrounded her from Ji Shaoan's side.

The monarchs above the middle monarch are still in the coastal area and cannot rush over immediately, but some ordinary monarchs and junior monarchs have been bypassing the sea defense dam for a long time and going ashore.

Among them are crab turtles.

The other two monarchs had already been killed by Tianyan, but the crab turtle's defense was too hard, making it tasteless for Tianyan to eat, and it couldn't do anything if it kept hiding in the turtle shell.

"Holy Feather—Wan Yu Zhan!"

Zhaohua used the power of Shengyin to guard Ji Shaoan.

Aww! The Holy Feather Seal appeared on Zhaohua's forehead. Although Zhaohua's third line has not yet reached super-level, Zhaohua's half-door allows him to use half-super-level magic.

"Holy Feather Divine Seal—Holy Spirit—Waltz!"

A lightsaber appeared in Zhaohua's hand, and with a sudden swing, a circular light slash instantly wiped out a large number of sea monsters around him. Together with the attacks of Three Tails, the Death Knight, and the Tilia saplings, a large area was emptied at once.

"Shaohan, how long is it?"

Just as Zhaohua finished speaking, he heard Weng's voice, and the construction of the huge star palace of the curse system was finally completed, and the completion speed was even faster than that of a top mage using super-level three magic.

The moment Ji Shaohan's star palace was completed, the surrounding high-rise buildings that were visible to the naked eye were actually melting, as if butter melted at high temperature. Not only the high-rise buildings, but even the soil on the ground were melted into magma, and the magma It's black, it's dark magma.

In that instant, it seemed that the land in the southern city where Ji Shaoan was located suddenly turned into a piece of demonic soil, and a demonic master was born.

Ji Shao opened his mouth silently, tapped his finger lightly, and muttered to himself, "Ming curse."


The earth is demonized! ! !

The effect of the curse is to turn the entire land into the domain of the demon lord, Ji Shaohan's demon soil!

This is an extremely terrifying thing, because Ji Shaoan is causing earth-shaking changes in the territory of the magical world. One can imagine how powerful such a curse is, Ji Shaoan is cursing the world itself!

Zhaohua had a glimpse of the leopard at this time, and it can be seen that this is just super-level magic. If Ji Shaohan is fully awakened in the end and the real darkness falls, it will be so terrifying. I am afraid that the creatures in the entire magic world will become devils.

Curse is banned for granted.

"Is this the principle of the pyramid..."

Of course, such things have happened before. The Pyramid of Khufu should say that all the pyramids are actually land demonization and occupying this land.

The reason why Shayuan exists in the different space is because the ancient king didn't want his land to be demonized, so he hid Shayuan in the space interlayer.

The closer it was to Ji Shaoan, the more demonized the earth became. Except for Zhaohua, even the Sacred Silver and Tianguan Zilin saplings were affected, and Zhaohua had to summon them all back.

But Sanwei and the death knight can walk freely in this magic land, especially Sanwei, Zhaohua has already felt that Sanwei is about to transform.

But the most affected are those sea monsters who surrounded them. Walking in Ji Shaohan's cursed magic land is an act of suicide. Zhaohua watched these sea monsters who entered the range of the curse go mad and go crazy.

Their bodies seemed to be splashed with dark red ink, Zhaohua saw that bone spurs appeared on these sea monsters, and the cursed power of darkness was crazily drilling into their bodies at this moment.

Zhaohua also heard a sizzling sound.

Curse! This is the origin of the cursed creature! Let the creatures that set foot on the demonic soil become the slaves of the demon lord Ji Shaohan, unknowingly change the nature of the creatures!

Under the invasion of Ji Shaoan's curse, it can seriously affect the soul of the creature. The curse is burying the creature in the deepest part, and the suppressed anger, killing, ruthlessness, greed, killing, and all negative emotions are detonated.

The curse is a magic that tempts people to fall into the devil's way, even compulsory! !

The super-level grudge—the ten-thousand-recite curse just makes creatures kill each other, insane. The curse of super-level two—the curse of rot only makes the flesh, mana, and lifespan of creatures within the range quickly rot.

But the third level of super-order completely changes the origin of living things.

The dark plane does not only have dead things, undead are dead things, which are things that mutate after death. But dark creatures are raw, and they can reproduce. And the curse is to turn one kind of creature into another kind of creature, which is quite a scary thing.

"Hahahaha!!! It's so comfortable here! Death, death, death!!! Give me death!"

Scarlet bone spurs suddenly grew out of Sanwei's body. These bone spurs were actually the teeth of Sanwei's abyssal mouth, but the teeth were so huge that Sanwei looked like he had become a bony undead.

Except for Zhaohua, only Sanwei has not changed its origin of race, it seems to be immune.

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