Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1297 Identity Exposure

The undead tide broke down the weakest seawall in the magic city in an instant. Although the sea-defense dams breached by those sea monsters a week ago have been urgently repaired, a week is not enough to completely repair them. The more ferocious, wild and fearless sea monster undeads destroyed faster.

Moreover, not only are the undead themselves numerous in number, but their strength will also increase in places where there is a lot of dead energy, and they will become extremely violent. Only sunlight and light magic are their weaknesses.

But the undead sea monsters are not afraid of the sun, not to say that they are inherently immune to sunlight, but the undead sea monsters are different from the undead in the ancient capital. The appearance of the undead sea monsters, like the sea monsters, comes with huge waves.

Siren undead are hidden in water or soaked in water.

The sun's burning and purification effect on the undead is dispersed by the sea water, and the undead on the bottom of the sea can also dive directly into the water to avoid the direct sunlight. This makes the sea monster undead not so afraid of the sun. They don't need to be like the undead in the ancient capital. They come out for activities only after dark, and there is no need to rely on violent springs to resist the sun.

And light magic has always been the best way to fight against the undead. Although the light mage was called a small light bulb when he first awakened, when fighting against the undead, an elementary light mage can even surpass an intermediate fire mage. Mage, the damage bonus of the light system to dark creatures is too high.

But the problem is that this is not the ancient capital. The arrival of the undead under the sea has caught the entire defense line of the demon capital off guard. There are not even enough light magicians on the seawall.

Even the Demon City has no way to fight against the undead. Even the Ocean Alliance and the Magic Association are facing the attack of the undead sea monster for the first time. There are basically no undead sea monsters in the world. The one that Mo Fan killed at the beginning The sea king skeleton is already one of the few known undead creatures of the sea monster.

The number of undead was extremely large, and enough light mages and light system defensive building magic caused the front line to retreat steadily. Two hours later, they were beaten not far in front of the Pearl Tower.

"Kill them all for me, kill them all for me!!" Councilor Zhuang Yue yelled furiously on the podium in the sky of the Pearl Tower.

"No, I can't kill them all. These undead are not only numerous, but the mages killed by them will also become undead. This goes on and on, and our loss is getting bigger and bigger!"

Zhuang Yue looked at the undead sea monsters who were already gnawing on the Jinyao enchantment, and his whole body was paralyzed on the ground, his eyes had lost their light.

He thought that he was about to reach the top of the sky, but he didn't expect that he would be defeated by a girl, and Ding Yumian would win and lose.

Zhuang Yue knew that he was doomed, sacrificing Ding Yumian caused even greater disaster.

On the other side, in the community of Mo Fan's Little Golden House.

"Aren't you Mo Fan!" Suddenly, a curly-haired boy exclaimed.

Mo Fan turned his head to look, and remembered that this person was a student from the Pearl Academy he had saved, because the curly hair was too deep.

Mo Fan nodded coldly and replied with one word: "Yeah."

The curly-haired boy was overjoyed. If it wasn't for the wrong timing, he would have wanted an autograph, the kind that would be signed on clothes.

"God Mo Fan, you are so powerful, can you kill these demons and save the demon city!"

Mo Fan was speechless, stretched out a finger, and then put the finger in front of the curly-haired brother and said: "Look at my finger, the area covered by the finger is all my mana energy can kill The number of deaths, can you tell me if you can."

Looking at it from this angle, one finger of Mo Fan can cover a large area, but it is just a drop in the bucket for tens of millions of undead sea monsters. Personal power is limited after all. Mo Fan is neither a forbidden curse nor a disaster. By.

And his evil bead ability is not full, if he transforms into a devil, it may even be more dangerous in the end.

Just when everyone was in despair, a split second suddenly appeared behind Mo Fan. Mo Fan's powerful perception sensed the magic of the space system. When he turned around, it turned out to be Dean Xiao who hadn't seen him for a long time!

Mo Fan asked: "Dean Xiao? Why are you here?"

Dean Xiao received a notice not long ago that he applied to be transferred back after he knew that Ding Yumian had sacrificed in the end, but it was approved immediately, so he hurried over.

Dean Xiao said: "Mo Fan, I have gathered some people, but I need your help."

Now Mo Fan’s strength is no longer that hard-working middle-level mage who challenged the whole department for the resources of the whole department when he was in Pearl Academy. Now Mo Fan is a super-level five-system!

Thunder, Fire, Space, Summoning, Shadow, five super-levels, is the most super-level magician in the world, and there are only four super-levels of forbidden spells at most, because one of them is a forbidden spell.

Mo Fan naturally agreed, and followed Dean Xiao to Pearl Academy.

Dean Xiao and the others didn't talk nonsense, and said straight to the point: "Mo Fan, do you recognize it?"

Dean Xiao took out a photo, which showed Ding Yumian who had turned into an undead.

Mo Fan said with certainty: "Ding Yumian."

Mo Fan asked puzzledly: "But why did Ding Yumian become an undead, and this strength is too terrifying. Controlling tens of thousands of undead sea monsters, this strength is probably stronger than the sea king skeleton."

Dean Xiao sighed and said: "You don't know, in fact, Ding Yumian is not only a disaster victim, she is also the patriarch of the vampire clan in Shanghai, and she has extremely high vampire bloodlines."

Mo Fan gasped, Ding Yumian turned out to be a vampire? !

Later, Mo Fan suddenly remembered that when he was dealing with the evil vampire who killed Liu Ru's sister, he went to the library to look up information. At that time, he happened to meet Ding Yumian. At that time, Ding Yumian was very interested in his investigation of vampires and offered to help Find information yourself.

Back then Mo Fan thought narcissistically that Ding Yumian was secretly in love with him, and deliberately found excuses to contact him.

But thinking about it now, Mo Fan realized that the information Ding Yumian gave him was extremely accurate, how to deal with vampires, their skills, living habits, obsession with prey and other information were all correct.

At that time Mo Fan thought it was just because the information in the book was correct and he didn’t think too much about it, but later Mo Fan found out through chatting with Lingling that the few books about vampires that Mo Fan found can be said to be one in a million. It is to find the only few correct ones from various fake vampire information books.

Those crosses, nails, mahogany swords, talismans, boy urine, black dog blood, all are fake, and vampires are not afraid of them at all.

Back then Liu Ru also used the mahogany sword to deal with vampires because she didn't know that those were fake.

Only now did Mo Fan realize that the books that Ding Yumian gave her back then were so correct because she knew they were correct early on, because Ding Yumian herself is a vampire!

The typo will be checked and revised tomorrow. I'm so sleepy, I'm going to bed first.

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