Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1298 Ding Yumian's Good Soul

Mo Fan sighed, no wonder Ding Yumian couldn't leave school and couldn't graduate, it was because of this reason.

A disaster victim with vampire blood, this talent Mo Fan is envious of, but Mo Fan has also been hunted down by the people of the Holy Inquisition Court, so he naturally understands the pressure that this identity puts on a girl.

Mo Fan thought strangely about the previous national competition: "No, didn't Ding Yumian leave Shanghai before and come to Venice?"

"Should we contact her now? It feels like this is no longer the Ding Yumian we know." The super-level healing teacher asked.

Dean Xiao sighed: "I don't know, she is too hostile now, Dean Li should have been killed by Ding Yumian, she probably came here for revenge."

Hearing what Dean Xiao said, even Mo Fan showed a dignified expression.

Mo Fan never believed that Ding Yumian would be such a person. Although Mo Fan and Ding Yumian had known each other for so long, they did not chat more than twenty sentences. Among them, five sentences were about dealing with vampires, and fifteen sentences were about a year ago. Said it when the demon disaster and Ding Yumian teamed up to fight against the sea monster.

Although it was only a short time together, Mo Fan knew that Ding Yumian was definitely a kind person. Ding Yumian was threatened and persecuted, but it was impossible for Ding Yumian to take revenge on human beings.

But there is no time for Mo Fan to think about the problem quietly, because the undead of the sea monster has seriously damaged the Jinyao enchantment. Once the undead of the sea floods in with sea water, the magic capital has been rebuilt with hard work for a year. Buildings and equipment are gone again.

This is quite a blow to the confidence of the mages of the magic capital. Once they lose confidence in a city, the city is not far from death.

"To figure out the whole thing, we need to go to the place where Ding Yumian committed suicide." Dean Xiao said seriously.

Dean Xiao seems to have a relatively mature plan on how to deal with this matter. Dean Xiao pulled Mo Fan over because he needed Mo Fan's powerful combat power to assist him.

Dean Xiao led Mo Fan and others from outside the city to use space magic to bypass the army of sea monsters and undead. They circled a large circle from the side of the city, from the East China Sea to the coast not far from Pudong New City, and arrived at the place that was confirmed at the beginning. It was the location where Ding Yumian's surgery broke out.

If a person is still alive, the Psychic System of White Magic is the best way to obtain information, and if a person is dead, the Undead System of Black Magic is the best way to obtain information.

There are legends that the reason why those who believed in the holy plane and the dark plane learned the mind system and the undead system was to obtain the memory information of the other party.

In war, intelligence is definitely the most important thing.

"Here it is." Professor Luo of Pearl Academy said with certainty.

A few people walked to the coral reef island, and a very strong dead air was hovering like the wind, which was incompatible with the tranquility and beauty here.

Pearl Academy must also have the Department of Black Magic and White Magic. The Bai Tingting Mo Fan knew at the beginning was a student of the Healing Department of the White Magic Department. However, there are indeed few people in White Magic, Black Magic and Dimensional Magic, even fewer than demons.

And when Mo Fan was still in the school, he had to work for his livelihood every day, and he had to feed the little loach and the little Flame Fairy. The rest of the resources were his turn. Basically, Mo Fan would spend time with Lingling accepts hunter quests or goes to the wild to try her luck.

So Mo Fan really didn't have time to learn about things that had nothing to do with him. It was only later that he found out that his school had branch campuses.

At the beginning, Li Kaifeng was from the Department of Dark Magic at the branch campus of Pearl University, majoring in the Department of Shadows. At the beginning, Li Kaifeng defeated Dongfang Lie and got the votes of Mingzhu.

And Professor Luo is the full professor of the black magic department, a super-level undead mage.

A gray-black star palace slowly appeared, and it was the first time Mo Fan saw super-level undead magic.

Professor Luo is only a super-level mage, so his star palace is built very slowly. This speed is comparable to Mo Fan's summoning system, but of course it is slower.

"Death-gathering witchcraft."

Professor Luo opened his palms. In this gray-black star palace, Professor Luo looked like the king of Hades who was in charge of the book of life and death. His gray eyes scanned the surroundings, as if he could look straight into the shadows.

Mo Fan saw wisps of white things starting to float from all directions, concentrating on Professor Luo's palm. Professor Luo was summoning souls, and it was not an ordinary summoning. This was a powerful magic that could collect and restore remnants of souls.

Professor Luo exhaled, the gray eyes disappeared, and the star palace also disappeared, but at this moment, a ghost figure could be vaguely seen floating in the palm of Professor Luo.

This ghost body glowed with a very faint light, and was quite weak. If Professor Luo was not a super-level necromancer, he would not be able to recruit this weak soul.

Professor Luo applied solemnly and said: "Dean Xiao, this is Ding Yumian's spirit body left here."

"Can you tell us what happened?" the teacher of the Healing Department asked.

"I, I forgot." The Cannian spirit spoke, the voice was soft and soft, but it was Ding Yumian's voice.

Everyone felt very uncomfortable looking at such a weak spirit body.

Several acquaintances of Ding Yumian before his death communicated with this remnant body one by one, hoping to awaken Ding Yumian's last remaining kindness and awaken its memory.

In the end, Mo Fan chatted with Cannian Spirit Body for a few words. Although Mo Fan said the least words and also the most unnutritious ones, similar to the conversation with a straight man with a good weather today, Ding Yumian seemed to recognize Mo Fan all at once.

A smile gradually appeared on her face, as if the dark and dead air around her had also turned into a beautiful glow.

"It's great that you came back alive." The Cannian spirit looked very happy.

Mo Fan felt a little ashamed. He didn't expect that after he went to the dark plane, so many people cared about him in the past year when the Parthenon Temple was restored: "I made you worry."

"Yumian, do you know that your dead soul has turned into a dead soul?" Professor Luo said straight to the point at this time. ,

"I, I know, I just don't want to be with them." Cannian Spirit said.

"They??" The others were confused.

"It should be a soul character that represents her different qualities. She who stays here is a good soul." Professor Luo said.

soul! Mo Fan once heard from Apasi that there are eight souls in the evil temple, representing the eight types of souls in the world, and the Red Devil Yiqiu is to collect eight souls and complete the final promotion.

And Ding Yumian alone has produced multiple souls! Then if she continues to practice, won't she be able to rival the final promoted Red Devil alone!

Dean Xiao looked at Ding Yumian's benevolent soul, thought of something and suddenly asked, "Yumian, do you still remember why you died?"

Ding Yumian's soul trembled suddenly, a strange look flashed in her eyes, she suddenly remembered someone.

"I don't remember."

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