Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1664 Double Dragon Meeting

There was only a hum, and the roar of a giant dragon came from the sky, and at the moment when the old holy winged dragon was surprised, Holy Silver flew into the nine heavens instantly, making a terrifying roar.

Under Shengyin's roar, Shengyin perched above the sky, baring its teeth and claws, extremely ferocious.

This time, Shengyin flew higher and farther than the old dragon. From that condescending perspective, Shengyin's eyes were full of complacency.

Ten years ago, the positions of the two sides were not like this. At that time, Shengyin was chased and killed while flying and rolling on the ground.

Then Shengyin roared again, and there was another dragon chant. Although Shengyin is not a dragon, it is just a dragon-shaped holy winged species, but from a distance, Shengyin looks like a huge silver dragon pounced down.

The silver dragon emitting silver light from its whole body tore through the void and the clouds. From Zhaohua's point of view, this is the picture of a huge silver dragon slaughtering down.

Shengyin opened his teeth and claws, Zhaohua rarely saw Shengyin being so violent and bloodthirsty, the ten silver wings vibrated, and a hurricane was brought about, and the claws glowed with silver light and were extremely powerful.

Undoubtedly, at this moment, Holy Silver used its killing power to the limit. It wanted to challenge its fellow countrymen, not just say hello.

At the same time, the original dragon-shaped Holy Wing had no choice, because the Holy Silver was not only extremely fast, but also locked on to itself, plus the strength of his own little emperor, would he still be afraid?

The old dragon couldn't help roaring, and heard a crackling sound, the old dragon seemed to be wearing pieces of silver armor, turning into a sharp sword, pointing at the nine heavens.

It didn't retreat, but soared into the sky, facing the dive of Shengyin, like a silver long sword flying straight, straight as a sword.

Hearing the sizzling thunder and lightning holy silver, the old dragon cast his skills, and the protection of the silver armor on his body flickered with lightning arcs.

Shengyin is also welcome, holy silver's dragon claws actually burst out the holy fire of the angel, and the white feather holy willow absorbed the vow power of the seven archangels, and also bound the seven archangels, allowing Shengyin to obtain part of the power of the seven archangels.

The sharp claws tore through the sky, and the thunder sword soared upwards. At this time, Shengyin and Laolong both broke out a powerful fatal blow. This is the collision of two powerful emperors. How terrible it is, it can be said to destroy the world.

Seeing this scene, many intelligent Holy Winged Species at the commanding level on the grassland were shocked.

Although there are no humans in the Holy Plane, they all have high intelligence after reaching the commanding level, with their own expressions and even language. Just like the Dark Plane, they have their own civilization.

boom! ! Shengyin's dragon claws hit the old dragon's head fiercely, but he used his demon skills, turning into a dragon-shaped holy wing like a long sword to shake Shengyin's extremely sharp claws.

Although the golden light of the holy silver pierced through the defense, it didn't penetrate into the flesh and blood, and didn't explode the head.

This trick of turning the body into a silver sword is the Holy Winged Species, which can only be possessed by some special forms of races, such as the dragon-shaped Holy Winged Species like Holy Silver.

Both Xiaofengcan and Tianyan can learn special elf magic from the Thousand Clans Elf Tower, originally Holy Silver could do it too.

So the Holy Silver Statue tried to see if the abilities he had learned in the magical world could surpass racial skills.

The fact is that it is not possible. After all, the ruler of Shengjing's soul is the dragon-shaped Saint Winged Species. In the Shengjing world, the race of Shengyin is the most powerful, not one of them.

Ho ho ho! The old dragon overwhelmed Shengyin's attack, and with a roar, the dragon swung its tail, and the silver dragon tail was like a huge galaxy, drawing towards Shengyin from the sky.

With a heavy blow, Shengyin's head was slapped hard, bang bang bang, Shengyin was directly pulled down from the sky.

The holy silver that crashed into the ground created a turbulent whirlwind, and even Zhaohua was almost swept away.

Zhaohua was not surprised. Shengyin only had the strength of an ordinary emperor. Although he possessed some of the magic skills of the seven angels, he couldn't let him leapfrog the battle. After all, the opponent's strength reached the level of a little emperor.

Aww! The Holy Silver Dragon Claw grabbed the ground and stared upwards.

At this moment, the pair of dragon pupils of Shengyin emitted a silver light. At this moment, a large amount of vow power surged around. Flowers and plants, some creatures, rivers and valleys, all flooded with a large amount of purification vow power, turning into one by one. same parts.

Holy Silver is also a Holy Winged Seed, and it is also qualified to absorb will power to strengthen itself.

The sound of clang clang clang resounded, these purification vows were not absorbed by the holy silver when they came, but were instantly assembled on the body of the holy silver, instantly turning into a piece of armor.

Shengyin stole it!

It secretly learned the demon skills of the old dragon.

But it's normal, Shengyin is also a dragon-shaped Saint-winged species, and also has the strength of an emperor. Although Shengyin hasn't systematically learned this kind of monster skills similar to racial talents, he took a look at it and learned a little after the battle.

Different from the old dragon, the holy silver is more like a spear than a sword, and besides the silvery white, it also has a little bit of angelic gold.

The last metal sound of clang sounded, and Holy Silver's claws were close together to fit the body. Holy Silver used the dragon's head as the tip of the spear, and the moment when the whole long spear finally appeared, it radiated a bright light. fighting spirit.

Hoo hoo! ! The long spear pierced the sky, and the long spear was bright and silvery white. Shengyin was full of fighting spirit, and it could continue to fight. It didn't come back this time to return home, it came to seek justice.

At this moment, the holy silver is like a spear, stabbing with a spear, leaving a sky mark in the space. From a distance, it seems that when the sharp tip of the spear reaches the sky, it can destroy the world and pierce everything.

With a dangdang sword chant, the old dragon did not show any weakness, broke out again, absorbed the purifying power of the surroundings again, and slashed forward with a sword, and slashed away with a supreme posture!

From a distance, it looks like a silver-white lightning sword and a silver spear with a little golden light fighting in the air.

Guns coming and swords coming, bodies colliding with each other, dragon claws and teeth biting.

At this moment, Shengyin and Laolong fought together again, and both fought until the clouds shattered.

The wish power madness scattered around is controlled by the two.

Not to mention emperors, the battle of high-level mages is based on whose domain is stronger and who can control more elements, let alone emperors, whose range and control are stronger.

In the holy plane, the battle depends on the strength of the will.

Not only is Holy Silver weaker, but it also spends too much time in this world. Compared with its fellow countrymen, it has far fewer supporters. Basically, Holy Silver can only rely on its own strength to absorb those who don't have much support. The will of intelligent creatures and plants.

Seeing that Shengyin was being beaten passively, Zhaohua sent a voice transmission through the contract: "Enough beating is enough, let's end it."

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