Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1757 live up to youth

"Hey hey hey hey hey!! I can't move now!"

Suddenly, the mountain shook, and the land on which Mo Fan was lying tilted. After exhausting all his strength, Mo Fan couldn't even move his body, and his body slid towards the sea.

Sisi! ! Suddenly, the string hanging from the blue dragon vessel around Mo Fan's neck became longer. It was during the national competition. Zhaohua saw that Mo Fan's string was broken, so he fixed it with wind silk.

Kaka, Zhaohua's other hand was entwined on the other side, and the two almost paralyzed people were connected to the sea like this. There was a snap, but fortunately, the wind silk got stuck on a big rock, and the two of them hung on it like a pendulum.

"Don't move, if you move again, my body will shatter first."

Zhaohua's body is not broken, there is no other reason, because Xiaofengcan made a contract with him again, Zhaohua's Xingzi was broken, but he left the last seven summoning Xingzi for him in the scientific world.

The two are like this, the left and right arms are connected by wind silk, like hanging salted fish, the two are hanging in mid-air, watching the sea turbulent, the world has really changed!

Xiao Fengcan no longer has any magic power, standing on Zhaohua's shoulder panting, and now that the world has changed drastically, the elements of the entire magic world are merging and cannot be replenished with external elements.

Mo Fan breathed a sigh of relief, luckily he didn't fall to his death.

Mo Fan looked over, and suddenly asked curiously: "What would have happened if I hadn't stopped just now."

The two of them didn't discuss it in advance, more precisely, they couldn't discuss it.

Because the master of the mind system, Mo Fan not only has the magic power of the mind system, he directly has the mind system!

Zhaohua didn't tell him, didn't discuss it, in order to deceive all the masters and the will of the plane, and obtain huge energy for magic to integrate the rules of the plane and create a new world!

Zhaohua's attack has no offensive power, but Mo Fan's is an absolute killer move. The reason why Zhaohua didn't die was because Mo Fan stopped and let Zhaohua stab down.

Zhaohua smiled slightly and said, "It's just like the prophecy."

Mo Fan's pupils shrank. This sentence is not as easy as it seems, because there are two prophecies here.

In fact, the prophecy is accurate. After all, Shenmujing is the world itself. Its prophecy has been deduced countless times, and even Zhaohua of the scientific world has rehearsed it, and the result of countless rehearsals.

As a result of not letting go, Zhaohua was punched through the body by Mo Fan and died, and Mo Fan would immediately discover the truth of Zhaohua's attack. He personally shattered the hope, which is why the despair, helplessness, and collapse predicted in the prophecy were revealed. expression.

Mo Fan is not defeated. If he tries his best and still loses, Mo Fan will not be desperate, helpless and collapsed. He will just accept it with a sigh, and die with everyone at worst. He is not the kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. Still can afford to lose.

However, if he himself killed the last hope, that would be unacceptable to him anyway.

"I would like to ask, why did you stop? Even if you know that the psychic master can read all creatures, you should not be able to guess what I want to do. After all, you will be fooled if you can't even guess all the masters."

This is also Zhaohua's curiosity. It is not that simple to lift the table. It is a life gamble, and the probability of failure is 100%. Whoever stabs you with a sword for no reason is still an attack that kills Wentai.

Even the first master can't see through it, and Mo Fan can't see through it.

Mo Fan grinned and said, "Didn't you say you can trust you?"

Zhaohua was stunned. This was Mo Fan's casual question when he entered the dark plane, and Zhaohua also answered casually.

One really believed, and the other really gambled.

Zhaohua shook his head speechlessly and said, "Are you really stupid or fake? Just one sentence will give your life to others."

"You don't give your life to me."

This is not as simple as a life gamble, it has not been calculated, if even with all the power added, the fusion is still not enough mana, it will be over, or Mo Fan can't create a way to fuse the world in the end, the same is over.

Mo Fan had no choice but Zhao Hua was greedy.

The two looked at the sea water as if it had lost gravity, and Mo Fan muttered to himself, "What will happen in the end?"

"Ask me about your fusion? But let's think about what will happen to us first. I have no magic power, no magic equipment, and the stars are all broken. If I fall, I will be smashed to pieces."

Of course, they can't be smashed to pieces, the mana is gone, and they still have wives.

Compared with the chaos of the magic world, other planes are even more chaotic, especially the dark plane and the holy plane. The heart of the plane next to the Holy Lord is already a dead thing, and the consciousness of the holy plane has disappeared. Also, the will of the plane has disappeared.

The reason is simple, because Mo Fan didn't smash and reorganize the nine worlds, but broke the rules and reintegrated them.

Originally, the bloody world only had the power of killing, full of blood, rage, and poison, but now, without rules and barriers, the bloody world is in chaos. Cursed power, death, loss, etc. are all mixed together, and the rules of the world have changed. , all messed up.

The darkness that blocks the world is like the sea water in the magical world, crazy and violent, those wild dark creatures rush into other unblocked worlds like crazy, those who are expelled by the master, such as the burial spider, the cursed frog, they are even cursed by theocracy, now All untied, they will go back to the underworld to take back everything.

A ruler like Hades is inherently weak, and without the power of the gods, his strength will drop drastically. Even if he is the supreme emperor at the same time, I am afraid that Qinglong can kill him.

The same is true for the holy plane. The wish force belief was originally separated from each world, but now it is messed up.

Even the sacred power and dark magic power of the holy plane and the dark plane collide with each other and invade the other's plane. Whether the will of the plane is to re-establish order, or take the opportunity to invade the other's world and compete for the other's power, no matter which one , anyway chaos.

Human beings want this kind of chaos.

But not all planes are like this. For example, if you summon a plane, the beast god itself will die, and you will not even have the will of the plane. Gearing up to take advantage of the chaos to rob.

However, this is not the most important thing. On the Elf Holy Island of the Thousand Clan Elf Tower, the seal of reincarnation has completely disappeared. After all, the rules of all the worlds have changed and become chaotic.

Rin caressed his body, feeling the touch of freedom, and smiled with the madness that had been suppressed for many years: "Finally...finally untied this damn seal!"

boom! The Summoning Plane ushered in the coldest winter.

They really don't know Zhaohua's purpose, but it doesn't matter, no matter what Zhaohua's purpose is, they still go their own way, kill if they want, destroy if they want to destroy, no matter how bad the result is, they will be sealed for a longer time like now, Could it be worse than this?

And now, they have the best results.

Divine blood is not important to them at all, they are innate elves, the most powerful elves of a thousand clans!

Now there is no need to use the gate of planes, Feng Ling stood on the holy island and looked at Xiao Fengcan in the magic world, and smiled slightly: "That kid has truly abided by the contract, and used the world to pave the way for his growth."

Zhaohua's initial contract read: You use the breeze to fight all enemies for me, and I use the world to help you break out of the cocoon and turn into a butterfly.

This turned out to be true.

Xiaofengcan waited for thousands of years for someone who could break the innate elves' ability to devour each other. Now that Zhaohua has done it, it's better to say that it's a bit super, and it's more than just a world.

The three planes, dozens of worlds, and the rules were all destroyed.

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