Of course, Mo Fan's fusion can't be to shatter all the planes and then merge and recombine them. It is impossible to fuse new planes like fusion magic.

What Mo Fan breaks are the rules and barriers, the wills of all planes will be integrated, and it doesn't matter if it's a fight or not, it's right.

In fact, it didn't take long for the plane turmoil to stop. Of course, all the elements of the magical world would not disappear. Not only did they not disappear, but like other worlds, the power of other plane worlds poured in.

For example, black magic and white magic. The power of these two kinds of magic is originally controlled by the master. Once the master closes the entrance and does not provide magic energy, the black magician and white magician are basically useless.

But now it is different, now because of the fusion of the planes, the barrier disappears, the magic energy becomes more fluid, and more importantly, the types of magic can become larger.

Black magic went from four to nine, white magic to nine, and elemental to nine, as plants and shadows were separated from white and black magic.

The only difference is the dimensional system. The dimensional system has become fewer and has become three types, while the summoning system has been separated and become a large system. The power of the summoning system is linked to the summoned beast.

But the power of the summoning plane instead made the monster stronger, pulling the monster to the strength of the summoning plane.

And because of the fusion of planes, human beings finally made up for their innate deficiencies, and now all mages can awaken dual systems.

After reaching the age of sixteen, like Mu Ningxue, she will self-awaken the element with the highest concentration of magic energy in her body, and use the awakening stone to awaken another element.

After breaking through one system, a new one will be awakened, which is a bit different from Mo Fan. After all, Mo Fan has two souls, and the current mage is caused by the stronger magic world.

Mo Fan created a brand new magical world.

That day was recorded in history as the beginning of a new era of magic. Mo Fan was known as the God of Creation and created a new era of magic. Zhaohua is naturally called the God of Destroyer, because he destroyed the old magic world.

Time flies, one year after the New Magic Era, in Zhaohua's big villa.

Lively, extremely lively, just like when filming a TV series or movie is about to wrap up, all the actors are here.

"This year, the changes are too scary, and I'm still slowing down." Zhao Manyan is still the chatterbox, as long as he is there, he must talk the most.

Mu Bai nodded: "Yes, the barrier between planes has disappeared, and the dark plane, holy plane, and summoning plane can enter through the buffer zone."

Mu Bai is no longer the Dark Messenger, because there is no master, until now, there is no master, because the new plane consciousness has not yet been born, and the new rules have not been established.

But there are creatures that dominate the battle, such as the number one ruler of the plane and Mo Fan.

Zhao Manyan asked: "Lingling, how is the Qingtian Hunting Station doing now? Is there anyone who needs my help? I'm really good now."

Lingling glanced at Zhao Manyan and said: "The Qingtian Hunting House has been closed for a year, and it is still unstable now. Many new monsters and unknown areas have appeared, let alone unknown places in other plane worlds. Only military mages can do this." Don't die."

"However, there are indeed a lot more magic resources now, and there are more and more magic schools in the past few years." Mù Nujiao became the chairman of the Magic City Magic Education Alliance, responsible for magic education in the magic city.

Sharjah also became a teacher, instead of collecting knowledge as before, she spread the knowledge she knew.

Asharuya and Ye Xinxia rebuilt the Parthenon Temple, and Asharuya continued to secretly run her intelligence organization to collect information about the other three planes.

Mu Ningxue is still in Fanxue Mountain in Asuka City, and now Fanxue Mountain has become a holy place for ice mages all over the world, just like the Holy City back then.

Mu Ningxue and Ye Xinxia were also there, but they were beside Mo Fan. Ye Xinxia and Mu Ningxue were both laughed by Mo Fan, but Asha Ruiya stomped her feet angrily, and she didn't know what Mo Fan said .

Liu Ru and Apas were cutting fruit beside them, but one was cutting for Mo Fan, and the other was for Mo Fan to cut for himself.

Mo Fan walked out from the crowd and shouted, "Where are the Zhaohua people? Hey, where are the people?"

All the people from the national team were there, and there were even some people from other countries, but they were not dueling, and there was a huge bluefin tuna in front of them.

"I finally went out to sea and got 900 catties of bluefin tuna which broke the world record."

Mo Fan has hardly been out of the city this year, and has always been in the city. He has not killed a monster in the past year, not even a slave-level one.

No particular reason, because it's not needed anymore.

Mo Fan is actually not a bloodthirsty person. His dream is not to rid the world of demons at all. He joined the Demon Hunting Team and the Qingtian Hunting House to improve his strength, make money, and protect himself against the Black Vatican. You can live a peaceful life.

But this time, so many people gathered here, and there was no special purpose. It was all because Mo Fan was fishing at the beach and caught a bluefin tuna that broke the world record. Suddenly, everyone in the national team was called.

If there is something good, it should be shared.

Ai Jiangtu, Zhang Xiaohou, Guan Yu and other military mages are also here. This year has changed too much, and the whole world is still in chaos. Although the mages are stronger, the monsters have also become stronger because of the summoning plane. Coupled with the invasion of creatures from other planes, it is simply a big melee.

But fortunately, now ordinary people can have at least one element of magic, and two elements still need resources such as awakening stones. Resource problems make it impossible for everyone to have two elements.

But fortunately, no large-scale battle broke out, and I don't know if it was because of Zhaohua and Mo Fan's reputation, or because there was no master, and few monarchs came from other planes.

Ji Shaoan and the two were playing with Gui Gui and Zai Zai, and Ji Shaoan wrote in the small drawing book: [He is in the study, it seems that a guest has come. 】


In the study, buzzing, Zhaohua made black tea and poured it on the cup.

"Xiaohuazi soaked very fragrant."

With a smile, Rin gently picked up the teacup and drank it. He was still so elegant. If Zhaohua hadn't known that Rin is now the most manic and invincible creature among all the former masters, he would have thought that Rin was some kind of invincible creature. The daughter of a family.

"Sister Rin has won the prize."

Rin put down the teacup, looked at Zhaohua with a smile and said, "You really did something earth-shattering. Are you interested in becoming an elf? I can make you immortal."

Zhaohua shook his head lightly and said, "I'd better be a human being."

Zhaohua canceled all the contracts, even Xiao Fengcan's contract was finally canceled, and now he is an ordinary human being who couldn't be more ordinary.

However, he is the last person to be messed with in this world.

Because he offended him, for some unknown reason, a few invincible monsters would come out of the world of the three planes, or his shadow would shoot out three tails and kill people.

Zhaohua, like Mo Fan, just wants to be a vulgar person, go shopping with his wife every day, watch movies, buy clothes and jewelry, run around with the children, and visit friends' houses to pay New Year's greetings during the New Year.

When you see a car you like, you can buy it without hesitation, eat and drink, and sleep until any time.

These are their ideal lives,

They just want to live such a clichéd life with the person they like, so they work hard.

But now, as long as there is no big event, it is impossible to see Zhaohua and Mo Fan. Zhaohua even resigned from the Supreme Judge and Fengnao, citing lack of strength.

"Aren't you afraid that the elves of a thousand races will invade the human world?"

"How could Elder Sister Rin do this to the person who helped you get in touch with the seal?"

Rin's eyes narrowed, he smiled suddenly, and said, "Seventy years, the elves of a thousand clans will not enter the magic world for half a step before you die a hundred years old."


"You're welcome, I think other masters think this way. You are too dangerous. If you don't die, they won't enter the magic world, but it's hard to say if you die."

Zhaohua just smiled and did not speak. He still did not give up his identity as a human to seek longevity like the ancient king. He is not so great and wants to protect the human world for thousands of years.

What do you want to do in seventy years?

"Hey! Zhaohua, are you here! Come on, hey!"

When Mo Fan's voice came, Rin disappeared like ice powder, and finally kissed Zhaohua lightly on the face.

"What a pity."

Zhaohua wiped the Nian, and with a sound of Gaji, Zhaohua pushed open the door and came out, and a ray of light came directly.

Ji Shao and the two immediately hugged Zhaohua, and Xiao Ji said coquettishly, "Woman? I asked Xiangxiang!"

"Well, girl."

Ji Shaohan immediately grabbed Zhaohua's waist and pouted, pretending to be angry.

In fact, he just wants this kind of life, and it is too tiring to have power.

Zhaohua looked at Mo Fan who couldn't wait to wave to him, and said with a smile, "Here we come."


Seventy years after the New Magic Era, the rules of the world finally appeared and were perfected, and the plane condensate was ready to take shape again. The emperor of the Sahara desert took the lead in attacking the world.

On a small hill, Zhao Hua and Mo Fan, who were already a hundred years old, stood on the hill. Not far away, the magic light was shining, and a dozen powerful forbidden curse mages were fighting with the emperor on the roof of the desert to prevent the desertification of the world.

Zhao Hua said, "I thought you would choose to become an evil god to protect this world."

"Oh." Mo Fan supported his old waist, sat on the hillside with difficulty, and said, "It's nothing, I'll leave it to Mu Bai. With him, don't worry."

Mo Fan put his hands on the back of his head, lying comfortably on the lawn, enjoying the breeze, and the green dragon totem vessel on his neck has also turned back into a small black loach necklace.

Qinglong and Xiaoyanji both left the magic world, as did Zhaohua's summoned beast. For them, whether it is Mo Fan or Zhaohua, they are just like kindergarten teachers. They have extremely important and unforgettable memories for their lives, but they cannot accompany them forever.

And the two of them are the last ones, everyone is old and old, those who died in battle also died in battle, and those who are looking for a stronger realm are also looking for it. The last thing, they all stayed until the end.

Zhaohua stood on the mountain, quietly watching the magic light, watching the battle, and after an unknown amount of time, Zhaohua said, "Do you think humans can win?"

Seeing that there was no answer, Zhaohua turned his head to look, shook his head and said, "You really want to be fast in everything."

Feeling tired from standing, Zhaohua chose a nearby tree to sit and lean against, and took out the catalog of origins from the space magic stone. He had only opened it once in seventy years and never opened it again.

Because the Fox of Reincarnation reappeared, Zhaohua and Mo Fan once again teamed up to fight against the enemy. Although Mo Fan and Zhaohua didn't know what it was doing, they fought again anyway. Let everyone know about this battle. The summoner does not need a contract.

Zhaohua held up the book and said, "Give it back to you."

A man appeared and stood next to Zhaohua. The man took the book and said, "Are you done?"

"It's used up, thank you, your divination is quite accurate."

The catalog of origins is not Zhaohua's, and many things have already been recorded in it to prove that it has an owner. This is the help that the scientific world seeks to save its own life in the magical world, and to help itself save Ji Shaoan.

Zhaohua is a genius, he has no purpose in life, it is Ji Shaoan who brings him light.

Fortunately, he succeeded.

The world of science also has magical powers.

Originally, Zhaohua wrote a letter intending to ask another person to bring his memory to the magical world, but unfortunately that person did not agree, because he could no longer enter the magical world.

But there is no way out, and that letter was accidentally seen by another person.

So when Zhaohua got the memory of another world later, he didn't explore the origin catalog again.

This is the help that the scientific world has begged for by its own serendipity.

With a snap, the mysterious man put a book with [Full-time Summoner] engraved on the cover on the ground.

"this is yours."

After finishing speaking, it disappeared with the origin directory.

Zhaohua picked it up and flipped through it. It recorded his whole life, and the memories were as vivid as a revolving lantern.

(Hey, have you finished reading yet.)

(Hey! Zhaohua, are you here! Come on, hey!)

(It's time to cut the fish!)

(Xiao Ji: Being pestered by a woman again?!)

([Looking for a fight!])

Zhaohua could no longer hear the sound of fighting, but the sound of chirping could be heard continuously. Finally, when he saw the last page, Zhaohua said something with a kind and filial smile.


With a snap, the book was closed, hugged tightly, and leaned against the big tree.

As the sun fell, a gust of emerald green evening wind with a bit of warmth like a flame hit, blowing the flowers and plants and the trees.

The little loach necklace made a bang bang bang bang bang bang sound, and the book made a flipping sound.

It's like when they were sixteen years old in the midsummer, one was lying on the back hill, and the other was leaning against his back to read a book.

Two teenagers, just like back then.

Live up to youth, live up to youth.


The book is over.

Unexpectedly, when I woke up, the million words were updated, and the finale was finished directly.

No way, in order to have full attendance for the last month, it was delayed until the 31st. In fact, the plot of the finale was already planned from the beginning.

From beginning to end, it is implied that the hero will destroy the world.

Three hundred and eighty-eight thousand words! From April 4, 2020 to now, 575 days! An average of 6,700 words per day, never updated! !

too difficult!

As for the new book, let me rest for a few days, and the new book will be released around November 10th to 15th.

Trials take time.

The new book will be released on Qidian. At that time, all book lovers can invest in Qidian. I update everyone to rest assured that you will earn money if you invest! ! !

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