Full-time Summoner

Chapter 183 Arrive in time

"I'm sorry... I don't have a choice." Xiang Luo said, covering his face and crying.

Lin Mo opened his eyes with difficulty and looked at the weeping girl. A black and red illusory spider demon loomed behind him when he opened his eyes.

This is the middle-level magic of the curse system - the trap of the evil spider, and looking at the magic circle underground, it should be the trap of the middle-level magic evil spider - the soul spider, within the range of the magic circle, summon a head that can attack The soul spider of the spiritual world.

Lin Mo is only a mid-level mage with a single system, and he can't release mid-level earth magic. The mental power and the mid-level curse system are basically two worlds. This soul spider easily made Lin Mo miserable. Lin Mo, who had been tortured for several hours, was now having a hard time even speaking.

The mental attack is far more terrifying than the physical injury, and this time it is a double injury, and the soul is also injured.

Lin Mo looked at Xiang Luo and didn't know what he was thinking. He didn't say a word. He knew what he was about to face. He was just collecting information. How could he not know what was going to happen.

After laughing as if mocking himself, he closed his eyes, Lin Mo was already waiting for his fate to come.

I don't know if that guy Zhaohua will cry for him at his funeral. How to put it, it seems that he has never seen him cry. Lin Mo suddenly thought of such a scene, but the corners of his mouth raised involuntarily. If Zhaohua cried, it might be quite funny.

The black-clothed priest saw the right moment. It was not easy to create a cursed beast. It had to be alive, a sorcerer with a cultivation base of level 3 or above, and had to have negative emotions such as hatred, despair, and anger in his heart.

"Go ahead, press the button next to it, put him into the black corpse water and soak it. It won't take long for him to become a creature that is neither human nor ghost."

Xiang Luo trembled for a while, looked at the priest in black and said, "I...I...I can't."

The black-clothed priest showed a dangerous gaze, and then said sarcastically, "No? That's fine, that means you failed. Don't forget, the thirteenth level is for you to turn him into a cursed beast with your own hands."

The black-clothed priest is not afraid of Xiang Luo's repentance or anything like that. Now she is the same as she was back then, and she has no choice. And the priest in black would never let Xiang Luo go, not because he wanted to kill her, but because he knew how he would go back to the past after eating the fishy cat. In the end, her only way was to join the Black Vatican.

"I don't know what happened to the woman who taught this game by words and deeds. Unfortunately, she can't try this game."

Xiang Luo looked at the buttons beside him, his hands trembling constantly, finally, Xiang Luo gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, and pressed the button connecting the chain with his hand.

Crash, la la la, the sound of the chain being pulled, followed by a plop, something fell into the water. The corpse water in that vat was very viscous, like cement, it was hard to even open your mouth after entering it, not to mention struggling, not to mention a soul spider watching.

There are tragedies that cannot be undone in some places, but in some places they can be reached in time.

"Fehn - wind disk - tornado!!!!"

From the first floor to the twenty-eighth floor! A red flame tornado ran through the entire building. The scorching flames and the high-speed rotating strong wind mixed together, destroying the commodity building that had just been constructed and was not very stable.

The tornado threw away some broken cement and some miscellaneous things like bamboo, leaving only some large pieces in place, and a few people protected by the soul spider, and the tank of black corpse water was not destroyed.

Zhaohua grasped the situation in an instant, and now he can only pray that Lin Mo didn't enter the vat for too long.

"Deng Le, Captain Jin Yuan, you go to rescue Lin Mo, he is in the tank. Ji Shaoan and I are dealing with the Black Vatican."

When Zhaohua thought of Xinggui, he directly summoned Xiaofengcan.

hiss! Seeing Deng Le rushing over immediately, Soul Spider was not happy. He pretended that Lao Tzu was not there, grinning his teeth and claws, trying to catch this kid into his own trap and torture him for a while.

When the Soul Spider was about to start, a head of black and thick long hair wrapped around it, and a female ghost with no white eyes appeared next to the Soul Spider's head, as if whispering in its ear.

I heard you are evil? Let's see who is more evil.

ah! ! ! ! Gu Suoyu's hair seemed to be alive, binding the eight spider legs of the soul spider, and piercing the soul spider's body with his long and pointed nails, a contest between the curse system and the undead system!

"Thunderbolt!" A thunderbolt shattered the tank like a thunderbolt, and the black corpse water inside flowed all over the ground. The corpse water corroded the plants on the ground.

Lin Mo rolled down from the inside with a snap, Deng Le hurried forward to check, seeing Lin Mo's miserable body trembling, half of his body had turned purple-black, and the blood vessels on his body became ferocious and terrifying like a centipede.

The only thing that is fortunate is that Lin Mo is still breathing, although he is already very angry.

Deng Le turned his head and glared at Xiang Luo. Back then, Deng Le also fell in love with Xiang Luo's beauty, but after he was defeated and matured, he lost his heart. Really lucky now.

The green bamboo snake's mouth, the wasp's tail and the needle, both are not poisonous, but the most poisonous to women's hearts. This man has paid so much for her, can he do it?

Jin Yuan hurriedly stopped Deng Le, who was like a thunderbolt striking Luo to death, and said: "Save people first."

Seeing that Lin Mo was still alive, Zhaohua breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Deng Le: "You go to the Magic Association with the three-tailed jade-scaled scorpion, I contacted Feng Zhoulong, and he said that he arranged for a healing mage to come from the city. "

Zhaohua didn't let them drive, not because of the speed, Sanwei's speed may not be as fast as driving a fast car, he was afraid that there would be people from the Black Vatican, although Deng Le is a middle-level mage, but protecting people will become restrained, Having Mitsuo reassures him a lot.

Deng Le did not try to be brave, nodded and sat on the back of the three tails fixed by the tail. This time it was a matter of human life and he was also his friend.

Deng Le looked at Xiang Luo and said, "You don't need me to break your limbs."

hiss! ! Sanwei also looked at her viciously, Zhaohua was not allowed to eat people, but she was allowed to eat hands and feet.

Xiang Luo was frightened by Sanwei, how could she dare to resist, and she was an elementary-level third-level light mage who could resist a ghost, so she was entangled by one of Sanwei's tails and dragged away.

Zhaohua looked at the Black Vatican in black clothes and said, "As usual, I will tell you something, and I will catch you without any pain."

As if he had heard something funny, the priest in black suddenly burst into laughter and said, "Hahaha, you want me to be caught without a fight? Well, I'll just stand still and use magic. You can catch me. If I don't resist, let you bring me to the What about the trial?"

Zhaohua frowned, suddenly feeling bad.

As if fulfilled, there was a sudden violent explosion sound behind him, which happened to be the direction where the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion was going back, and Zhaohua could hear it, it wasn't an explosion sound, it was more like a fierce fist hitting the sky, otherwise there wouldn't be such a sound. Big movement, ambush! There is an ambush!

"Hahaha, it depends on whether you are chasing me or saving someone."

A black eagle flew from the sky and grabbed the priest in black by the shoulder. It was unknown whether he was a summoned beast or a tamed beast. Seeing that the priest in black was about to run away, Zhaohua's eyes froze.

"Wind Elf Domain—press!"

A turquoise halo spread, and the black eagle, which was halfway in the flight, suddenly fell down as if it was being suppressed by something.

Boom! Zhaohua used the wind track to accelerate, his right foot slammed on the ground, kicking up bursts of mud, holding a strange-shaped weapon at some point in his hand, aiming at the falling priest in black.


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