Full-time Summoner

Chapter 184 Pig

The elf domain unfolded, and a green circle of light spread instantly. All the surrounding elements were repelled, squeezed, and changed in nature. The remaining wind elements quickly changed their nature and became the elf power that the wind elves could control.

A field the size of half a football field, everything within this range will be controlled. Zhaohua created a downdraft, and a strong wind pressed down violently, pushing away all the dust on both sides of the ground, and a flat ground that sank five centimeters appeared.

The black eagle that was about to fly away was pushed down for a while by the sudden downdraft, and fell down with the priest in black unexpectedly.

! ! It was about to fall to the ground, and there were not only Zhaohua, but also Ji Shaohan's dozens of undead groups waiting on the ground. There was no doubt that as long as they reached the ground, it would be Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan's home field.

"Summoned Beast Enhancement!"

The priest in black activated the third-level magic of the summoning system to strengthen the summoned beast, which can temporarily increase the strength of the summoned beast. A burst of moonlight covered the black eagle. After being strengthened, Flying Eagle raised its head to the sky and howled, spread its wings and patted the air to forcefully stabilize its posture.

Tsk, Zhaohua knew that his plan had come to nothing, Zhaohua wanted to quickly kill the priest in black and rush to save Lin Mo and the others. Now it seems difficult, but even if Zhaohua wants to leave, he still has to get a tail lottery .

With one thought of the star track, a wind track starts from Zhaohua and extends to mid-air. Zhaohua started running, and jumped up suddenly. At some point, a green weapon about two meters long appeared in his hand.

Human beings are human beings after all, even a mage can't change the law of not being able to fly. Even with the support of the wind track, Zhaohua can only reach a height of seven or eight meters in a violent leap, which is far less than the flying eagle at an altitude of tens of meters.

Zhaohua held the weapon with his backhand, pulled the bow back with his right hand, and made a gesture of throwing, his eyes were murderous, icy cold.

Pupils constricted, how could the priest in black not know what Zhaohua was going to do. But he himself is the same, he can't fly, and it is difficult for Flying Eagle to control the direction to avoid the attack when it is suppressed by the airflow, and he can't escape in the air.

The green light pierced the sky, dazzling like a shooting star, and a smear of red blood was brought out by the green shooting star. It's a pity that Zhaohua's blow can only penetrate one of the eagle's wings, and it can't kill two birds with one stone.

The black-clothed priest has magic shoes, and his magic shoes trample the air forcefully, causing him to change his trajectory a little bit, so that the meteor, which was supposed to kill two birds with one stone, can only hit his wings.

Huh~~~ Zhaohua also lost his strength and fell down, and could only watch helplessly as the flying eagle disappeared into the night.

"Go, Lin Mo is in danger."

When Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan formed a team, because of Ji Shaohan's communication problems, Zhaohua was always in command. Zhaohua would always give Ji Shaoan his opinion before he didn't know what to do next, and would not let her have time to doubt.

Zhaohua picked up Ji Shaohan and used the wind track with all his strength, using both sprint and flash step together, not caring about the consumption of magic energy at all, and the distance is not very far.

On the other side, the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion used the rock defense state, and its hands turned into huge steel rocks to block the dense attacks, but after being hit by a few violent middle-level magic, some cracks appeared on the arm shield.

Jin Yuan shouted loudly on Sanwei's back: "The people from the Black Vatican are behind!!! Not this woman!!!"

He and Deng Le are going crazy! ! What are these! ! Is it a pig?

Deng Le and the others were speeding on the road in Sanwei, because Sanwei is a beast that tames Liuxing, and already has the right to walk on the highway. It's just that they didn't expect that since there was an ambush, a huge flaming fist flew from the side, and the fiery fist blasted the sky!

Deng Le is not an ordinary weak student, he has a strong sense of fighting, even if he is sitting on the back of the three tails, he always pays attention to whether there will be an ambush. When he saw the fierce fist, he immediately used the magic shield to block the attack.

Originally, Deng Le thought it was someone from the Black Vatican, but when he saw the person coming, Deng Le was dumbfounded. It turned out to be a classmate from his school, and another classmate who was majoring in Lei.

And there are a few more well-known seniors from the previous class, which made the second monk Deng Lezhang confused. It is impossible that all the students of the six institutions are from the Black Vatican. If the Black Vatican has such a penetration rate, then why not fight, the Black Vatican is invincible, okay?

As a result, Deng Le and Jin Yuan were overwhelmed by what they said.

The six of them appointed each other, and Xiang Luo was a black-clothed priest. And the evidence is the latest interrogation result of the trial meeting from the intelligence house. Deng Le knelt down directly. A junior girl is a priest in black? And now the one in the white dress who is trembling with fright?

No matter what Deng Le explained, the other party just didn't believe it, and because Deng Le was here, capturing Xiang Luo made them believe it even more. In addition, half of Lin Mo's body was like a black beast. Such a series of coincidences added up, it was really true. Even jumping into the Yellow River can't wash it off.

Why didn't Deng Le understand at this time, this was the method of the priest in black, he probably misled others to arrest Xiang Luo, and then solved it, leaving Xiang Luo with no choice but to join the Black Vatican.

It's just that I didn't expect that it turned out to be like this now due to a combination of circumstances. In addition, they didn't believe Deng Le at all, thinking that he just wanted to get the first place. Lin Mo, the black beast, killed him. So it became the current situation.

If it is not to protect Lin Mo. With Sanwei here, Deng Le really will fight to the death with them.

Deng Le is also a star student among the freshmen of South China Leihuo University. The first is the cultivation base. Now Deng Le has reached the middle-level of the dual system. Among the freshmen, the cultivation base is tied for the first existence, and then there is the background.

The Deng family, the monster capital, is famous and powerful. Like the Mu family, the imperial capital, it is a top magic family in a certain magic department in China. Deng Le is a pretty good seed among the younger generation of the Deng family, and has received the support of the Deng family. It is a strong contender for the first place in this session. In other words, the competitors and enemies of these people in front of them are jealous.

"Hand over the Black Vatican and that black beast, or I will treat you as an accomplice of the Black Vatican, and then don't blame us for not giving face to our classmates."

"I see, he is actually a member of the Black Vatican."

"Haha, the Deng family has a relationship with the Black Vatican, this is big news."

"Get out of the way, wave-thunderbolt-boom!!!."

A thunderbolt fell from the sky, and Sanwei was so frightened that he quickly raised his arm shield to resist. But it didn't forget that its own rock arm shield was cracked by the thunderbolt of the thunder system, and now it needs to add the power of the spirit seed, I am afraid it will not be able to resist it.

Deng Le activated the magic shoe, and the magic shield was used up, so he was going to bring everyone out.

However, the expected picture of the mid-arm shield being broken did not appear, but a triple-layered blue water defense six-sided shield steadily caught the thunderbolt. create a threat.

Zhaohua was stunned for the first time after he arrived, because these people didn't look like members of the Black Vatican, but he quickly grasped the situation and came to Sanwei's side, ignoring Sanwei's grievance and being bullied, and asked The appearance of crying.

After Deng Le quickly explained, Zhaohua could only sigh, he is really a pig.

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