Full-time Summoner

Chapter 219 Collecting Red Beads

Before Zhaohua left, he said to Jiang Yu: "I remind you that it is best not to release the summoned beast here. When I was fighting just now, I felt that there was a little problem with Sanwei's sanity. The environment here has a great impact on the summoned beast. big."

At the beginning, Zhaohua discovered the problem when he summoned the three tails. The more he fought the three tails, the more excited he became, and even went crazy, and Zhaohua also saw that the scales of the three tails were corroded. But Zhaohua wasn't sure if it was affected by the corpse aura.

Summoning Sanwei just now was to confirm this point. Zhaohua found that the corroded scales had completely fallen off, and Sanwei's sanity had returned to normal, returning to that naive look.

That's why Zhaohua hurriedly left at that time, because it was impossible to guarantee that Sanwei would not rebel if it was delayed any longer. The corpse aura here was so dangerous that Sanwei began to be affected not long after it appeared.

Jiang Yu's summoning mages were shocked, because they didn't summon the summoned beast just now, they were all using the second system to fight, only Zhaohua's three tails came out to fight, no wonder Zhaohua left in such a hurry just now, it turned out to be Found the problem.

"Then...then if you explained earlier, there would be no such misunderstanding." Ta Siqi from the healing department said.

Before Zhaohua left, he glanced at her and said, "That's why we can't leave it to someone who can't trust each other."

Boom, the sound of closing the door added a bit of seriousness to the silence of this underground refuge.

It was the first time for them to form a team in the wild, and they didn't think about the issue of trust at all, and they were all college students, thinking that they had the strength, and there were 20 people in a team, and they could run wild in the wild, but what Zhaohua said just now reminded them them.

Their relationship is nothing more than classmates, or even a team from two universities. These days, everyone seems to be warm and friendly, but in fact it is just so-called education in a safe environment, and they are really in danger. . .

There is no guarantee that there will be no accidents in the wild. At that time, can the students of the attack department really trust the students of the defense department to protect themselves? In the face of monster attacks, do you believe in the classmate who has been defending yourself against magic, or do you stop the attack and choose to avoid the monster attack?

What if that student from the Defense Department happened to be attacked by a demon? In the communication and discussion not long before the usual team qualifying match, there was no such problem at all. Let them forget for a while, that monsters will appear from all directions, and their attack methods emerge in endlessly. No hunter will claim to know all the attack modes of monsters.

Even the most common green silkworms, there is no guarantee that they will not mutate, what if their silk is no longer afraid of flames.

Ji Shao is still sulking, although she knows that Zhao Hua is going out to collect those red beads, but at least she has to bring herself with her. Sanwei squatted aside, it didn't dare to provoke its mistress at this time.

It is true that Zhaohua went out to collect red beads, because when he got the relatively large red beads from the Bone Tiger Beast, Xiaofengcan felt excited and longing. These red beads are actually useful for its advancement. As long as there are enough beads, she will be able to advance to the commanding level when she is fully grown.

Happiness came so suddenly, Zhaohua originally thought it would take a long time, after all, what Little Wind Silkworm needs to advance is neither the Spirit of Commander level nor the species of Wind Soul, and it doesn't even know it itself.

The wind elves are not creatures of this world, and they are not recorded like other elemental spirits, or can be calculated, but the wind elves can't help it. How can the creatures of the two worlds be the same.

Now that he finally heard the news of the advanced stage, how could Zhaohua let it go, even if the subject of exchange and study failed, he still had to find enough of these red beads. As for collecting with them, it is even more impossible, this will only cause complications.

"Vatican windbreaker."

It's not that Zhaohua ran out alone without thinking about it. These corpses are really difficult to deal with, and the filtration of the gas mask is not unlimited. But it is gas after all, as long as it is gas, there is a way to crack it.

Zhaohua took off the mask, and the Fanfengyi blew the corpse away about a meter away, so that he would not be afraid of the corpse, and the Fanfengyi didn't need to consume much mana if he just kept blowing the wind.

"The question now is how to find the monster."

Zhaohua thought for a while, in the magic system, the ability to detect enemies is the sound system, and the sound system is basically the only range-aware skill in all magic.

But Zhaohua doesn't have a sound system, and without the ability to find enemies in the wild, he can only rely on hunter experience, but let alone ordinary hunters in this ghostly place, the master hunters are also black-eyed when they come.

"Give it a try."

Zhaohua calmed down, he thought of a way.

The domain, Zhaohua's wind elf domain is unfolding, but this time he does not need to use the power of suppression, change, and decomposition, he needs to expand the domain as much as possible.

Now he seems to use countless wind silks to extend in all directions, and he needs to use the power of the wind to sense the monsters around him. Back then, Xiaofengcan tried to sense the smell of Li Shijie and the Black Beast, and Xiaofengcan told Zhaohua that it was because of the wind.

It can even sense smells, so it should be usable as an exploratory domain.

! ?

"Wind track - flash step."

Snapped! ! As soon as Zhaohua left, even the afterimage remained in place. Suddenly, a pair of knives and pliers appeared from the corpse and cut Zhaohua's afterimage in half.

Zhaohua had just used the domain, and before he had time to search for it, he found a monster hiding aside, stalking it, and it was ready to make a move. He was so frightened that he immediately used dodge steps to dodge.

A huge slave centipede monster appeared.

"Can these monsters know where the mage is?!"

Zhaohua suddenly thought of this terrible possibility, and it was probably due to the impact of the air purifier. Since the installation of the air purifier, Zhaohua analyzed the report of the hunter team in Congcheng. After installing the purifier, the casualty rate of the hunter team entering the dead forest has increased, and even top hunter teams like the wolf hunting team have appeared. Personnel were injured.

At that time Zhaohua thought it was because they were unlucky, but now it seems that is not the case, these demons did not know why they became violent, and they seemed to know the location of the mage.

It wasn't bad luck that a few of us came in just now, but those knife beetle swarms knew where they were and came here to hunt them.

The entire forest is now like a hunting ground.

"Pull the thread to chop."

Zhaohua dismembered the centipede monster. It was just a slave monster. Unfortunately, there was no red bead.

Zhaohua is now standing on a branch of a tree. The tree is dead and withered. Fortunately, there is a fan coat to offset the weight, otherwise the branch will collapse.

"If it kills me one by one, the mana will definitely not be enough. This kind of environment is too weak for my magic system. I can only rely on the little wind silkworm's elven magic, but I have a large-scale fan wind wind coil tornado."

After Zhaohua thought for a while, "That's the only way. "

It jumped to the ground with a bang, and then opened the domain, and even spread some wind silk on the ground as a sensing device, mainly to sense the vibration of the ground.

After a while. "coming."

Mana is not enough to kill one by one, but if you can gather monsters and use the wind disk to kill a large group in seconds, it will be different.

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