Full-time Summoner

Chapter 220 Tricky Centipede【Please subscribe, ask for tickets】

The corner of Zhaohua's mouth smiled, he felt a monster approaching him, and felt the ground shaking, judging from the movement, this monster should not be very big.


Phew, a Zerg monster flew out from the corpse aura. It was a tentacle worm with its mouthparts stretched out and a few disgusting yellow tentacles with sticky liquid. These tentacles had barbs and were tied to the tentacles. In the end, the prey is difficult to escape and can only wait for death.

"Wind scale armor."

Zhaohua already has a Vatican windbreaker on his body. A scale armor battle suit extends from the chest. The scales are lined up row by row. Although the tentacles are tied to Zhaohua's neck, the barbs cannot be hooked at all. The scales, even the white marks can't be done.

Zhaohua grabbed the tentacle and threw it to the side suddenly, because there was also a monster on the side, and the two monsters just collided with each other.


Zhaohua wanted to attract monsters now, so he deliberately stood in this position to attract more monsters, and then dealt with them together.

Not long after, the two monsters stood up and attacked Zhaohua. Zhaohua further confirmed that they can really find the mage's position in such a strong corpse.

While dodging the attack, Zhaohua thought: "Could it be that they have merged with these corpses?"

"Impossible... It can make monsters mutate and provide them with sentience."

With the help of wind silk and the domain, Zhaohua is shaped like a paper man, and the attacks of the monsters often miss by a small margin, and Zhaohua just dodges them.

Zhaohua raised his head and looked at a tree behind him. This tree was huge, but there was a beetle monster that looked very touching and looked like a dung beetle staring at Zhaohua from the tree.

And there is more than one, all the dead trees around have this kind of dung beetle-like beetle monsters, they are not big, only about half a meter, their body color is black and reflective, and there are white shining spots on their backs.

The more recognizable feature is that the chrysanthemums of these Zerg monsters really grow a flower, it should be said to be a flower-like organ, and those petal-like flesh can wriggle. Some things really can't be looked at or thought about carefully.

It's hard not to recognize such a disgusting demon Zhaohua, the double-mouthed beetle, also known as the chrysanthemum bug, because its chrysanthemum really looks like a flower. The best attack of this kind of creature is to fly up, then use its chrysanthemum to cover the head of the creature, and then, click to separate. Some mages are easy to sneak attack if they don't pay attention to the sky, because they fly silently.

Although Zhaohua was confident that the scale armor of the Scaled Mother Demon could withstand the attack, and that he would not be beheaded, he couldn't accept it physically.

Hoo hoo, it took off, and more than a dozen chrysanthemum insects flew up and smashed Zhaohua's face.

"Wind silk, net."

Zhaohua made a net with wind silk, tied five or six chrysanthemum insects and threw them to the next chrysanthemum insects, so that they collided with each other. These chrysanthemum insects have no combat power and relatively simple attacks. There is nothing to be afraid of.

"Wind track - flash step."

Zhaohua constantly uses flexible wind tracks to attract monsters. There are monster-inducing scouts like this in the military. Although their combat power may not be very high, they can often make the output of the destroying troops better and cause amazing damage. Killing results.

In addition to the chrysanthemum bug, Zhaohua also encountered Zerg monsters such as the popping ladybug, the durian bug, the round knife mantis, and the horned bug. These monsters are all Zerg monsters that are often seen in the mountains of the city. Zhaohua knows their weaknesses and characteristics well, and they are relatively easy to deal with.

Although they have all mutated, no new abilities have been derived, which is good news.

"It should be enough. Come out! Little Windworm."

Zhaohua used the primary summoning system of magic dimension summoning, and the summoning system was restrained miserably in the forest of death, such as the silver-fanged wolf, rock beast, and blue-skinned cyclops. Zhaohua felt that they even lasted longer than the three-tailed giant. Not too short, even Ye Luosha of a rare race can hardly resist corpse aura.

So even if Xiao Fengcan was protected by the wind, he didn't want to call Xiao Fengcan too early.

Xi Xi Xi! ! ! The little windworm said excitedly, using the combined skill to destroy them.

Zhao Hua's face was dark, he watched too many cartoons! !

However, Zhaohua and Xiaofengcan do have the so-called fusion skills, which is the double tornado move that eliminated all the demons of Ouyang Liangcai in the Black Holy See. It is not as simple as one plus one. Not a lot.

"Fehn - wind disk - tornado!!"


Xiao Fengcan also learned that he has a good appearance. Zhaohua drew a star map, and a huge fire tornado appeared. Now Zhaohua's spiritual power has improved a lot. Because of the strength, the power of the wind disk and the power of gathering the wind are stronger than that of dealing with Ouyang Liangcai.

Little Fengcan was still the same, a small fire tornado appeared in his hand, he flung it forward and immediately grew up against the wind, and the two identical flame tornadoes swept away all the surrounding monsters in a form of intertwining, and involved them all into a tornado.

Then the two fire tornadoes collided right in front of them, then merged, and then exploded.

Rumble! ! ! ! Under the double force of the huge explosion flame and the strong wind pressure, it turned into a wind pressure explosion reflecting half of the mountain. From a distance, one could clearly see a huge tongue of flame sweeping across, and a hole was blown out of the dense dark green corpse aura.

This power is not weaker than the middle-level third-level fire magic Fierce Fist Jiugong.

Zhaohua controlled the wind silk to collect some red beads that fell on the ground, but the number was very small, only three.

Xiao Fengcan felt it for a while, shook her head, and then called out twice.

Zhaohua was speechless after hearing this. Because Xiao Fengcan sensed the energy inside and did some calculations. If it was just servant-grade red beads, it would take at least 2,000 beads;

Zhaohua was already suspecting that the entire mountain might not have so many.

Zhaohua stared at the corpse in front of him. The corpse aura will not be destroyed by the explosion, it is just blown away by the power of the explosion, and now the corpse aura is beginning to gather.

It's just that Zhaohua felt something different from the breath of the gathered corpse.

Centipede, a huge centipede with a grimace on its back, only one part of its body can be seen, and the other part is hidden in the corpse's aura, but there is no doubt that it is a huge monster.

"The one that the wolf hunting group encountered? No, this should be another one, and it should be much stronger."

Because of the report of the wolf hunting group, this kind of centipede monster with grimaces on its back and flickering feet is called trick centipede.

Hiss! ! ! Zhaohua was startled, didn't he even say hello when he launched an attack?

Zhaohua suddenly dodged to the side, thinking he had dodged the attack, but Zhaohua found that the wind scale armor on his body was scratched to a point.

"Pull the thread to chop."

Three slashes flew away, Zhaohua was just testing, because I heard that this kind of centipede has no entity, the attack can't hit you, but it can hit you.

Phew, three slashes passed through the centipede's body. It really didn't hit, and it went straight through. Oh wow, this is intriguing.

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