Full-time Summoner

Chapter 221 Folding Space

Mirage? refraction of light? No, it is definitely not such a deceiving thing. Zhaohua is very sure that this is a real monster, but somehow he was able to dodge the attack.

And the trick centipede's attack is also the same, it has already dodged, but it was still attacked, Zhaohua speculates that this should be related to his ability to dodge the attack.

Xi Xi Xi.

The little windworm also felt strange, its answer was the same as what Zhaohua thought, in the perception of the little windworm there was also a trick centipede, and the perception ability of the little windworm was several times stronger than that of Zhaohua, Even Xiao Fengcan said this, which only shows that the trick centipede has some ability that Zhaohua doesn't know, and it is impossible to defeat the warrior-level trick centipede without deciphering this ability.

It was too late to say it, and the communication between Zhaohua and Xiaofengcan was only very short. The huge tail hidden in the corpse of the trick centipede swept the dust on the ground with a sweeping momentum.

The centipede tail is too long, and the speed is very fast, even if Zhaohua uses flash step, he can't flash out of the attack range.

"Steel rock wall shield!"

A series of rock walls appeared, but the steel rock wall shield was completely unsuitable for the current battle, and was crushed without even the slightest effect. Zhaohua lamented that he had spent a lot of money to buy a pair of magic shoes not long ago, and now he I found out that the magic shield seems to have to be replaced.

Zhaohua blocked with both hands, intending to block the attack with his wind scale armor.

The scales on the arms and chest are the hardest, even Sanwei's Feng Zhan can't pierce through them.

Ka Ka Ka! ! The centipede's shell was as sharp as a blade, and when it rubbed against the wind scale armor, it made an ear-piercing sound, and sparks flew everywhere. Zhaohua's hands were numb from the friction and vibration.

Boom! In the end, the Wind Scale Armor with the addition of the Brahma windbreaker was very strong to block the blow, but the Zhaohua people were knocked into the air, and did not stop until they cracked a tree.

Zhaohua looked down at the wind scale armor on his arm, the thickest scales had been scrapped, turned over, Zhaohua threw away the scales, exposing his severely scalded arm inside. The friction force is really not a joke, and Zhaohua felt that the bones in his arm should be cracked.

Xi Xi Xi.

A gust of wind wrapped the arm with a milky white light, the scalded skin began to recover visible to the naked eye, and the broken bones also slowly recovered. The effect of the self-healing wind is not weaker than that of the first-level third-level magic of the healing system.

Hiss! ! ! The Artificer Centipede rushed forward, but its full blow did not kill the mage, it felt very ashamed.

There are two huge blades on the head, and it will use the most powerful attack to end Zhaohua's life.

But Zhaohua showed a confident smile at this time. After being hit at close range just now, Zhaohua finally discovered the secret of the Artifical Centipede.

"Is it the same body structure as a chain sword?"

Zhaohua discovered that the body of the trick centipede is segmented. These bodies can be temporarily separated and then quickly merged. It is because of this trick centipede that it can achieve the effect of avoiding attacks and extending attacks.

Zhaohua discovered that the body of the centipede actually had an electric current when he was at close range. Zhaohua suspected that this was a strange ability to link the body together like an electromagnet. Although I have never heard of such a creature, there are half-flesh and half-bone mutated monsters, and such monsters seem to be less strange.

Zhaohua's posture is still like a ghost, and he should be able to hit it with the double tornado, but it may not be so easy to kill it, and Zhaohua thinks that it is not impossible for this centipede to break its tail and escape.

So Zhaohua was looking, looking for the location of the red bead. Because the red beads are the energy source of these monsters, as long as the red beads of the energy source are taken away, it should be able to kill the trick centipede.

For those mutated monsters without red beads, Zhaohua guessed that they hadn't really taken shape yet, but the warrior-level ones must have taken shape.

But no matter how good Zhaohua's body skills are and how flexible his wind element is, Zhaohua is already in a bit of a mess when he only defends but does not attack. Fortunately, this situation did not last long.

"found it."

"Little windworm!"

Xi Xi Xi!

The wind disk does not necessarily have to attack people, this time Zhaohua set the wind disk on his body, which can not only create a temporary defense, but also attract the surrounding enemies who attack him.

What Zhaohua wants is to attract the trick centipede and let it reveal the red beads.

The red beads are on the ghost face on the back, and they are the two eyes of the ghost face. At that time, Zhaohua thought it should have only one, but unexpectedly there were two red beads.

Hiss! ! ! The trick centipede is very powerful, Zhaohua and Xiaofengcan's double wind disc can barely hold the trick centipede.

"Spirit weapon."

The spiritual weapon in Zhaohua's hand became bigger than before, like a huge tree branch with many branches. Not caring so much, Zhaohua jumped up suddenly, aiming at the grimace on the back and poking down.

But the Artificer Centipede knew its own weakness, so how could it not hold back. When the trick centipede was sucked in and couldn't move, the moment Zhaohua was only a little away from the ghost face, the ghost face came back to life.

Hehehe strange sound came, a huge grimace opened its mouth, inside was a boundless purgatory, as if it wanted to send Zhaohua to hell.

"Small tricks."

Weng, a blue light emanates from Zhaohua's body. The ghost face that came into contact with the light let out a scream, and the ghost face became distorted as if it had seen something terrible, and the light that was guarded intently was like the light of righteousness, which transcended all evil spirits and monsters.

It was nothing more than a mental attack. Although Lan Xinghu was not released by Zhaohua, Zhaohua had already made preparations, and Lan Xinghu's concentrated protection had already added a layer of protection to himself.

The spiritual weapon nailed the trick centipede to the ground like a long sword. Crack, two red beads in hand.

Yay! ! ! ! The moment the trick centipede lost its red bead, it looked like a goat and went mad. It rolled wildly on the ground. With the trick centipede rolling, there was a crackling sound on the ground, and cracks appeared on the ground.

! ? Um

Boom! ! ! There was a landslide, and there was a landslide. Extreme joy begets sorrow.

"I'm going! What the hell!!!"

With the protection of the wind scale armor, Zhaohua will not be injured by mud and rocks, but there is a certain risk of being buried alive.

I don't know how long it took to roll, but the mudslide finally stopped, and according to Zhaohua's position at that time, he should not have reached a high position on the mountain, why did it take so long to roll. And he felt like he was thrown down in the end, hitting the ground.

"Did I fall into a pit?"

Zhaohua found that the ground collapsed because of the trick centipede's rolling, and he was taken into a pit underground. He could feel a certain amount of space around him.

"Wind track!"

Boom, the sand and rocks around the wind rail shook away, fortunately Zhaohua had a small flashlight for lighting.

"It really is a cave, did I fall from it?"

Zhaohua saw a small hole in the top, just big enough for one person to fall down. Zhaohua shines the flashlight around, and here is a place like a stalactite cave. Tick ​​tick tick, you can hear the sound of water dripping.

Zhaohua followed the sound to find it, but unfortunately it was just an ordinary stalactite dripping water, and there was no adventure. Sure enough, encountering an adventure is impossible, even in this life.

"Huh? What's that?"

Zhaohua went a little further, and the stalactite cave had reached the end. Just as Zhaohua was about to return, he found something strange about the wall. The wall didn’t look like a stone wall. Coupled with the dark environment here, it is even more difficult to find.

"This is... folding space!?"

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