Full-time Summoner

Chapter 222 A Dragon Corpse

Folding space is a concept of space science, which is like the teleportation of high-level space system magic, to fold up the space, and then achieve the level of a thousand miles in one step. However, the folding space is more complicated, because the folding space is to fold the space into a shape, similar to building a house, so that a small place can store more things.

The most used place is to store magic equipment. The watch that Zhaohua uses to store items and Sanwei is a magic equipment realized with such a theory.

Zhaohua raised his head and looked at the stone wall in front of him. The stone wall was very tall, nearly ten meters high and four to five meters wide. If Zhaohua hadn't been strong in spirit and had such a magic storage tool in his hand, he would have really Can't find it.

All the magic storage tools are carved out of space magic stones, that is, the mirror on Zhaohua's watch. That mirror is actually the core of the whole magic tool, and the strap is just a decoration.

And just this space that can hold three tails and add a little more space for items will cost a sky-high price of three million. You must know that Zhaohua's own summoning system has more than 100 square meters of summoning space, and he can increase it after his cultivation level is high, and this watch is only the size of a room, and it costs three million.

Ji Shaohan's undead space is even bigger.

After carefully observing Zhaohua up and down, front and back, left and right, he came to a conclusion. This is a folding space evolved from a very high-quality space magic stone.

The surface of the mirror is like a mirror. Zhaohua lightly tapped the mirror surface with his hand and ripples appeared. Zhaohua can be 100% sure that there must be a magic stone of space inside. This space is produced by some mutations of the magic stone.

Zhaohua thought of the battle between the Zong Kingdom and the Monster Tribe in the Monster City a hundred years ago. The magic stone is that after the death of a monster or a mage, things such as stardust, nebula, bone, and soul have undergone some changes. It is very likely that this place has fallen. A leader-level or even monarch-level monster, and this big monster must be proficient in the power of space.

"Go in and have a look." The space magic stone, even if you don't use it yourself, it will cost you a fortune if you sell it.

Just in case Zhaohua takes Xiao Fengcan back, if something happens to him, he has the cards to escape.

Weng and Zhaohua cautiously reached in, and after finding nothing wrong, they entered the space.


The first time Zhaohua came in, he was amazed, because here and outside are completely two worlds. The sky is full of corpses outside, the land is deserted, and the trees are dead. But here it is alive and well.

Some glowing plants and a small flashlight in Zhaohua's hand illuminated everything here. It feels like exploring the woods at night. The ground is covered with grass, green and full of vitality. There are trees growing around, and some fireflies are flying.

He couldn't see the sky when he looked up, Zhaohua didn't know how big this space could be.

Zhaohua took a deep breath, the scent of flowers and the breath of life from the soil made Zhaohua heave a sigh of relief and got a little bit of relaxation. The dead air outside is too oppressive.


When Zhaohua uses the wind field, he must first confirm whether there is any danger here, and then he can find the space magic stone that makes him miss it.

The breeze blows through the grass and trees, and there are no living things.

"Huh? What's that?"

Zhaohua walked several hundred meters forward, and he sensed a huge black object in front of him. Because the field cannot replace the eyes, Zhaohua still has to go to confirm it by himself.

After seeing Zhaohua, she was astonished. Originally, he suspected that there was no reason for the space magic stone to be so big, but when he saw its true face, he was shocked. Because this is a dragon corpse.

The body color is black, and the body length should be close to ten meters, because the body is already highly rotten, and many pieces of meat have fallen off the dragon's body. Zhaohua circled around, and could see that the dragon corpse had a pair of thick legs, its arms were very long, about four meters long, and its dragon claw had four fingers. The other dragon hand must have been broken or rotted away. See.

There is also a pair of huge dragon wings, just like the flesh, the dragon wings are riddled with holes, and the rotten smell almost passed the wind scale armor's windbreaker protection.

The dragon's head is ferocious and terrifying, its teeth are like sharks, and its claws are like steel blades. Zhaohua can probably guess that this should be an evil dragon similar to western mythology, and guessed it should be a commanding dragon species according to its size.

What surprised Zhaohua the most was that there were several red beads on the dragon's body, and each of these beads was the size of a human head. But the little windworm said that it was different from what it was looking for, these red beads were not what it needed, although they looked similar, they were something else.

"Why is there a corpse of an evil dragon in this space?"

If Zhaohua's guess is correct, this folded space was created after the death of the great monster a hundred years ago, which means that the evil dragon appeared here after that.

"Could it be that he found this place after being seriously injured and died here?"

"No, it's been filled with corpses for a hundred years, so there's no reason to look for a place to heal your wounds. And I haven't heard of any giant dragons and monsters invading Congcheng."

! ! !

Zhaohua looked at the entrance suddenly. He has always been very careful in doing things. When he came in, he had already made a temporary induction trap with wind silk, just in case. I didn't expect that not long after I came in, there was a creature that triggered the trap.

Zhaohua turned off his small flashlight, put deodorant powder on his body to cover up the smell on his body, removed the magic of Fanfeng coat, and hid behind a huge rock beside him.

When he saw the creature entering this space, he almost cried out in surprise. It was a knife mantis that walked in, which is nothing, because it may have entered this space by mistake like Zhaohua.

But what is a little strange is that this knife mantis is complete, it is not a mutated knife mantis, and there are no bones on its body, but the next scene really surprised Zhaohua.

Because of the existence of luminous plants, Zhaohua could barely see clearly. Half of the knife beetle's body fell off like liquid, and a large piece of flesh and blood began to change color. The red blood turned black, the green skin turned black, and the transparent liquid turned black. .

Then Zhaohua saw those pieces of meat turned into tiny worms, exactly the same as the black rice worms that Zhaohua saw when he dealt with the dead tree magic root, or rather they were black rice worms.

Half of the body of this knife beetle is made of black rice worms.

Zhaohua's heart was shocked. When the black rice worm fell off the knife mantis, the knife mantis was exactly the same as those mutated knife mantis. It can even be said that those mutated knife beetles are actually in the state when they are not possessed by the black rice worm.

Zhaohua felt chills down his spine, he felt as if he had seen something terrible. Could it be that the corpse aura of the death forest and the increasingly violent and weird mutant monsters were created by these black rice bugs? What are they doing here! !

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