Full-time Summoner

Chapter 223 Black Worm Carrying the Corpse

At that time, Zhaohua felt that these black rice worms were terrible. They could actually lurk in the body of living things and play the role of living things. At the beginning, Zhaohua thought, if they let them get into the body of the Sovereign Level, wouldn't they be invincible.

I didn't expect my prophecy to come true so soon. Isn't the commander-level dragon beast just around the corner? If these black rice worms can have the ability to resurrect the dead and restore their strength before they were alive, that would be too scary up.

Zhaohua hid aside. Fortunately, although these black rice worms can be turned into flesh and tissues, their sensory ability should not be very strong.

Shashasha, the number of black rice worms is not much, much less than that time when I saw the dead tree magic root. Zhaohua saw these black worms slowly climbing up the dragon corpse like ants, all the way to the nearest red bead. Then, all the black rice worms started to eat the red beads, but instead of possessing the dragon as Zhaohua expected, they revived the dragon.

These black rice worms quickly gnawed away part of the head-sized red beads on the dragon corpse, but these black worms slowly came down as if they were full. A flickering red light can be seen on the body.

Zhaohua understood, it turns out that these black rice worms are not able to perfectly copy that creature anytime and anywhere, but can only be transformed into a part of flesh and blood after eating that creature.

And Zhaohua also realized that these black rice worms cannot be copied to become commander-level monsters. To be more precise, an extremely large number is needed, and such a small number is not enough.

There is a limit to the amount of material or energy that each black rice worm can eat. For creatures with a large size or terrifying energy in their bodies like the Commander, they need a large number of them.

"Does the body glow because it is full of energy?"

Zhaohua watched the black rice worms return to the mutated knife mantis, filling its exposed bones. The corner of Zhaohua's mouth smiled, and quietly let out a short piece of wind silk along the ground, wrapping around the leg of the knife mantis.

Although Fengcansi does not have the ability to track, locate, and monitor against the sky, it can be used as a mark. This is just because Ouyang Liangcai is used to keeping an eye out after the war.

But Zhaohua didn't go out immediately, because he felt that the wind silk arranged was torn off again, and even if the wind silk arranged was torn off, it would stick together again until the magic energy was exhausted.

This time it was a tentacle worm, the same as the mutated knife beetle, except that the number of black rice worms was a little less.

After that, dozens of monsters came in from outside one after another, without exception, half of their bodies were occupied by black rice worms, until the last warrior-level monster whose whole body was made of sand came in and took all the remaining red beads. After eating it, no more monsters came in.

"These black bugs ate the red beads bit by bit and transported them away?"

Zhaohua went to the dragon corpse again, and after looking carefully, he found that there might have been red beads in the bumpy places on the dragon corpse, but they were eaten and taken away by black rice worms.

Moreover, Zhaohua also discovered that the body of the dragon corpse also had traces of being eaten. These black rice worms used the method of devouring and re-moving the dragon corpse to be transported away little by little.

"Why don't those black rice worms just eat the dragon's corpse... No, they can't help it. The quantity, the black rice worms on the dozens of monsters that came in one after another just now should be all the death forest."

"What are they doing?"

Zhaohua looked towards the exit. He felt that he had to follow the past to see. I'm afraid it has something to do with the corpse aura and those mutated monsters.


The demon training class will not teach stalking, and it is even more impossible to teach you how to stalk in such a dark environment. Who knows if you will use it to do bad things, right?

The demon course at school will only teach students how to distinguish demons, know some natural treasures and some resources that grow in the wild, and how to survive in the wild. The field course will not teach you how to go deep into the monster's lair, only hunters will do such a desperate thing.

This kind of experience hunter is not rumored. There are two reasons. The first is that this kind of experience is not easy to come by, and it is impossible to pass it on to you if you are not related to you. The second is, dare not. No one knows whether this kind of experience is true or not. It is possible that I was lucky to survive that time. What if I kill you.

But Zhaolang taught, and he still taught by precept and example, he knew that his son was not an ordinary person. And this is the difference between a strong hunter and a hunter who fishes in troubled waters.

Because powerful hunters often go in and out of dangerous places, they have experienced countless lives and deaths, and practiced true knowledge. They know that these methods are indeed very effective, allowing them to go deeper into dangerous places and return safely.

The truth gained by life.

Zhaohua did not use magic, because monsters are the most sensitive to magic, and even non-sensing monsters have a chance to sense it. Zhaohua followed the warrior-level yellow sand demon that came in last, and followed it from a blind spot.

There is only one road in the stalactite cave, and the yellow sand demon seems to want to go back to the other side, so go back. Just now Zhaohua passed the place where he fell.

"Going to the exit? Is the exit on the other side?"

After walking for about 30 minutes, an underground lake appeared in front of my eyes. This lake seemed to be there naturally, and there was no river flowing into it.

The underground lake is not very big, about the size of a football field, oval in shape, and there is likely to be a light source under the lake, you can see the sparkling surface of the lake, and you can also see a trace of ripples.

Just when Zhaohua was still wondering what the Yellow Sand Demon was doing here, with a bang, the Yellow Sand Demon jumped directly into the lake.

Zhaohua waited for a while, and after seeing no movement, he used the wind silk to probe. After observing the surroundings, he confirmed that there was no monitoring monster. Then he turned on the small flashlight and walked quietly to the edge of the lake. The stones around the lake were already wet from the splash of water, and Zhaohua was sure that this was ordinary water.

Looking at the lake, there are some glowing algae at the bottom of the lake, but the light is not enough, and the refraction of the water is not very clear, but Zhaohua did not see the yellow sand demon at the bottom of the lake. This lake is so big, it is impossible for a warlord-level monster not to see it. It can only mean that there are passages connecting to other places or a folding space.

Zhaohua thinks it should be the folding space. It is obvious that a monarch with space ability has fallen here. Its bones have become space magic stones, and several pieces may be separated in different places.

Zhaohua suspects that there should be a space magic stone hidden under the dragon corpse.

The light of the moonlight appeared, and Zhaohua used the contract summon to bring out the blue star fox Zhaohua. The Blue Star Fox can control the water, with it, it will be safer in the water.

"Come on, let's go down and have a look."

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