Full-time Summoner

Chapter 224 Black Figure


Spiritual protection, water defense shield, these two buffs can be said after they are said.

"Excellent, Lan Xing, do you still have such ability?"

Zhaohua discovered that Lan Xinghu only used the first layer of the Water Defense Shield, and it didn't look like a shield, but rather a round water cover, which looked a bit like a high-level water magic water bloom canopy.

Moreover, the water film actually has air bubbles bursting, and there is air in it, which can release the air by itself, which surprised Zhaohua for a while. He racked his brains and couldn't figure out how to do it. Don't ask, asking is talking about science in the wizarding world, not magic.

Wrapped in a water film, Zhaohua would not even feel any discomfort, not even the cold.

Zhaohua saw that there were fish under the water, he thought that there would be no fish in this kind of underground lake, and there were some glowing algae, the water was very clear and the visibility was high.

The entire underground lake is like a bowl, without any channel connection. Zhaohua stared at the bottom of the lake at a glance, and Zhaohua, who had already had experience, took a look and found that there was the entrance of the space, and this space should be very large, the entrance was as big as a football field.

"Could it be that the space magic stone is a large piece and then separated? This is the main space?"

Huhuhu, Zhaohua stretched out a wind silk to tie his waist, and tied the other end to a rock on the bank. If there is any danger when he goes out, he can shrink the wind silk in time and leave quickly.

Gulu Gulu. Zhaohua rushed headlong into the bottom of the lake. What was amazing was that there was still a lake on the other side of the space, and Zhaohua emerged from the bottom of another lake.

"Is this a mirror image!"

The shape of the two lakes is the same, even the size is the same, but the difference is that the lake on the other side has a light on the top of the head, and there is a light source outside, which is probably outside.

Zhaohua sticks his head out slightly on the lake, it turns out that this is not a folding space, but a space passage, the bottom of the lake is connected with the outside.

Zhaohua didn't see any monsters around, and walked out of the lake slowly.

This is a plain, with a cool breeze blowing, green grass, and blue sky and white clouds looking up, Zhaohua wonders if he has walked out of the death forest.

Zhaohua looked at a smear of yellow sand on the ground. Fortunately, it was a yellow sand demon, leaving traces, otherwise he would have lost it.

This place is huge, with no end in sight. This is a vast expanse of heaven and earth. You can’t even see a single tree. It’s just a boundless grassland. Fighting here is very disadvantageous because there is no place to hide. But there are also advantages. If you want to escape, you can escape in a straight line.

! ?

After Zhaohua walked for a long time, he finally saw some black shadows in the distance. Although he could only see them vaguely, Zhaohua was sure that they must be demons.

Zhaohua did not continue to approach, and at this time he had to take out the sharp weapon of human wisdom. Clank! ! telescope!

If you insist on looking closer, Zhaohua is probably not a fool. There is such a good tool as a telescope that you don’t need it.

The more he looked at Zhaohua, the more dignified his expression became, and he even held his breath nervously, because Zhaohua saw the scene of completely refreshing the knowledge he had learned in school.

He saw that in an open space, those black rice worms fused with each other and turned into a round ball. Zhaohua felt that they were turning into the red beads of the dragon corpse again, but these black rice worms turned into round balls. The balls are bigger, probably because they can't swallow too much individually, so they are filled with numbers, and they are naturally bigger when they overlap.

The body of the outermost black rice worm began to turn red, and after the redness faded, the outermost black rice worm also left, like peeling an onion, peeling off layer by layer.

Until the last red bead the size of a human head appeared, they spit out the swallowed thing completely again, and not only that, there were dozens of hundreds of red beads of the same size on the ground.

Zhaohua also saw a black dragon claw on the ground. If Zhaohua remembered correctly, the dragon corpse was missing a hand.

"They are moving out the dragon corpses in the folding space in this way? But why don't they just transport them out?"

Zhaohua's expression became more dignified, because there are still things he doesn't know, the more mysterious things are, the more dangerous they are, Zhaohua doesn't understand why they rely on food to carry things, directly controlling those monsters can even move out the dragon corpse at once . There must be a reason why the origami worms don't do this, and it must be crucial.

Zhaohua moved the binoculars to look at the middle position. There was a pitch-black ball there. The ball was smooth, but it was very small, only the size of a fist. If it wasn't for the glare of the reflection, Zhaohua might not be able to see it. .

"What is that? An iron ball? Those black rice worms are approaching the iron ball?"

Zhaohua saw that the black ball was like a magnet, attracting the iron filings of the black rice worm to his body, and then slowly the small iron ball became bigger, and after absorbing all the black rice worms, it became a big iron ball .

Then Zhaohua was stunned, like a child pinching mud, the black ball turned into a human with hands, feet, and a head. The difference is that it has no human face, its face has no facial features, and its whole body is pitch black, like a human shadow.

"A humanoid monster?"

In the crevice of Mount Guifeng, there is also a pitch-black sphere of the same size, and inside the sphere there is also a black humanoid creature.

Laughing, a crescent-like expression suddenly appeared on the face of this creature under Guifeng mountain range, this is laughing. It was so weird that the expression that originally represented happiness appeared on the faceless, pitch-black head.

It sensed it under the Guifeng mountain range, it sensed the person who stole its dead tree and leaves, its own clone is nearby, don't think that the taming beast will not know it if it is stolen.

On the other side, when Zhaohua saw the black ball turned into a human form, he felt a chill for some reason, and felt an ominous premonition.

Suddenly, Zhaohua saw the black figure smiling. Although it had no eyes, Zhaohua knew that he had been spotted.

Boom! The black figure stepped on the ground suddenly, the ground cracked, and the soil was pushed away like a huge wave. The black figure rushed towards him at an incomparable speed with that penetrating smiling face. The black figure in the telescope was constantly zooming in, like talking.

'Got you. '

"Grass! Wind Track—Piaoying!!"

All this happened in just a few tenths of a second. When Zhaohua saw the smiling face, he had already invoked the magic energy. He read the star track, used the wind track, turned around, and fled towards the lake.

Extremely dangerous! ! ! That creature is extremely dangerous! ! !

Even with the wind track, and even using flash steps, Zhaohua was still caught up. In the world of extreme speed, Zhaohua slowly looked to the right. Zhaohua saw a black head without any Facial features, only a crescent-like smiling face.

The two 'people' looked at each other, the black figure and Zhao Hua were almost walking side by side, and the speed of the black figure was actually faster than the wind track flash step.

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