Full-time Summoner

Chapter 248 The Dark King Appears

"Sa Lang and that man don't know! Countless years ago, the Yama people predicted that there would be a woman named Ji Shaoan who would possess the soul of the Dark King in the future, and you Zhaohua, your death will bring boundless Despair and death. The Dark Lord will come to the world because of your death."

"This is the truth of the Yama people's doomsday prophecy!!"

What Tian Qingsong said was quite shocking, even if he didn't know some things, Zhaohua felt that this person was insane and had persecution paranoia.

This is what Tian Qingsong discovered when he and Jiang Shaojun entered a certain mysterious ruins to explore history.

The end of the world prophecy of the Yama people was discovered and known very early, but the prophecy found in the ruins of the Yama people is only a few words, it just said that the world will eventually be shrouded in boundless darkness, and the sun will be destroyed The darkness engulfs, life will dry up and die, and the magic civilization will also disintegrate. Only mages who have achieved true results will be left to live a life of harmony between man and nature.

Just like we know that every autumn everything dies.

At that time, the prophecy of the end of the world once set off a storm in the magic circle, because everyone knew about black magic and the dark plane, just like the summoning system and the summoning plane, they really existed.

The boundless darkness descends, the sun's rays will be swallowed up, and life will be exhausted. This is completely the characteristic of black magic, especially some high-level magicians. Those high-level people who know that there is a king of darkness know this prophecy even more, which is true.

However, it is impossible for the King of Darkness to come to the world, because the dark plane will block it, just like the summoning system needs an extremely large amount of mana to summon a powerful summoned beast, this is because the summoning plane blocks it. It is impossible for you to summon the King of Darkness, even if you gather the magic power of all mages from all over the world.

It also proves from the side that the Dark King is terrifying and an invincible existence.

However, the Yama people predicted the end of the world.

And this is also the teaching of the Black Vatican, doomsday theory. Doomsday theory is the core of the Black Vatican. Therefore, Sharon will have faith in becoming the King of Darkness because of this prophecy. So Sarang wants to let the end come, let the darkness shroud, and create a new country, everyone will believe it, because of this prophecy.

Cultivate into a positive result, cultivate into a positive result. These four words have attracted countless people, because this magical world is facing destruction, and there are not only monsters, but also more threats.

Zhaolang and Zhaohua made this prophecy, because if they want to tell their sons about the horror of the Black Vatican, they must start from their thoughts and core. At that time, Zhaohua didn't believe in the end of the world. It would be somewhat believable if he was destroyed by a demon, but with such a prophecy, the world will disappear? Liar.

But Zhaolang's expression made Zhaohua suspicious at that time. Plus what's happening now. . .

Zhaohua sneered and said, "So you want to summon the Dark King out of Ji Shaohan's body? You want to be the one who has achieved the true fruit of cultivation?"

Tian Qingsong smiled, it was very relaxed, not a little crazy, but a little elegant and said: "No, I am a historian, and it is a historian's lifelong pursuit to witness the history he researched be confirmed. .”

"I... just wanted to see the end of the world coming... that's all."

Tian Qingsong glanced at Ji Shaohan who was still struggling. It is impossible for him to use the psychic system to deceive her into believing that Zhaohua is dead. If Ji Shaohan really has the soul of the Dark King in his body, then even the most powerful psychic mage cannot be deceived.

But Tianqingsong can seal Ji Shaohan's mana, at least for now.

Tian Qingsong looked at the time and said: "Okay, the time is almost up, if it drags on, your parents will probably come over soon."

Tian Qingsong didn't use the Psychic System to control Zhaohua to commit suicide, he must have Ji Shao silently watch Zhaohua die in order to arouse the most desperate emotions in her heart.

cough. Suddenly, Zhaohua spat out black blood, which was the same as the black corpse water under his feet. Kakaka, seeing Zhaohua spitting blood, Ji Shaomo desperately tried to break free. She was scared.

If you really have the power in your body to destroy the world, then please save Zhaohua now. Ji Shao silently prayed in his heart.

"It seems that the cursed blood has taken effect. To ensure that you will die without a doubt, I have also wasted a lot of effort."

Due to Zhaohua's serious injuries, there is no place in his body that is pain-free, and he doesn't feel that the blood in his body is being sucked away and replaced with the blood of the cursed beast. Compared with humans, the blood of the cursed beast Blood is extremely poisonous, and the curse that curses the beast will corrode and shatter the soul. If the whole body is replaced with black corpse water, the soul will melt, and there is no doubt that it will die.

Because the original purpose of the black beast magic is to deal with the resurrection of the Parthenon's soul, which is a magic researched to make it impossible for the Parthenon's soul to be resurrected. The Dark Beast is just a by-product, the essence of the ultimate curse power that makes even resurrection spells invalid is the essence.

Originally, to become a black beast, one only needed to soak in the black corpse water to infiltrate it, but to torture Zhaohua to death, make Ji Shao despair, and ensure that Zhaohua would die, Tian Qingsong thought of this method.

"Go down, even the soul will be wiped out, so even the soul of the Parthenon will not be able to revive you."

Tian Qingsong didn't lie, any lie can't deceive the dark king spirit in Ji Shaoan's body, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, the dark king won't appear. It only needs to make Ji Shaohan truly feel hopeless and world-weary.

Even the resurrection of Parthenon's soul is counted, there is no doubt that it is a lore.

With a plop, Ji Shaoan, as a necromancer mage, naturally knew that Zhaohua's soul had been corrupted.

boom! The red blood mixed with the black corpse water is more serious than the bleeding from the seven holes. The blood vessels all over the body are bursting, and even the black corpse water can't cover it. Such bleeding, coupled with being cursed, is impossible to have life .

Booming, suddenly, the sky and the earth shook, and an unusually terrifying force appeared in the distance, and the isolation barrier was torn apart. Zhang Ning and Zhaolang arrived.

But it's too late.

With Weng's sound, when Zhaohua's body exploded and blood scattered in all directions, Ji Shao'an's consciousness had disappeared, his eyes had no whites, and were dominated by darkness.

Ji Shaohan's own time seemed to stop, she couldn't hear any sound at this moment, a ray of darkness was born from Ji Shaohan's body, at the moment of birth, it seemed that the whole era was about to turn into darkness, and the sun seemed to be dimmed by three points , obviously there is still light in the world, but it seems like you can't see your fingers.

The end of an era, the end of a civilization.

A black shadow appeared from Ji Shaohan's body and gathered in mid-air, as if this black shadow was darkness, as if it was darkness itself, without the terrifying aura of suppressing all things, but anyone who saw it would know that this must be the master of darkness.

The figure and appearance of the black shadow slowly emerged. But Ji Shaoan had already passed out, leaning against the chair, but still breathing, and did not die. Strictly speaking, Ji Shaoan was just asleep.

Seeing the black shadow in front of him finally appearing, the Dark King finally descending, he Tian Qingsong was the first person to witness the Dark King, even he couldn't hide his excitement and ecstasy.

"I can finally witness this moment!!"

"King of Darkness! Hahahahaha, King of Darkness!! The world will turn a new page, and magic will be replaced by darkness!!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha......"

Slowly, Tian Qingsong's face turned pale, without a trace of blood, as if he had seen something unbelievable.

"No...it's impossible!!"

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