Full-time Summoner

Chapter 249: That Country

Location, Acropolis, Athens, Greece. Greece, located in the southeast corner of Europe, is a moderately powerful country. But such a country with medium national strength has a pivotal position in the world. Because the Parthenon is in Greece.

The Parthenon has a rectangular shape. There are front hall, main hall and apse in the temple, as well as some later buildings for living. There is a mountain in the temple, the Parthenon is the most worshiped, and the revered saint lives on the mountain.

Asha Ruiya, now the only saint of the Parthenon Temple, the only candidate for the next goddess. In addition, she is the adopted daughter of the former saint Wentai, and she was loved by the whole of Greece since she was born. In the eyes of the Greeks, she is the most holy little angel.

It's just that Asharuya is sitting on the recliner now, with her legs crossed, a small white slipper dangling from her toes, and she is attracted by the slipper to slowly look at her straight and thin legs.

Asharuya doesn't like to wear those cumbersome saintess costumes, she likes to wear relaxed, loose white skirts with exposed arms, calves, and collarbones.

Asharuya sat on the recliner and looked at the documents, and picked up the crystal clear, round and plump grapes next to her with her fingers very skillfully, put them into her red lips and took a bite.

As a saint, Asharuya has a lot to deal with, and Asharuya is still the person behind the control of a mysterious intelligence organization. This organization was originally established by Shengzi Wentai to protect the Parthenon Temple. After Zi Wentai's death, his adopted daughter Asha Ruiya took over.

It has been developed by Asharuya, and now it not only provides the information needed by the Parthenon Temple, but also the world's top intelligence organization. So she needs to read a lot of intelligence documents every day and make decisions.

"It seems that the old man is still obsessed with the black dragon. We need to find a chance to kill him."

Pa, Asharuya threw away the documents in her hands. There are too many troublesome things in this world, and it is difficult for even a saint to enjoy a moment of tranquility.

"Hey, is there anything interesting..."

Suddenly, before Asharuya finished speaking, the mysterious power in her body sensed something.


call! Asharuya stood up suddenly and looked to the east. She knew what it was, and she knew even more what the power in her body meant. Although there was no shocking aura, even the Forbidden Curse Mage couldn't detect it. But she is different, because this is similar to the induction of the same source.

It's just that it's above her, far beyond her. Homologous, but hostile, is something else.

"This is another dark king, but it is impossible for the dark king to come to this world."

This is not something that deceives ghosts such as avatars and projections. Asharuya knows that this is the Dark King himself, there is no doubt about it, this feeling is the only time she felt it.

If the Dark King could come, this world would be gone long ago. If the Dark King's will could come to this world, then her identity would become meaningless. She is the spokesperson, the spokesperson of the King of Darkness. Asharuya does not agree with her adoptive father Wentai. In the end, Asharuya gave up the power of light, gained the power of darkness, and became the spokesperson of the King of Darkness in the world.

So Asharuya knows that there is more than one Dark King in the dark plane, and there may be as many as eight in total. Because the king of darkness does not mean the king of the dark plane, but strength. Just like being the king of a country, you can be king yourself, but it doesn't make sense.

Asharuya clearly felt that in the most mysterious country, a certain dark king's true self had indeed descended.

"Tsk, it happens to be that country."

Asha Ruiya bit her thumbnail, and now she can't wait to arrange a plane to fly to find out. However, it is the country that makes her dare not act rashly.

Even now, the United States has the largest number of mages, the largest number of forbidden spell mages and super mages, and has the Holy City behind it. There are hundreds of peerless monsters such as the nine-tailed demon fox, the slippery ghost, the Jiutun boy, the soil spider, and the two girls, etc., and there is Japan called the Onmyoji. She, Asharuya, dares to walk sideways, just because she is Pat Virgin of the Temple of Saturn.

Even the Five Continents Magic Association would treat her as a guest of honor.

But not that country.

That country has always existed since the time when human beings did not know magic, did not have the concept of magic, and this kind of power, when it was in the wild.

From the very beginning when human beings were just food for demons and were slaughtered by humans, to the prehistoric era when they were attached to the mysterious totem beasts, to the era of mass extinction when they experienced the most chaotic world war, and then to the magic that humans possessed and the totem beasts disappeared. era. Then to modern times.

Countries all over the world have changed crop after crop, even monsters have been extinct. I don’t know how many types, and I don’t know how many new monsters have been born. Players on the gaming table named "World" come and go, come and go They came and went, but that country was always sitting on the chair, the only difference was that the opponent changed.

The United States, which is now known as the strongest in the world, has only been established for more than two hundred years.

Asha Ruiya is the so-called intelligence leader, because the more she knows, the more hesitant she is.

The top of Huashan Mountain, the Mystery of Kunlun, the Forbidden City, the mysterious totem beast, the alien insect mother, the Tropic of Cancer, the water of the Shenmu well, and the evil abyss, these places are all taboo, not only these places are extremely dangerous in themselves, but also in the So there are some secrets hidden behind these places, even Asharuya doesn't know, there are only some rumors, but these groundless news may not be without reason, which is even more frightening.

But there are some things she knows clearly. Decades ago, the war on the Tropic of Cancer was not only participated by the Holy City, but the Holy City took the lead. And North American countries, as well as India, Vietnam, Japan, and South Korea all participated in the war, because the things involved behind that incident are too wide and too big.

As a result, even if that country also suffered heavy casualties and its national strength declined, it still stood firm. The result in exchange was that all the archangels in the Holy City fell, and the angels were re-elected as angels. Astraea in other countries did not know, but the title knight of the Knights' Hall of the Parthenon once became history.

That country has always been shouldering some things and has always been low-key, but if it touches the bottom line, even Asharuya's status as a saint may never return.

It's like adults watching children fighting, you fight for your children's king, as an adult, I have already started to think about supporting my family, food, rice, oil and salt. Everyone sees things differently and shoulders responsibilities differently.

Asha Ruiya didn't know if this matter was something she didn't know, and she didn't dare to touch it easily.

"What are you doing, it happened to be the period after the incident in the dark plane. I originally wanted to find time to go to Shayuan to find out."

Because of her special status, Asharuya originally wanted to investigate something in the land of the dead in the ancient capital.

But when this happened now, she had to postpone the time, and she couldn't use the identity of the saint to investigate, which added a lot of trouble to her.


Just when Asha Ruiya was still considering whether to fight or not, her face suddenly became extremely pale, her eyes were straightened, she kept talking to herself, she was startled and frightened, and her legs were shaking. Trembling uncontrollably.

"Is the end of the world coming..."

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