Full-time Summoner

Chapter 250 Appearance

The huge black wings behind Zhang Ning were scattered, and no one could fly high in front of the Dark King. Even if Zhang Ning hadn't entered the medicine field yet, he couldn't just get close. Like confiscation, it disappeared completely uncontrollably.

Even the shadow star in Zhang Ning's body became uncontrollable. You know, Zhang Ning's Shadow Department is a major, and now she is like a newly awakened mage, who can't even control the stars.

Zhang Ning pulled Zhaolang and fell from the air. Fortunately, the two were agile and Zhaolang used the fire system to land safely.

Zhao Lang couldn't feel it, he didn't even know what happened, but he had known Zhang Ning for more than 20 years, and it was the first time he saw such a frightened expression on her face.

If you insist on describing it, it's like seeing the end of the world coming.

However, Zhang Ning immediately bit the tip of his tongue and forced himself to calm down. Now Zhaolang no longer has the strength to take him away from the Hall of Assassins, and Zhang Ning is not the same killer who knew how to accept tasks, do tasks, and practice every day. The number one killer in the palace, she now has another identity.

Even if the Dark King stands in front of her today, she still has to protect her son.

With a word of "mother" as a reward, he unscrupulously demanded everything, and with a word of "mother" as a shackle, he gave everything without reservation.

Zhaolang saw a trace of blood dripping from the corner of Zhang Ning's mouth, showing a resolute expression. The only time Zhaolang saw Zhang Ning's expression was in the battle back then, when he and Zhang Ning faced thousands of troops and millions of monsters. , to go to life and death together.

And because of that time, Zhaolang himself lost his cultivation base, leaving only two magic systems and an intermediate cultivation base, and he even lost his most important natural talent.

Zhao Lang didn't ask Zhang Ning what happened, because they had already connected with each other, even if they didn't know the specifics, they knew that something terrible must have happened.

The two had just entered the passage, and before they had time to enter the storage hall, time was stopped.


Gulu Gulu, the black corpse water suddenly bubbled. At this time, Tian Qingsong was still in ecstasy. The King of Darkness finally came. Tian Qingsong looked at the blurry and gradually clear black shadow, looking crazy.

"I can finally witness this moment!!"

"King of Darkness! Hahahahaha, King of Darkness!! The world will turn a new page, and magic will be replaced by darkness!!"

With a pop, Zhaohua in the black corpse water crawled out of the black corpse water with all his remaining strength.

Zhaohua didn't die, the flesh and blood that exploded in the Black Corpse Water was done on purpose by himself, I knew that I couldn't let the blood of the cursed beast continue to fill my body, so he made an extremely bold decision.

Continue to use Tianyan's power, and concentrate the power on the inner body, causing his body to collapse, causing blood vessels, muscles and even internal organs to be burned, causing massive bleeding, and directly blasting the whole body of blood out of the body.

Now that Zhaohua is still alive, it really depends on the vitality of the little Fengcan and Tianyan. Zhaohua sighed once again, this fifth magic of the summoning system is really abnormal, it is strange that he is not dead in this situation, but he forcibly relies on two fifth magics, sharing vitality to support himself.

Zhaohua's current bodily functions are maintained entirely by magic energy. Xiaofengcan and Tianyan use these two magics to send their lives to Zhaohua to hang their lives. The reason why Zhaohua dared to gamble so much is because he has confidence. Because Zhaohua and Zhang Ning are here.

After the blood from his whole body was blown out, Zhaohua seemed to have a little bit of strength, as if he had returned to light. He didn't know whether it was because the blood in his body was reduced, making his body lighter, or because the vitality of Xiaofengcan and Tianyan gave him a little bit of strength.

"Shaodu! I'm not dead! Wake up!"

Zhaohua rushed to the chair. Although his eyesight had deteriorated a lot, he could still see when he got close, just like deep myopia.

But no matter how much Zhaohua shakes Ji Shao, she is still asleep. The only thing to be thankful for is that Ji Shaohan is still alive, it doesn’t seem like she was taken out of her soul and then died. Zhaohua feels that Ji Shaohan is normal. It seems that her soul is not connected with the Dark King.

"How.. No! How is it possible! How could this happen!!!"

Zhaohua was startled, he knew he was not out of crisis yet, he could only hope that his parents would come with helpers, the Tianqingsong was still there. However, from the tone of Zhaohua's voice, it seemed that there was something out of Tian Qingsong's imagination.

There was surprise, disbelief, and even panic in Tian Qingsong's tone. It's hard for Zhaohua to imagine, a person who is not even afraid of the end of the world, what else should he be afraid of?

Zhaohua looked at the black shadow in midair, because of vision problems, he could only see a blurry black shadow in midair. Zhaohua also can't feel the aura of the Dark King, because Zhaohua doesn't have a black magic system.

In fact, Tian Qingsong can't feel it, because the level of the Dark King is completely different, just like two creatures of different dimensions. The gap in strength is too large, and you can't even feel the existence of the Dark King. You can't even perceive the level, but Tian Qingsong is more sure.

Zhaohua looked at the sky-green pine not far away, and now he was sitting on the ground, mumbling something like 'impossible' and 'why'.

Obviously the King of Darkness has come, what exactly did he see! ?

"Impossible, impossible, who are you!!" Tian Qingsong roared at the Dark King who had fully revealed his face in mid-air.

In a black skirt, a pair of white jade-like feet were exposed. No one stipulated that the King of Darkness cannot be in the form of a woman, and Tian Qingsong naturally knew that Queen Manzhushahua also existed in the Darkness Plane.

However, what broke Tian Qingsong was the appearance of the Dark King. Except for short hair and different earrings, the Dark King looks exactly the same as Ji Shaohan, there is no slight difference.

The Dark King has an appearance, just like other creatures in the dark plane, whipping evil spirits, shadow elders, shadow guards, shadow torturers, dark demon guards, and Queen Manjushahua, they just live In the dark plane, they are also creatures, and naturally have their own appearance characteristics, each of which is different.

Tian Qingsong didn't believe that the Dark King transformed into Ji Shaoan's appearance, for such an existence, there was no need to hide his own appearance, who could threaten such an existence. There is no doubt that this is what it is.

What made Tian Qingsong collapse was why she looked like that girl!

If it is only similar, then Tian Qingsong will only be surprised, but if they are the same, the meaning is completely different. If the appearance is the same, what is hidden behind it is what makes Tian Qingsong completely collapse.

Why choose Ji Shaohan as a boarding house? If it is different in appearance, it may be because of Ji Shaohan's talent and darkness, because of her disability, or even because of chance or luck. However, it has changed now, this reason has a deeper meaning, which Tian Qingsong does not know.

Why must Zhaohua be killed. Because of what his father did back then? Because his grandfather broke the rules of the plane? It should have been such a guess, because Zhaohua's previous two parents were people who saved the world, and he has invincible luck, which represents hope.

However, it seems that this is not the only reason why it is different now because of this appearance.

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