Full-time Summoner

Chapter 252 The Second

"Do you want to see him again?"

A man's voice suddenly came to Ji Shaohan's ears, and there was a hint of playfulness in his low voice.

It's just that Ji Shao ignored the voice, still looking at the gray tombstone. Maybe it was enough crying, or maybe he was tired, Ji Shaohan didn't do anything this time, he just stared at the tombstone.

On this day, the Observatory issued a warning that an inexplicable cyclone appeared over the city, and it would not disperse, and a large area of ​​heavy rain was likely to occur. But on the other hand, astronomy experts are caught in a frantic discussion.

Because this cyclone and dark clouds completely violated the common sense of science and appeared inexplicably. Not only did they appear suddenly without any signs, but after they appeared, there was neither wind nor rain. The shape was even more strange, like a sun umbrella Same.

It seems that the appearance of this cyclone is used to block the scorching sun.

After a day and a night passed, the country and even the United Nations sent investigators to investigate, to find out what was going on, but no investigator came in the cemetery.

I don't know if it was because they were afraid of unlucky things, or were blocked by some force. As a result, no one took the initiative to enter the cemetery area, and they all planned to leave the cemetery as the last to enter.

Sha, Ji Shaoan gently wiped the photos on the tombstone with his fingers, as if he was stroking his lover's skin.

In the past two months, Ji Shaohan has not said a word, as if he has returned to the past. Not talking has any effect on her, hasn't she been like this for sixteen years.

The male voice from the day before didn't appear again, as if he chose to leave because he didn't get a response.

Sha, Ji Shao withdrew his jade hand, the whites of his eyes disappeared, turning into darkness, which became extremely strange and terrifying.

There are thousands of stars in the sky, the Big Dipper being the most.

Tianshu (Tianshu), Tianxuan (Giant Gate), Tianji (Lucun), Tianquan (Wenqu), Yuheng (Lianzhen), Kaiyang (Wuqu), and Yaoguang (Breaking the Army) are composed of seven stars. The Big Dipper stars are shining brightly. If there are full-time mage fans who see the Big Dipper in the sky at this moment, they will find that the shape of the seven stars is like scooping wine, which is a bit like the star trails in magic.

The Big Dipper is a ruler used by people in ancient times to determine directions, seasons, and hours. The Big Dipper will appear in different directions in the sky in different seasons and nights at different times, so people in ancient times decided the seasons according to the direction the dipper handle pointed at the beginning of twilight.

When the handle points to the east, it is spring; when the handle points to the west, it is summer; when the handle points to the north, it is winter.

The Big Dipper has been a symbol of guidance and guidance for the lost since ancient times.

Take the seven stars as stars, the universe as magic energy, and the Big Dipper as guidance.

Rumble! ! ! An earthquake, a sudden earthquake, an earthquake that even the Seismological Bureau cannot detect in advance.

In the dark place in front of Ji Shaoan, a strange door rose slowly from the shadow. The earthquake was caused by this magic door, and Ji Shaoan summoned the magic door.

The Demon Gate is composed of two huge stone pillars. Various monsters and ghosts are depicted on the stone pillars, or they should not be described as depictions, because these carved ghosts are more like living things, and they may break through the seal of the stone pillars at any time.

There is a huge grimace on the lintel at the top of the stone pillar. The grimace closed its eyes and moved its mouth a few times, as if it wanted to speak but dared not.

If someone has ever summoned the Demon Gate, they must know that this grimace is alive, it is in charge of the Demon Gate, it is like a gatekeeper, and it is also an extreme chatter, giving people the feeling that if they do not speak, they will die. But now he closes his eyes and shuts his mouth, and doesn't say a word.

How dare it speak, because it was the one who tempted Ji Shaohan a day ago, and the one who asked Ji Shaohan if he wanted to see Zhaohua again was the grimace of the gatekeeper of the demon gate. Doesn't it expose itself when it speaks? It doesn't want to be killed.

How could it have thought that Ji Shaoan would summon the Demon Gate by himself, this is outrageous, isn't it! ! It was supposed to be picked up by itself, but now such a situation happened suddenly, it was too scared to say a word.

Endless darkness, without a ray of light, the other side of the magic gate is not heaven, but hell. Before entering the magic gate, you can feel the ominous feeling coming from inside.

But Ji Shao didn't say a word, didn't hesitate for a moment, stepped into the magic gate and disappeared.

After seeing Ji Shaoan disappear, the Demon Gate began to sink into darkness, Grimace opened his eyes, and took a deep breath, it had been holding back too hard just now.

"I'm going, I'm scared to death. What the hell, why can I be summoned directly from the darkness. She has become the king of darkness? No, she doesn't even have any magic power. Oh my god, it's terrible I really deserved to be the person who is destined to become the King of Darkness, and I can summon the Dark Demon Gate before this is accomplished, and if she succeeds, it will turn the world upside down."

"Don't ask me to do something like this next time. It's too scary, and ghosts have ghost powers!"

As the magic gate sank into the darkness, Grimace complained: "Hey hey, no one can stop it. These two worlds will eventually sink into darkness."

The dream also ends here.

But after Zhaohua woke up, the details in the dream began to be slowly forgotten. This is impossible. It is impossible to remember the huge memory of sixteen years. Vague probably.

Zhaohua looked at Ji Shaoan in front of him, he could no longer imagine how human beings could survive in the dark plane, and at that time Ji Shaoan probably didn't even have magic power, yet he got the strength of the Dark King step by step.

Zhaohua didn't know that the King of Darkness couldn't stay in this world, and creatures between planes couldn't survive with each other. There are two reasons for this.

The first one is the environmental problem, like in the dark plane, the creatures there are born in the dark and cannot survive in the sun, they will not be destroyed by the sun, they just don’t like, hate, and in the In this world, dark creatures cannot continue to cultivate and become stronger. This requires mages to use magic energy or other things to maintain and create a bad environment. However, the Summoning Plane has a similar environment and does not have this problem.

The more important reason is the problem of repelling different planes.

Ji Shao also stared at Zhaohua, not letting go of every minute. Zhaohua read the emotion of reluctance in his eyes, which made his heart sink, and he felt that the matter was not over yet.

Weng! as expected. Just as Zhaohua guessed, Ji Shaohan, who already has the strength of the Dark King, doesn't need to be so anxious, she should have a lot of time, and the facts have proved that she actually doesn't have time.

The Demon Gate appeared again, but the difference was that this time the Demon Gate was even bigger than the one summoned by Ji Shaohan using the Seven Stars.

In Greece, in the temple of the Parthenon, the previous goddess Yizhisha, who was supposed to die and lay in the ice coffin, trembled slightly with her eyelashes.


Asharuya felt it, she didn't feel the appearance of the magic gate, but felt the second dark king, which made her collapse, because she knew the breath of the dark king.

Unlike Ji Shaoan, Ji Shaoan's aura is not among the dark kings that Asharuya knows, it seems to have popped up suddenly, but the second one is a real existence.

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