Full-time Summoner

Chapter 253: Gluttonous Feast

"Oh, oh, I'm going, how long has it been since I was called out last time?"

The Demon Gate is huge, about 100 meters high, and 30 meters wide. The stone pillars on both sides are very clear, and every monster and ghost is very clear. This time, it is more clearly visible than Ji Shaohan's time. Even the faint eyes and half-smiling faces of some monsters I can see it very clearly.

And this time the grimaces on the lintel were even more vivid, and the flirtatious words on the lips never stopped.

"Huh? Your kid hasn't been stopped by time?"

In fact, time is not something illusory. As long as we think about it carefully, a year is just a circle around the sun, and a day is a circle by itself. Time is just a definition, and its essence is actually movement.

When something moves, it is a year, a day, and a second. To stop time is just to force all surrounding creatures, non-living things, including mana, to stop, that is to stop time.

The passage of time is the normal movement, and the time reversal is the movement backwards according to the normal direction. Of course, even the Forbidden Curse Mage couldn't do such a mighty power. Now all the objects in the entire forest park are still, and even the sound system of Tianqingbai cannot be detected.

Unlike the appearance of Ji Shaoan in another world, this time the dark power is much larger, especially the appearance of the magic gate, many powerful mages can feel the strangeness.

The clearest among them is Asha Ruiya, the spokesperson of the Dark King.

Asharuya's body couldn't help shaking because of fear, because of understanding, so fear. The appearance of Ji Shaohan was like a dark king who didn't exist, she just knew it was scary but it wasn't enough to make her tremble.

But now the aura revealed in this magic door is clearly another one! And Asharuya also knows that a big battle broke out not long before the dark plane, which almost affected the entire dark plane, involving the forces of several dark kings.

Asha Ruiya is going to investigate the ancient capital to investigate the cause and clues of the war. Because the Dark King behind Asharuya knows that the cause may be related to that mysterious country.

"At first I thought it was Sha Yuan from the ancient capital, but I didn't expect it to be because of this."

Asharuya's teeth are almost broken. She became the spokesperson of the Dark King not for power, but for knowing the movements of the dark plane. To put it more grandly, it can be understood as being an undercover agent in the dark plane.

For other planes, other worlds are full of fat, full of resources, who doesn't want it. The dark plane has sent troops to it several times, and there are entrances in Egypt, India and other places.

It's just that they all failed, and the main reason was because the Dark King couldn't get out, even with a combat power like Mandosahua, so how could he win the fight? It was just a trial.

Later, the result is black magic. You give magic energy to the dark plane, and the plane gives you power, so as to obtain resources.

Now Asharuya finally understands why the conflict broke out, because the first unknown king of darkness. From Asharuya's feeling, if the second Dark King is compared with the first one, it is like the difference between the essence and the remnant.

"Damn! It turns out that those guys are fighting for the soul of the Dark King! If this continues, the balance of the dark plane will be broken, and then the world will..." Asharuya couldn't help but swear.

There are many kings in the dark plane, and the result is naturally a state of separatism. If they are really unified, then their own plane must be the next target, and it will really be the end of the world by then.

Back to the forest park side, after the magic door came out, Ji Shaohan in another world seemed to be unable to feel it. Yushou was always feeling the warm body temperature, and she knew her future very well.

Gulu Gulu, the darkness inside the magic gate is like boiling water, with bubbles coming out, and black things come out, those are black hands, those hands are formed by the resentment, hatred, anger, Despair, sadness and other emotions, it can even be said that these negative emotions are the dark plane itself, and those black hands represent the power of the dark plane.

Bababa, countless black hands grabbed Ji Shaohan's limbs, pulled his hair, pinched his neck tightly, and covered his mouth. Countless negative emotions rushed into his heart, but even so, Ji Shaohan from another world still watched affectionately. , neither broke out with a strong force to resist, nor shouted, as if he knew his own consequences, and he was calm as if he was mentally prepared.

Grab it, Zhaohua grabs Ji Shaoan's hand subconsciously, don't care about Ji Shaoan in that world, I won't let you take her away!

"Huh? Why can you move?" Grimace was still whirling and complaining, doing a one-man show by himself, and didn't realize Zhaohua's existence for a while.

Grimace approached from a height of 100 meters, narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhaohua's face seriously, then suddenly his grimace changed drastically, and he said in great surprise: "So it's you, aren't you the one in the prophecy? So that's the case, no wonder she is here After the Great War, I chose to live in this world, enduring loneliness and wandering for millions of years, just to see you. Are you stupid!"

"Damn it, the sixth guy went to pick up someone last time, and he has been silent since he came back. You must ask him carefully when you go back."

"But it's really strange. Logically, you should die at the age of sixteen. Why?"

"It's strange, it's strange. According to the prophecy, you should die, and that girl should also become the King of Darkness. Why is this happening?"

"That's weird."

How could Zhaohua have the time to analyze what this big grimace said now, no matter how hard Zhaohua tried, he couldn't keep Ji Shao silent, and could only watch her being pulled into the magic gate.

"Give up, this is the power of the plane, don't say you are a small middle-level, even your human Forbidden Curse Mage can't do anything."

How could the dark plane only have such a little power? It was only revealed because Ji Shaohan didn't resist. This is a power that even the Dark King can't escape.

The Dark Plane has its own rules. Creatures like the King of Darkness who have powerful dark power will never be let go by the plane. If a Dark King is released, the power of the entire Dark Plane will drop by one point. let's go.

"Let go quickly, otherwise if you are also dragged into the dark plane, those gluttons behind the door will share the food with you."

The soul of a dark king, what this represents is self-evident. Not to mention the level of the Dark King, even the souls of monarchs and emperors will cause all parties to scramble for the soul of the Dark King, and the whole world will go crazy.

Zhaohua's veins were exposed, and he gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "I won't let you take her away!"

Xingzi appeared, a total of forty-nine moon-colored Xingzi, forty-nine Xingzi gathered into a seal, printed on the contract written by magic energy, summoning middle-level magic, contract summoning.

The contract was completed easily, and Zhaohua actually signed a contract summon with the Dark King!

"Oh, you're pretty smart. You know that you must use the power of the plane to fight against the power of the plane. Yes, your summoning contract is indeed a kind of power of the plane. It is essentially the same as the power of the summoning plane. A deal was reached. Unfortunately, you just leave a mark, when the contract is broken, you will be backlashed, why are you so stupid..."

This is just wishful thinking, not to mention that it is impossible for a Dark King of this level to become a summoned beast, and dark creatures belong to the dark plane. Your contract for summoning the plane is beyond the boundary, and the contract cannot be established at all.

In addition, the power of the plane is also divided into big and small. The moonlight and star map behind Zhaohua is weak and vulnerable, even those dark hands can kill Zhaohua with a flick of their fingers, but they dare not do so. If Zhaohua dies, no one can bear the death of Ji Shao. result.

Boom, Ji Shaohan's body has been dragged into the magic gate, and the magic gate began to sink into darkness, everything has become a foregone conclusion, Zhaohua is powerless to recover.

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