Full-time Summoner

Chapter 309 The Yellow Sand Monster Beast Tribe

"No! It's an attack! A demon!?"

Zhaohua felt a little relaxed, this is not a safe zone, this is a demon zone! They now live in the wild without protection.

Although it is said that there are troops stationed here, protected by ancient rock walls, and protected by mysterious powers to keep monsters from approaching, but if these things are useful, the ancient kingdom of Loulan will not disappear.

In this magical world, it is normal for monsters to attack human cities. Although it does not happen very often, it is not so rare. It wasn't the demonic wolf tribe's attack that made the whole world angry about the Bo city incident, but the demonic wolf tribe, which was far away and not very aggressive towards human cities, attacked Bo city with all their strength.

This is equivalent to the practice of dying together, and normal demon tribes would not do this, so Sa Lang's behavior makes people angry.

kindness! ?

"Steel rock wall shield!"

Zhaohua's wind perception sensed something flying over.

With a bang, a huge rock was knocked away from midair in a parabola, and the huge rock was thrown by something. The room where Zhaohua was was happened to be near the window, and the third floor was outside.

With a bang, a rock with a diameter of three meters flew from the window and shattered the room. Fortunately, the steel rock wall shield was still strong and blocked the boulder.

"Zhaohua! Are you okay!"

The room next to Zhaohua's room was Deng Le's room. Hearing such a big commotion, Deng Le ran over immediately and saw that the whole room was smashed into pieces by huge rocks.

"Go! Go out first."

As soon as Zhaohua finished speaking, a siren sounded, which was the siren sound of a monster attacking. This is a sub-safety area and a wild area, so there will be no color distinction. This is equivalent to a place outside the border, which belongs to monsters. It is normal for monsters to attack.

Zhaohua grabbed a coat and ran outside. It was difficult to use magic while hiding in the building, and the vision was poor.

Zhang Yuan and others were outside the inn, ready to fight.

There is no protective barrier here, you can only rely on yourself.

Roar! ! ! !

Zhaohua saw that there were monsters climbing up the rocky city wall. Although there was magic blocking them, there were monsters in all directions, and they couldn't stop the monsters at all.

Zhang Yuan said: "It's the Yellow Sand Monster Beast Tribe. Their territory should not be in this area. How could this be?"

It looks like a lizard, but with exaggerated limbs, long hands and long legs, its mouth occupies half of its body, it has a tail, and its body is covered with gravel. It is good at drilling into the desert, and it is a common slave monster in the desert.

There is no special demon skill, but because he has lived in the desert for a long time, and his hands and feet are long, the speed of running and climbing in the sand is even faster than the mage using the wind track in the desert.

Whoosh! ! ! In addition to the yellow sand monsters crawling over from the rock city wall, countless rocks could also be seen flying from the back door, which is the direction of the Shisanyang Tomb.

They attacked Loulan New City indiscriminately, and Zhaohua's inn room was crushed by these rocks.


"Help!! Ah!!"

Boom! ! This is the case without the protection of the enchantment, and the monsters who encounter long-range attacks will do a lot of damage to the city.

"Pull the wire and chop!"

Whoosh! ! Zhaohua cut rocks into small pieces, but this is just a drop in the bucket. The most terrifying thing about monsters is that there are too many of them. Even if you burn out all the magic power, you can't kill a monster in a small corner.

Zhang Yuan said: "Gather at the obelisk first, Shanshan Li Guan should be in charge of the bell tower there."

There are underground shelters in Loulan New City. As long as there are shelters in cities, residents will go to the shelters. Along the way, Zhaohua and the others saw many yellow sand monsters enter the street, and they killed many of them, but they still couldn't solve it.

"Three tails! Thunder bear!"

The space watch in Zhaohua's hand flashed green and purple light, and two huge monsters appeared.

"Kill the yellow sand monsters in the city!"

Hiss! ! ! Ga ba ba ba ba ba! ! ! !

These two are also fierce beasts. They are not polite when they see the yellow sand monsters, especially the three tails. The strength of the warrior level makes them almost massacre among these slave monsters. With Sanwei around, Zhaohua wasn't worried about Lei Xiong either.

When Zhaohua and the others arrived, mages from other countries were already waiting, and Shanshan Li Guan was directing the army to counterattack. For a moment a magical light illuminated the evening sky. Make this full moon night not so monotonous.

Shan Shancai walked up to everyone and said, "It's the Yellow Sand Monster Beast Tribe, led by three golden behemoths at the commanding level."

Everyone looked at each other in surprise. There were actually three Commander-level monsters. Back then, only eight Commander-level insect kings attacked the entire Demon City, and only one Commander-level Wing Canglang killed Bo City. Now they attack one Three of them were dispatched in the new city under construction.

Shan Shancai said: "Our military will have high-ranking mages to deal with commander-level monsters, but there are too many warrior-level yellow sand monsters and servant-level yellow sand monsters, and it will take some time for the XJ frontier troops to arrive. "

Yakejie snorted and said: "We don't want to intervene in other countries' wars. We are just here to learn, and now I think the learning exchange will end early."

After Yakejie finished speaking, he walked towards the door.

Although what he said was correct, it was indeed shameful for a mage to turn around and run away without saying a word when encountering a monster attack. Mages are meant to be guardians.

However, Shan Shancai didn't say anything, mages should protect all human beings, and there should be no distinction between national boundaries.

"I...we don't bother anymore, we have done what we have to do."

"Yeah, it's useless for us to stay."

In fact, people from other countries have already failed to crack it, and they just want to get more cores of yellow sand slime if they don't leave. In this situation, it is the right way to sneak away.

"I will stay!"

"Mages shouldn't turn their backs on demons!"

"Me too."

Zhaohua and the others looked at the three brothers Liu Guan and Zhang in surprise. The strength of the three of them is the weakest. Even Zhang Fei's magic system is still at the beginning level. The three of them need to cooperate to win against the yellow sand slime. . The weakest is the strongest.

Shan Shancai couldn't help but said: "You should go with them, you don't need to do this."

Liu Bei said righteously: "Our country is relatively weak and is often attacked by monsters. It is the mages sent by your country to protect our homeland again and again. This time, it is our turn. It can also kill some monsters."

A Pakistani mage named Guan Yu said: "The mountains and rivers are in a different land, and the wind and the moon are in the same sky."

Zhang Fei nodded fiercely: "Yes, yes, yes. Although I don't know what it means, that's what it means."

Because of the monsters, the scene was so chaotic that even Zhaohua didn't notice that the girl with long curly hair named Mina didn't leave with her teammates. Instead, she suddenly used the shadow system in the middle and left the team , Hiding in the ancient city of Loulan, hiding in the dark, watching all this.

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